
Michael Weber

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66 Elisabeth André, Laila Dybkjær, Wolfgang Minker, Heiko Neumann, Roberto Pieraccini, Michael Weber: Perception in Multimodal Dialogue Systems, 4th IEEE Tutorial and Research Workshop on Perception and Interactive Technologies for Speech-Based Systems, PIT 2008, Kloster Irsee, Germany, June 16-18, 2008, Proceedings Springer 2008
65EEBoto Bako, Frank Kargl, Elmar Schoch, Michael Weber: Advanced Adaptive Gossiping Using 2-Hop Neighborhood Information. GLOBECOM 2008: 5474-5479
64EEAlexander Traud, Jürgen Nagler-Ihlein, Frank Kargl, Michael Weber: Cyclic Data Synchronization through Reusing SyncML. MDM 2008: 165-172
63EEElmar Schoch, Michael Feiri, Frank Kargl, Michael Weber: Simulation of ad hoc networks: ns-2 compared to JiST/SWANS. SimuTools 2008: 36
62EEElmar Schoch, Frank Kargl, Fabian Wolf, Michael Weber: U2VAS: A Research Communication Stack for Vehicular Networks. VTC Fall 2008: 1-2
61EEBoto Bako, Elmar Schoch, Frank Kargl, Michael Weber: Optimized Position Based Gossiping in VANETs. VTC Fall 2008: 1-5
60EEZhendong Ma, Frank Kargl, Michael Weber: Pseudonym-On-Demand: A New Pseudonym Refill Strategy for Vehicular Communications. VTC Fall 2008: 1-5
59EEStefan Blom, Bert Lisser, Jaco van de Pol, Michael Weber: A Database Approach to Distributed State Space Generation. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 198(1): 17-32 (2008)
58EEJaco van de Pol, Michael Weber: A Multi-Core Solver for Parity Games. Electr. Notes Theor. Comput. Sci. 220(2): 19-34 (2008)
57EEMichael Weber, Michaela Denk, Klaus Oberecker, Christine Strauss, Christian Stummer: Panel surveys go mobile. IJMC 6(1): 88-107 (2008)
56EEElmar Schoch, Moritz Keppler, Frank Kargl, Michael Weber: On the security of context-adaptive information dissemination. Security and Communication Networks 1(3): 205-218 (2008)
55EEThorsten D. Mahler, Markus Reuff, Michael Weber: Pedestrian Navigation System Implications on Visualization. HCI (6) 2007: 470-478
54EEMichael Weber: An Embeddable Virtual Machine for State Space Generation. SPIN 2007: 168-186
53 Elisabeth André, Laila Dybkjær, Wolfgang Minker, Heiko Neumann, Michael Weber: Perception and Interactive Technologies, International Tutorial and Research Workshop, PIT 2006, Kloster Irsee, Germany, June 19-21, 2006, Proceedings Springer 2006
52EEMoritz Hammer, Michael Weber: "To Store or Not To Store" Reloaded: Reclaiming Memory on Demand. FMICS/PDMC 2006: 51-66
51EEFrank Kargl, Stefan Schlott, Michael Weber: Identification in Ad Hoc Networks. HICSS 2006
50EEGuido M. de Melo, Jürgen Nagler-Ihlein, Michael Weber: Generating User Interfaces from CDISC ODM for Mobile Devices. ICMB 2006: 30
49EEStefan Schlott, Frank Kargl, Michael Weber: Re-identifying Anonymous Nodes. LoCA 2006: 103-115
48EEThorsten D. Mahler, Pierre Bayerl, Heiko Neumann, Michael Weber: Visual Attention in Auditory Display. PIT 2006: 65-72
47EEIngo Stock, Michael Weber: Authoring technical documentation using a generic document model. SIGDOC 2006: 172-179
