
James L. Alty

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39EEJames L. Alty, A. Al-Sharrah, N. Beacham: When humans form media and media form humans: An experimental study examining the effects different digital media have on the learning outcomes of students who have different learning styles. Interacting with Computers 18(5): 891-909 (2006)
38EEDimitris I. Rigas, James L. Alty: The rising pitch metaphor: an empirical study. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 62(1): 1-20 (2005)
37EEJames L. Alty, Dimitris I. Rigas: Exploring the use of structured musical stimuli to communicate simple diagrams: the role of context. Int. J. Hum.-Comput. Stud. 62(1): 21-40 (2005)
36EEPaul Vickers, James L. Alty: Musical program auralization: Empirical studies. TAP 2(4): 477-489 (2005)
35EEPaul Vickers, James L. Alty: Siren songs and swan songs debugging with music. Commun. ACM 46(7): 86-93 (2003)
34EEShuang-Hua Yang, James L. Alty: Development of a distributed simulator for control experiments through the Internet. Future Generation Comp. Syst. 18(5): 595-611 (2002)
33EEPaul Vickers, James L. Alty: Using music to communicate computing information. Interacting with Computers 14(5): 435-456 (2002)
32EEPaul Vickers, James L. Alty: Musical program auralisation: a structured approach to motif design. Interacting with Computers 14(5): 457-485 (2002)
31EEPaul Vickers, James L. Alty: When bugs sing. Interacting with Computers 14(6): 793-819 (2002)
30 Gianni Viano, Andrea Parodi, James L. Alty, Chris Khail, Inaki Angulo, Daniele Biglino, Michel Crampes, Christophe Vaudry, Veronique Daurensan, Philippe Lachaud: Adaptive User Interface for Process Control based on Multi Agent Approach. Advanced Visual Interfaces 2000: 201-204
29EEDimitrios I. Rigas, James L. Alty: Using Rising Pitch as a Communication Metaphor: An Empirical Investigation. EUROMICRO 2000: 2322-2331
28 Nicholas R. Jennings, Peyman Faratin, Timothy J. Norman, P. O'Brien, Brian Odgers, James L. Alty: Implementing a Business Process Management System Using ADEPT: A Real-World Case Study. Applied Artificial Intelligence 14(5): 421-463 (2000)
27 Tunu Miah, James L. Alty: Vanishing Windows - a technique for adaptive window management. Interacting with Computers 12(4): 337-355 (2000)
26 James L. Alty, Roger P. Knott, Ben Anderson, Michael Smyth: A framework for engineering metaphor at the user interface. Interacting with Computers 13(2): 301-322 (2000)
25 Tunu Miah, James L. Alty: Vanishing Windows: An Empirical Study of Adaptive Window Management. CADUI 1999: 171-184
24EEJames L. Alty, Adam Bridgen, Iain Duncumb, Johan Ebenhard, Per Ruottinen: MEMO: The Specification of a Hybrid System for Interactive Broadcast and Internet Access Using DAB and GSM. ECMAST 1999: 534-551
23EETunu Miah, James L. Alty: Vanishing windows: an approach to adaptive window management. Knowl.-Based Syst. 12(7): 381-389 (1999)
22 Dimitrios I. Rigas, James L. Alty: How Can Multimedia Designers Utilize Timbre? BCS HCI 1998: 273-286
21EEJames L. Alty, Dimitrios I. Rigas: Communicating Graphical Information to Blind Users Using Music: The Role of Context. CHI 1998: 574-581
20EEDimitrios I. Rigas, James L. Alty: Using Sound to Communicate Program Execution. EUROMICRO 1998: 20625-20632
19EEJames L. Alty, Dimitrios I. Rigas, Paul Vickers: Using Music as a Communication Medium. CHI Extended Abstracts 1997: 30-31
18EEDimitrios I. Rigas, James L. Alty, F. W. Long: Can music support interfaces to complex databases? EUROMICRO 1997: 78-
17EEKaren McKenzie Mills, James L. Alty: Investigating the Role of Redundancy in Multimodal Input Systems. Gesture Workshop 1997: 159-171
16 James L. Alty: Human Computer Interaction: The Year 2000 and Beyond. HCI (1) 1997: 193-196
15 Dimitrios I. Rigas, James L. Alty: The Use of Music in a Graphical Interface for the Visually Impaired. INTERACT 1997: 228-235
14 James L. Alty: Multimedia. The Computer Science and Engineering Handbook 1997: 1551-1570
13 David Williams, Iain Duncumb, James L. Alty: Matching Media to Goals: An Approach Based on Expressiveness. BCS HCI 1996: 333-347
12 Ben Anderson, James L. Alty: Everyday Theories, Cognitive Anthropology and User-centred System Design. BCS HCI 1995: 121-135
11 Michael Smyth, Ben Anderson, James L. Alty: Metaphor Reflections and a Tool for Thought. BCS HCI 1995: 137-150
10 James L. Alty: Can We Use Music in Computer-Human Communication?. BCS HCI 1995: 409-423
9 Michael Smyth, Ben Anderson, Roger P. Knott, James L. Alty: Reflections on the design of interface metaphors. INTERACT 1995: 339-345
8 Ben Anderson, Michael Smyth, Roger P. Knott, Marius Bergan, Julie Bergan, James L. Alty: Minimising Conceptual Baggage: Making Choices about Metaphor. BCS HCI 1994: 179-194
7 A. D. Bray, James L. Alty: Multiple Worlds: An Approach to Multimedia Resource Management Using Truth Maintenance. Interacting with Computers 6(2): 135-150 (1994)
6EEJames L. Alty, Marius Bergan, Penny Craufurd, Ciaran Dolphin: Experiments using multimedia interfaces in process control: Some initial results. Computers & Graphics 17(3): 205-218 (1993)
5 James L. Alty: The PROMISE Project: Providing Multi-Media Interfaces for Process Control. Wissensbasierte Systeme 1989: 464-476
4 M. J. Coombs, James L. Alty: Expert Systems: An Alternative Paradigm. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies 20(1): 21-43 (1984)
3 Alty F. Dawson, M. J. Coombs, James L. Alty: How to Improve Computer Advisory Services. Softw., Pract. Exper. 12(9): 857-877 (1982)
2 James L. Alty, M. J. Coombs: University Computing Advisory Services: The Study of the Man-Computer Interface. Softw., Pract. Exper. 10(11): 919-934 (1980)
1 Donald R. Innes, S. H. Leong, M. D. Langfield, James L. Alty: Experience of a Departmental Computer Support Network. GI Jahrestagung 1975: 297-309

