
Jürgen Jähnert

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5EEFrances Cleary, Antonio Romero, Jürgen Jähnert, Yongzheng Liang: Daidalos II: Implementing a Scenario Driven Process. ICSEA 2008: 313-318
4EEDavid J. Lutz, Patrick Mandic, Sascha Neinert, Ruth del Campo, Jürgen Jähnert: Harmonizing service and network provisioning for federative access in a mobile environment. NOMS 2008: 843-846
3EEJürgen Jähnert, Jie Zhou, Rui L. Aguiar, Victor Marques, Michelle Wetterwald, Eric Melin, Jose Ignacio Moreno, Antonio Cuevas, Marco Liebsch, Ralf Schmitz, Piotr Pacyna, Telemaco Melia, Pascal Kurtansky, Hasan, Davinder Singh, Sebastian Zander, Hans J. Einsiedler, Burkhard Stiller: The 'pure-IP' Moby Dick 4G architecture. Computer Communications 28(9): 1014-1027 (2005)
2EEJürgen Jähnert: Problem Statement: Metering and Accounting in the Full-IP 4G Environment. Networked Group Communication 2003: 298-307
1EEJürgen Jähnert, Stefan Wahl, Helen-Catherine Leligou: Provision of QoS for Legacy IP Applications in an ATM-over-HFC Access Network. INTERWORKING 2000: 230-242

Coauthor Index

1Rui L. Aguiar [3]
2Ruth del Campo [4]
3Frances Cleary [5]
4Antonio Cuevas [3]
5Hans J. Einsiedler [3]
6 Hasan [3]
7Pascal Kurtansky [3]
8Helen-Catherine Leligou [1]
9Yongzheng Liang [5]
10Marco Liebsch [3]
11David J. Lutz [4]
12Patrick Mandic [4]
13Victor Marques [3]
14Telemaco Melia [3]
15Eric Melin [3]
16Jose Ignacio Moreno [3]
17Sascha Neinert [4]
18Piotr Pacyna [3]
19Antonio Romero [5]
20Ralf Schmitz [3]
21Davinder Singh [3]
22Burkhard Stiller [3]
23Stefan Wahl [1]
24Michelle Wetterwald [3]
25Sebastian Zander [3]
26Jie Zhou [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)