
Telemaco Melia

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11EEJulien Abeillé, Marco Liebsch, Telemaco Melia: Mobility Anchor Controlled Route Optimization for Network Based Mobility Management. GLOBECOM 2007: 1802-1807
10EETelemaco Melia, Luca Boscolo, Albert Vidal, Antonio de la Oliva: IEEE 802.21 Reliable Event Service Support for Network Controlled Handover Scenarios. GLOBECOM 2007: 5000-5005
9EEJulien Abeillé, Rui L. Aguiar, Joao Girão, Telemaco Melia, Ignacio Soto, Patrick Stupar: MobiSplit in a Virtualized, Multi-Device Environment. ICC 2007: 1839-1845
8EETelemaco Melia, Antonio de la Oliva, Albert Vidal, Ignacio Soto, Daniel Corujo, Rui L. Aguiar: Toward IP converged heterogeneous mobility: A network controlled approach. Computer Networks 51(17): 4849-4866 (2007)
7EEAntonio de la Oliva, Telemaco Melia, Albert Vidal, Carlos Jesus Bernardos, Ignacio Soto, Albert Banchs: IEEE 802.21 enabled mobile terminals for optimized WLAN/3G handovers: a case study. Mobile Computing and Communications Review 11(2): 29-40 (2007)
6 Telemaco Melia, Amardeo Sarma, Rui L. Aguiar, Dieter Hogrefe: Case study on the use of SDL for specifying an IETF micro mobility protocol. COMSWARE 2006
5EETelemaco Melia, Antonio de la Oliva, Ignacio Soto, Carlos Jesus Bernardos, Albert Vidal: Analysis of the Effect of Mobile Terminal Speed on WLAN/3G Vertical Handovers. GLOBECOM 2006
4EEMaurizio Molina, Jürgen Quittek, Marcus Brunner, Telemaco Melia: Scalable and efficient QoS support for SIP-signalled voice calls. Int. J. Communication Systems 19(4): 407-424 (2006)
3EEJürgen Jähnert, Jie Zhou, Rui L. Aguiar, Victor Marques, Michelle Wetterwald, Eric Melin, Jose Ignacio Moreno, Antonio Cuevas, Marco Liebsch, Ralf Schmitz, Piotr Pacyna, Telemaco Melia, Pascal Kurtansky, Hasan, Davinder Singh, Sebastian Zander, Hans J. Einsiedler, Burkhard Stiller: The 'pure-IP' Moby Dick 4G architecture. Computer Communications 28(9): 1014-1027 (2005)
2 Andreas Festag, Joao Girão, Telemaco Melia, Dirk Westhoff: On the Limitations of Security Concepts for Mobile Adhoc Networks Routing Protocols. DFN-Arbeitstagung über Kommunikationsnetze 2004: 61-76
1 Ralf Schmitz, Hannes Hartenstein, Telemaco Melia, Xavier Pérez Costa, Wolfgang Effelsberg: Der Einfluss von Schwankungen der Übertragungsreichweite auf die Leistungsfähigkeit von Ad-Hoc Netzwerken. DFN-Arbeitstagung über Kommunikationsnetze 2004: 77-86

Coauthor Index

1Julien Abeillé [9] [11]
2Rui L. Aguiar [3] [6] [8] [9]
3Albert Banchs [7]
4Carlos Jesus Bernardos [5] [7]
5Luca Boscolo [10]
6Marcus Brunner [4]
7Daniel Corujo [8]
8Xavier Pérez Costa [1]
9Antonio Cuevas [3]
10Wolfgang Effelsberg [1]
11Hans J. Einsiedler [3]
12Andreas Festag [2]
13Joao Girão [2] [9]
14Hannes Hartenstein [1]
15 Hasan [3]
16Dieter Hogrefe [6]
17Jürgen Jähnert [3]
18Pascal Kurtansky [3]
19Marco Liebsch [3] [11]
20Victor Marques [3]
21Eric Melin [3]
22Maurizio Molina [4]
23Jose Ignacio Moreno [3]
24Antonio de la Oliva [5] [7] [8] [10]
25Piotr Pacyna [3]
26Jürgen Quittek [4]
27Amardeo Sarma [6]
28Ralf Schmitz [1] [3]
29Davinder Singh [3]
30Ignacio Soto [5] [7] [8] [9]
31Burkhard Stiller [3]
32Patrick Stupar [9]
33Albert Vidal [5] [7] [8] [10]
34Dirk Westhoff [2]
35Michelle Wetterwald [3]
36Sebastian Zander [3]
37Jie Zhou [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)