
Sebastian Zander

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14EESebastian Zander, Grenville J. Armitage, Philip Branch: Covert channels in multiplayer first person shooter online games. LCN 2008: 215-222
13EESebastian Zander, Steven J. Murdoch: An Improved Clock-skew Measurement Technique for Revealing Hidden Services. USENIX Security Symposium 2008: 211-226
12EEGrenville J. Armitage, Carl Javier, Sebastian Zander: Post-game estimation of game client RTT and hop count distributions. NETGAMES 2006: 33
11EEJason But, Nigel Williams, Sebastian Zander, Lawrence Stewart, Grenville J. Armitage: Automated network games enhancement layer: a proposed architecture. NETGAMES 2006: 9
10EENigel Williams, Sebastian Zander, Grenville J. Armitage: A preliminary performance comparison of five machine learning algorithms for practical IP traffic flow classification. Computer Communication Review 36(5): 5-16 (2006)
9EESebastian Zander, Ian Leeder, Grenville J. Armitage: Achieving fairness in multiplayer network games through automated latency balancing. Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology 2005: 117-124
8EESebastian Zander, Thuy T. T. Nguyen, Grenville J. Armitage: Automated Traffic Classification and Application Identification using Machine Learning. LCN 2005: 250-257
7EESebastian Zander, David Kennedy, Grenville J. Armitage: Dissecting server-discovery traffic patterns generated by multiplayer first person shooter games. NETGAMES 2005: 1-12
6EESebastian Zander, Grenville J. Armitage: A traffic model for the Xbox game Halo 2. NOSSDAV 2005: 13-18
5EESebastian Zander, Thuy T. T. Nguyen, Grenville J. Armitage: Self-Learning IP Traffic Classification Based on Statistical Flow Characteristics. PAM 2005: 325-328
4EEJürgen Jähnert, Jie Zhou, Rui L. Aguiar, Victor Marques, Michelle Wetterwald, Eric Melin, Jose Ignacio Moreno, Antonio Cuevas, Marco Liebsch, Ralf Schmitz, Piotr Pacyna, Telemaco Melia, Pascal Kurtansky, Hasan, Davinder Singh, Sebastian Zander, Hans J. Einsiedler, Burkhard Stiller: The 'pure-IP' Moby Dick 4G architecture. Computer Communications 28(9): 1014-1027 (2005)
3EESebastian Zander, Georg Carle: High Quality IP Video Streaming with Adaptive Packet Marking. QofIS 2002: 68-77
2EEGeorg Carle, Henning Sanneck, Sebastian Zander, Long Le: Deploying an Active Voice Application on a Three-Level Active Network Node Architecture. IWAN 2001: 65-83
1 Georg Carle, Sebastian Zander, Tanja Zseby: Policy-basiertes Metering für IP-Netze. Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen 2001: 21-34

Coauthor Index

1Rui L. Aguiar [4]
2Grenville J. Armitage [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [14]
3Philip Branch [14]
4Jason But [11]
5Georg Carle [1] [2] [3]
6Antonio Cuevas [4]
7Hans J. Einsiedler [4]
8 Hasan [4]
9Jürgen Jähnert [4]
10Carl Javier [12]
11David Kennedy [7]
12Pascal Kurtansky [4]
13Long Le [2]
14Ian Leeder [9]
15Marco Liebsch [4]
16Victor Marques [4]
17Telemaco Melia [4]
18Eric Melin [4]
19Jose Ignacio Moreno [4]
20Steven J. Murdoch [13]
21Thuy T. T. Nguyen [5] [8]
22Piotr Pacyna [4]
23Henning Sanneck [2]
24Ralf Schmitz [4]
25Davinder Singh [4]
26Lawrence Stewart [11]
27Burkhard Stiller [4]
28Michelle Wetterwald [4]
29Nigel Williams [10] [11]
30Jie Zhou [4]
31Tanja Zseby [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)