
Aysu Betin-Can

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10EEAysu Betin-Can, Tevfik Bultan, Mikael Lindvall, Benjamin Lux, Stefan Topp: Eliminating synchronization faults in air traffic control software via design for verification with concurrency controllers. Autom. Softw. Eng. 14(2): 129-178 (2007)
9EEAysu Betin-Can, Nazife Baykal: MedicoPort: A medical search engine for all. Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 86(1): 73-86 (2007)
8EEMikael Lindvall, Ioana Rus, Paolo Donzelli, Atif M. Memon, Marvin V. Zelkowitz, Aysu Betin-Can, Tevfik Bultan, Christopher Ackermann, Bettina Anders, Sima Asgari, Victor R. Basili, Lorin Hochstein, Jörg Fellmann, Forrest Shull, Roseanne Tesoriero Tvedt, Daniel Pech, Daniel Hirschbach: Experimenting with software testbeds for evaluating new technologies. Empirical Software Engineering 12(4): 417-444 (2007)
7EEAysu Betin-Can, Tevfik Bultan: Highly dependable concurrent programming using design for verification. Formal Asp. Comput. 19(2): 243-268 (2007)
6EEAysu Betin-Can, Tevfik Bultan, Mikael Lindvall, Benjamin Lux, Stefan Topp: Application of design for verification with concurrency controllers to air traffic control software. ASE 2005: 14-23
5EEAysu Betin-Can, Tevfik Bultan: Verifiable Web Services with Hierarchical Interfaces. ICWS 2005: 85-94
4EETevfik Bultan, Aysu Betin-Can: Scalable Software Model Checking Using Design for Verification. VSTTE 2005: 337-346
3EEAysu Betin-Can, Tevfik Bultan, Xiang Fu: Design for verification for asynchronously communicating Web services. WWW 2005: 750-759
2EEAysu Betin-Can, Tevfik Bultan: Verifiable Concurrent Programming Using Concurrency Controllers. ASE 2004: 248-257
1EEAysu Betin-Can, Tevfik Bultan: Interface-Based Specification and Verification of Concurrency Controllers. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 89(3): (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Christopher Ackermann [8]
2Bettina Anders [8]
3Sima Asgari [8]
4Victor R. Basili [8]
5Nazife Baykal [9]
6Tevfik Bultan [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [10]
7Paolo Donzelli [8]
8Jörg Fellmann [8]
9Xiang Fu [3]
10Daniel Hirschbach [8]
11Lorin Hochstein [8]
12Mikael Lindvall [6] [8] [10]
13Benjamin Lux [6] [10]
14Atif M. Memon [8]
15Daniel Pech [8]
16Ioana Rus [8]
17Forrest Shull [8]
18Stefan Topp [6] [10]
19Roseanne Tesoriero Tvedt (Roseanne Tesoriero) [8]
20Marvin V. Zelkowitz [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)