46EEMichael Weber, Gregory Kersten, Michael J. Hine: Visualization in e-Negotiations: An Inspire ENS Graph is Worth 334 Words, on Average. Electronic Markets 16(3): 186-200 (2006)
45 Frank Kargl, Stefan Schlott, Michael Weber: Identitäten in mobilen Ad hoc Netzwerken. GI Jahrestagung (2) 2005: 349-353
44EEFrank Kargl, Alfred Geiss, Stefan Schlott, Michael Weber: Secure Dynamic Source Routing. HICSS 2005
43EEIngo Stock, Michael Weber, Eckhard Steinmeier: Metadata based authoring for technical documentation. SIGDOC 2005: 60-67
42 Frank Kargl, Andreas Klenk, Michael Weber, Stefan Schlott: Sensors for Detection of Misbehaving Nodes in MANETs. DIMVA 2004: 83-97
41EEFrank Kargl, Andreas Klenk, Stefan Schlott, Michael Weber: Advanced Detection of Selfish or Malicious Nodes in Ad Hoc Networks. ESAS 2004: 152-165
40EEFrank Kargl, Stefan Schlott, Andreas Klenk, Alfred Geiss, Michael Weber: Securing Ad hoc Routing Protocols. EUROMICRO 2004: 514-519
39 Frank Kargl, Stefan Schlott, Michael Weber: Integrierte Sicherheit für Mobile Ad-hoc Netzwerke. GI Jahrestagung (1) 2004: 123-127
38EEChristian Teutsch, Erik Trostmann, Michael Weber, Tobias Isenberg: Evaluation and Optimization of Laser Scan Data. SimVis 2004: 311-322
37EEThorsten D. Mahler, Stefan A. Fiedler, Michael Weber: A Method for Smart Graphics in the Web. Smart Graphics 2004: 146-153
36EEFrank Kargl, Stefan Ribhegge, Stefan Schlott, Michael Weber: Bluetooth-based Ad-Hoc Networks for Voice Transmission. HICSS 2003: 314
35EEJonathan Billington, Søren Christensen, Kees M. van Hee, Ekkart Kindler, Olaf Kummer, Laure Petrucci, Reinier Post, Christian Stehno, Michael Weber: The Petri Net Markup Language: Concepts, Technology, and Tools. ICATPN 2003: 483-505
34 Michael Wallner, Torsten Illmann, Jan Suchanek, Michael Weber: Drahtlose Erfassung GCP-konformer klinisch-epidemiologischer Studien mit mobilen Endgeräten. MoCoMed 2003: 71-77
33EEHerbert Weber, Hartmut Ehrig, Wolfgang Reisig, Alexander Borusan, Sabine Lembke, Juliane Dehnert, Michael Weber, Axel Martens, Julia Padberg, Claudia Ermel, Anilda Qemali: The Petri Net Baukasten of the DFG Forschergruppe PETRI NET TECHNOLOGY. Petri Net Technology for Communication-Based Systems 2003: 1-21
32EEMichael Weber, Ekkart Kindler: The Petri Net Kernel. Petri Net Technology for Communication-Based Systems 2003: 109-124
31EEMichael Weber, Ekkart Kindler: The Petri Net Markup Language. Petri Net Technology for Communication-Based Systems 2003: 124-144
30 Michael Weber, Frank Kargl: Mobile Ad-Hoc Netzwerke, 1. deutscher Workshop über Mobile Ad-Hoc Netzwerke WMAN 2002, 25.-26. März 2002 in Ulm GI 2002
29EEMichael Weber, Matthew Schmid, Michael Schatz, David Geyer: A Toolkit for Detecting and Analyzing Malicious Software. ACSAC 2002: 423
28EEStefan A. Fiedler, Michael Wallner, Michael Weber: A communication architecture for massive multiplayer games. NETGAMES 2002: 14-22
27 Jürgen Nagler, Frank Kargl, Stefan Schlott, Michael Weber: Ein Framework für MANET Routing Protokolle. WMAN 2002: 153-165
26 Torsten Illmann, Alexander Seitz, Alke Martens, Michael Weber: Structure of Training Cases in Web-Based Case-Oriented Training-Systems. ICALT 2001: 90-93
