
Dan Zhao

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16EEDan Zhao, Xiangdong Wang, Yueliang Qian, Qun Liu, Shouxun Lin: Fast commercial detection based on audio retrieval. ICME 2008: 1185-1188
15EEWeiya Guo, Zhenhua Li, Dan Zhao, Tim Wong: A K-Nearest-Neighbors Pareto Rank Assignment Strategy and Compound Crossover Operator Based NSGA-II and Its Applications on Multi-objective Optimization Functions. ISICA 2008: 142-151
14EETianyang Wang, Zhiyi Fang, Lianyu Zhao, Dan Zhao, Peng Xu, Jin Liu: Implementation of Collaborative Control in Supply Chain Management by Using DA and Workflow Technology. ITNG 2008: 303-308
13EEDan Zhao, Yi Wang: SD-MAC: Design and Synthesis of a Hardware-Efficient Collision-Free QoS-Aware MAC Protocol for Wireless Network-on-Chip. IEEE Trans. Computers 57(9): 1230-1245 (2008)
12EEDan Zhao, Yi Wang: MTNet: Design of a Wireless Test Framework for Heterogeneous Nanometer Systems-on-Chip. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 16(8): 1046-1057 (2008)
11EEDan Zhao, Unni Chandran, Hideo Fujiwara: Shelf Packing to the Design and Optimization of A Power-Aware Multi-Frequency Wrapper Architecture for Modular IP Cores. ASP-DAC 2007: 714-719
10EEYi Wang, Dan Zhao: The design and synthesis of a synchronous and distributed MAC protocol for wireless network-on-chip. ICCAD 2007: 612-617
9EEYi Wang, Dan Zhao: Design and Implementation of Routing Scheme for Wireless Network-on-Chip. ISCAS 2007: 1357-1360
8EEDan Zhao, Ronghua Huang, Tomokazu Yoneda, Hideo Fujiwara: Power-Aware Multi-Frequency Heterogeneous SoC Test Framework Design with Floor-Ceiling Packing. ISCAS 2007: 2942-2945
7EEDan Zhao, John Mylopoulos, Iluju Kiringa, Verena Kantere: An ECA Rule Rewriting Mechanism for Peer Data Management Systems. EDBT 2006: 1069-1078
6EEDan Zhao, Shambhu J. Upadhyaya, Martin Margala: Design of a wireless test control network with radio-on-chip technology for nanometer system-on-a-chip. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 25(7): 1411-1418 (2006)
5EEDan Zhao, Shambhu J. Upadhyaya: Dynamically partitioned test scheduling with adaptive TAM configuration for power-constrained SoC testing. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 24(6): 956-965 (2005)
4EEDan Zhao, Shambhu J. Upadhyaya, Martin Margala: Control Constrained Resource Partitioning for Complex SoCs. DFT 2003: 425-432
3EEDan Zhao, Shambhu J. Upadhyaya: Power Constrained Test Scheduling with Dynamically Varied TAM. VTS 2003: 273-278
2EEDan Zhao, Shambhu J. Upadhyaya, Martin Margala: Minimizing concurrent test time in SoC's by balancing resource usage. ACM Great Lakes Symposium on VLSI 2002: 77-82
1EEDan Zhao, Shambhu J. Upadhyaya: Adaptive Test Scheduling in SoC's by Dynamic Partitioning. DFT 2002: 334-344

Coauthor Index

1Unni Chandran [11]
2Zhiyi Fang [14]
3Hideo Fujiwara [8] [11]
4Weiya Guo [15]
5Ronghua Huang [8]
6Verena Kantere (Vasiliki Kantere) [7]
7Iluju Kiringa [7]
8Zhenhua Li [15]
9Shouxun Lin [16]
10Jin Liu [14]
11Qun Liu [16]
12Martin Margala [2] [4] [6]
13John Mylopoulos [7]
14Yueliang Qian [16]
15Shambhu J. Upadhyaya [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
16Tianyang Wang [14]
17Xiangdong Wang [16]
18Yi Wang [9] [10] [12] [13]
19Tim Wong [15]
20Peng Xu [14]
21Tomokazu Yoneda [8]
22Lianyu Zhao [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)