
Fernando Gamboa Rodríguez

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4EEIldikó Pelczer, Fernando Gamboa Rodríguez: Design of a System for Automated Generation of Problem Fields. Intelligent Tutoring Systems 2008: 763-765
3EEFernando Gamboa Rodríguez, José Luis Pérez-Silva, Felipe Lara-Rosano, Francisco Cabiedes Contreras, Andrea I. Miranda Vitela: Creating a High School Physics Video-Based Laboratory. IEEE MultiMedia 8(3): 78-86 (2001)
2 Fernando Gamboa Rodríguez, José Luis Pérez-Silva, Felipe Lara-Rosano, Francisco Cabiedes Contreras, Andrea I. Miranda Vitela: A student centered methodology for the development of a physics video based laboratory. Interacting with Computers 13(5): 527-548 (2001)
1 Fernando Gamboa Rodríguez, Dominique L. Scapin: Editing MAD* task descriptions for specifying user interfaces, at both semantic and presentation levels. DSV-IS 1997: 193-208

Coauthor Index

1Francisco Cabiedes Contreras [2] [3]
2Felipe Lara-Rosano [2] [3]
3Ildikó Pelczer [4]
4José Luis Pérez-Silva [2] [3]
5Dominique L. Scapin [1]
6Andrea I. Miranda Vitela [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)