25EETorsten Illmann, Tilman Krueger, Frank Kargl, Michael Weber: Transparent Migration of Mobile Agents Using the Java Platform Debugger Architecture. Mobile Agents 2001: 198-212
24EEMichael Weber, Viren Shah, Chris Ren: A Case Study in Detecting Software Security Vulnerabilities Using Constraint Optimization. SCAM 2001: 3-13
23EEClaudia Ermel, Michael Weber: Implementation of Parameterized Net Classes with the Petri Net Kernel of the »Petri Net Baukasten«. Unifying Petri Nets 2001: 79-102
22EEFrank Kargl, Jörn Maier, Michael Weber: Protecting web servers from distributed denial of service attacks. WWW 2001: 514-524
21EEEkkart Kindler, Michael Weber: The Petri Net Kernel - An infrastructure for building Petri net tools. STTT 3(4): 486-497 (2001)
20EERainer Feurer, Kazem Chaharbaghi, Michael Weber, John Wargin: Aligning Strategies, Processes, and it: A Case Study. IS Management 17(1): 1-12 (2000)
19EEMichael Weber: Der Petrinetz-Würfel im Petrinetz-Kern. AWPN 1999
18 Frank Kargl, Torsten Illmann, Michael Weber: CIA - a collaboration and coordination infrastructure for personal agents (short paper). DAIS 1999: 213-218
17 Tobias Vesper, Michael Weber: Automatisches verteiltes Rücksetzen. FBT 1999: 252-261
16 Frank Kargl, Torsten Illmann, Michael Weber: Evaluation of Java Messaging Middleware as a Platform for Software Agent Communication. Java-Informations-Tage 1999: 161-170
15 Frank Kohmann, Michael Weber, Achim Botz: A Flexible Security Architecture for the EJB Framework. Java-Informations-Tage 1999: 182-192
14 Frank Kargl, Torsten Illmann, Michael Weber, Stefan Ribhegge: Dynamic User Interfaces with Java. WebNet 1999: 614-619
13EEAlbrecht Schmidt, Alexander Specker, Gerhard Partsch, Michael Weber, Siegfried Höck: An Agent-Based Telecooperation Framework. CoBuild 1998: 122-129
12 Michael Weber, Torsten Illmann: Using Java for the Coordination of Workflows in the World Wide Web. Interaktion im Web 1998: 17-32
11 Ekkart Kindler, Michael Weber: The Dimensions of Petri Nets: The Petri Net Cube. Bulletin of the EATCS 66: 155-165 (1998)
10EESiegfried Höck, Michael Weber: A Telecooperation Framework Based on Broker and Trading Services. EDOC 1997: 272-281
9EEMichael Weber, Gerhard Partsch, Siegfried Höck, Georg Schneider, Astrid Scheller-Huoy, Jean Schweitzer: Integrating synchronous multimedia collaboration into workflow management. GROUP 1997: 281-290
8EEMichael Weber, Gerhard Partsch, Astrid Scheller-Huoy, Jean Schweitzer, Gerhard Schneider: Flexible Real-time Meeting Support for Workflow Management Systems. HICSS (2) 1997: 559-567
7EEMichael Weber: Die Anwendung des Database Marketing im Nahrungsmitteleinzelhandel. HMD - Praxis Wirtschaftsinform. 193: (1997)
6 Klaus Heiner Wolf, Konrad Froitzheim, Michael Weber: Interactive Video and Remote Control via the World Wide Web. IDMS 1996: 91-104
5 Gabriel Dermler, Thomas Gutekunst, Edgar Ostrokowski, Nelson Pires, Thomas Schmidt, Michael Weber, Klaus Heiner Wolf: JVTOS - A Multimedia Telecooperation Service Bridging Heterogeneous Platforms. Broadband Islands 1994: 463-478
