
Siegfried Höck

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3EEAlbrecht Schmidt, Alexander Specker, Gerhard Partsch, Michael Weber, Siegfried Höck: An Agent-Based Telecooperation Framework. CoBuild 1998: 122-129
2EESiegfried Höck, Michael Weber: A Telecooperation Framework Based on Broker and Trading Services. EDOC 1997: 272-281
1EEMichael Weber, Gerhard Partsch, Siegfried Höck, Georg Schneider, Astrid Scheller-Huoy, Jean Schweitzer: Integrating synchronous multimedia collaboration into workflow management. GROUP 1997: 281-290

Coauthor Index

1Gerhard Partsch [1] [3]
2Astrid Scheller-Huoy [1]
3Albrecht Schmidt [3]
4Georg Schneider [1]
5Jean Schweitzer [1]
6Alexander Specker [3]
7Michael Weber [1] [2] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)