Coauthor Index

1A. Al-Sharrah [39]
2Ben Anderson [8] [9] [11] [12] [26]
3Inaki Angulo [30]
4N. Beacham [39]
5Julie Bergan [8]
6Marius Bergan [6] [8]
7Daniele Biglino [30]
8A. D. Bray [7]
9Adam Bridgen [24]
10M. J. Coombs [2] [3] [4]
11Michel Crampes [30]
12Penny Craufurd [6]
13Veronique Daurensan [30]
14Alty F. Dawson [3]
15Ciaran Dolphin [6]
16Iain Duncumb [13] [24]
17Johan Ebenhard [24]
18Peyman Faratin [28]
19Donald R. Innes [1]
20Nicholas R. Jennings (Nick R. Jennings) [28]
21Chris Khail [30]
22Roger P. Knott [8] [9] [26]
23Philippe Lachaud [30]
24M. D. Langfield [1]
25S. H. Leong [1]
26F. W. Long [18]
27Tunu Miah [23] [25] [27]
28Karen McKenzie Mills [17]
29Timothy J. Norman [28]
30P. O'Brien [28]
31Brian Odgers [28]
32Andrea Parodi [30]
33Dimitris I. Rigas (Dimitrios I. Rigas) [15] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [29] [37] [38]
34Per Ruottinen [24]
35Michael Smyth [8] [9] [11] [26]
36Christophe Vaudry [30]
37Gianni Viano [30]
38Paul Vickers [19] [31] [32] [33] [35] [36]
39David Williams [13]
40Shuang-Hua Yang [34]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)