
Hans Thomas

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3EEConor McGann, Frederic Py, Kanna Rajan, Hans Thomas, Richard Henthorn, Rob McEwen: A deliberative architecture for AUV control. ICRA 2008: 1049-1054
2EEConor McGann, Frederic Py, Kanna Rajan, John Ryan, Hans Thomas, Richard Henthorn, Rob McEwen: Preliminary Results for Model-Based Adaptive Control of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle. ISER 2008: 395-405
1EEYuri Gawdiak, Jeffrey Bradshaw, Brian C. Williams, Hans Thomas: R2D2 in a softball: the portable satellite assistant. IUI 2000: 125-128

Coauthor Index

1Jeffrey M. Bradshaw (Jeffrey Bradshaw) [1]
2Yuri Gawdiak [1]
3Richard Henthorn [2] [3]
4Rob McEwen [2] [3]
5Conor McGann [2] [3]
6Frederic Py [2] [3]
7Kanna Rajan [2] [3]
8John Ryan [2]
9Brian C. Williams [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)