4 Gabriel Dermler, Thomas Gutekunst, Edgar Ostrowski, Nelson Pires, Thomas Schmidt, Michael Weber, Klaus Heiner Wolf: A Platform for Multimedia Telecooperation Bridging Endsystem Heterogeneity. COST 237 Workshop 1994: 334-339
3 Thomas Schmidt, Jean Schweitzer, Michael Weber: A Framework for Synchronous Tele-Cooperation. IWACA 1994: 328-338
2 Walter Reinhard, Jean Schweitzer, Gerd Völksen, Michael Weber: CSCW Tools: Concepts and Architectures. IEEE Computer 27(5): 28-36 (1994)
1EEDirk Möller, Janett Mohnke, Michael Weber: Detection of symmetry of Boolean functions represented by ROBDDs. ICCAD 1993: 680-684

Coauthor Index

1Elisabeth André [53] [66]
2Boto Bako [61] [65]
3Pierre Bayerl [48]
4Jonathan Billington [35]
5Stefan Blom [59]
6Alexander Borusan [33]
7Achim Botz [15]
8Kazem Chaharbaghi [20]
9Søren Christensen [35]
10Juliane Dehnert [33]
11Michaela Denk [57]
12Gabriel Dermler [4] [5]
13Laila Dybkjær [53] [66]
14Hartmut Ehrig [33]
15Claudia Ermel [23] [33]
16Michael Feiri [63]
17Rainer Feurer [20]
18Stefan A. Fiedler [28] [37]
19Konrad Froitzheim [6]
20Alfred Geiss [40] [44]
21David Geyer [29]
22Thomas Gutekunst [4] [5]
23Moritz Hammer [52]
24Kees M. van Hee [35]
25Michael J. Hine [46]
26Siegfried Höck [9] [10] [13]
27Torsten Illmann [12] [14] [16] [18] [25] [26] [34]
28Tobias Isenberg [38]
29Frank Kargl [14] [16] [18] [22] [25] [27] [30] [36] [39] [40] [41] [42] [44] [45] [49] [51] [56] [60] [61] [62] [63] [64] [65]
30Moritz Keppler [56]
31Gregory Kersten [46]
32Ekkart Kindler [11] [21] [31] [32] [35]
33Andreas Klenk [40] [41] [42]
34Frank Kohmann [15]
35Tilman Krueger [25]
36Olaf Kummer [35]
37Sabine Lembke [33]
38Bert Lisser [59]
39Zhendong Ma [60]
40Thorsten D. Mahler [37] [48] [55]
41Jörn Maier [22]
42Alke Martens [26]
43Axel Martens [33]
44Guido M. de Melo [50]
45Wolfgang Minker [53] [66]
46Janett Mohnke [1]
47Dirk Möller [1]
48Jürgen Nagler-Ihlein (Jürgen Nagler) [27] [50] [64]
49Heiko Neumann [48] [53] [66]
50Klaus Oberecker [57]
51Edgar Ostrokowski [5]
52Edgar Ostrowski [4]
53Julia Padberg [33]
54Gerhard Partsch [8] [9] [13]
55Laure Petrucci (Laure Petrucci-Dauchy) [35]
56Roberto Pieraccini [66]
57Nelson Pires [4] [5]
58Jaco van de Pol [58] [59]
59Reinier Post (R. D. J. Post) [35]
60Anilda Qemali [33]
61Walter Reinhard [2]
62Wolfgang Reisig [33]
63Chris Ren [24]
64Markus Reuff [55]
65Stefan Ribhegge [14] [36]
66Michael Schatz [29]
67Astrid Scheller-Huoy [8] [9]
68Stefan Schlott [27] [36] [39] [40] [41] [42] [44] [45] [49] [51]
69Matthew Schmid [29]
70Albrecht Schmidt [13]
71Thomas Schmidt [3] [4] [5]
72Gerhard Schneider [8]
73Georg Schneider [9]
74Elmar Schoch [56] [61] [62] [63] [65]
75Jean Schweitzer [2] [3] [8] [9]
76Alexander Seitz [26]
77Viren Shah [24]
78Alexander Specker [13]
79Christian Stehno [35]
80Eckhard Steinmeier [43]
81Ingo Stock [43] [47]
82Christine Strauss [57]
83Christian Stummer [57]
84Jan Suchanek [34]
85Christian Teutsch [38]
86Alexander Traud [64]
87Erik Trostmann [38]
88Tobias Vesper [17]
89Gerd Völksen [2]
90Michael Wallner [28] [34]
91John Wargin [20]
92Herbert Weber [33]
93Fabian Wolf [62]
94Klaus Heiner Wolf [4] [5] [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)