
John Willis

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9EEMehmet Celenk, Thomas Conley, John Willis, James Graham: Anomaly detection and visualization using Fisher Discriminant clustering of network entropy. ICDIM 2008: 216-220
8 John Willis, Andreas Kuehlmann: Design Automation TC Newsletter. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 21(2): 166- (2004)
7 John Willis, Joe Damore: Design automation Technical Committee Newsletter. IEEE Design & Test of Computers 21(4): 343- (2004)
6EERohini Gupta, John Willis, Lawrence T. Pileggi: Analytic termination metrics for pin-to-pin lossy transmission lines with nonlinear drivers. IEEE Trans. VLSI Syst. 6(3): 457-463 (1998)
5EEByron Krauter, Rohini Gupta, John Willis, Lawrence T. Pileggi: Transmission Line Synthesis. DAC 1995: 358-363
4EERohini Gupta, Byron Krauter, Bogdan Tutuianu, John Willis, Lawrence T. Pileggi: The Elmore Delay as a Bound for RC Trees with Generalized Input Signals. DAC 1995: 364-369
3EEJohn Willis, Zhiyuan Li, Tsang-Puu Lin: Use of embedded scheduling to compile VHDL for effective parallel simulation. EURO-DAC 1995: 400-405
2 John Willis, José Pineda de Gyvez: Behavioral Testing of Cellular Neural Networks. ISCAS 1994: 229-232
1 Chi-Chai Huang, John Willis, Tim Schmitt: Fine-Line Printed Circuit Board for High-Performance Computer Design. ICCD 1991: 468-471

Coauthor Index

1Mehmet Celenk [9]
2Thomas Conley [9]
3Joe Damore [7]
4James Graham [9]
5Rohini Gupta [4] [5] [6]
6José Pineda de Gyvez [2]
7Chi-Chai Huang [1]
8Byron Krauter [4] [5]
9Andreas Kuehlmann [8]
10Zhiyuan Li [3]
11Tsang-Puu Lin [3]
12Lawrence T. Pileggi (Larry T. Pileggi, Lawrence T. Pillage) [4] [5] [6]
13Tim Schmitt [1]
14Bogdan Tutuianu [4]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)