
Michaela Denk

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7EEMichael Weber, Michaela Denk, Klaus Oberecker, Christine Strauss, Christian Stummer: Panel surveys go mobile. IJMC 6(1): 88-107 (2008)
6EEHelmut Berger, Michaela Denk, Michael Dittenbach, Andreas Pesenhofer, Dieter Merkl: Photo-Based User Profiling for Tourism Recommender Systems. EC-Web 2007: 46-55
5EEHelmut Berger, Michaela Denk, Michael Dittenbach, Dieter Merkl, Andreas Pesenhofer: Quo Vadis Homo Turisticus? Towards a Picture-based Tourist Profiler. ENTER 2007: 87-96
4EEMichaela Denk, Karl Anton Froeschl: East of Neuchâtel: A Universal Model for the Representation of Statistical Taxonomy Systems. SSDBM 2004: 373-382
3EEMichaela Denk, Manfred Hackl: Where does mobile business go? IJEB 2(5): 460-470 (2004)
2EEMichaela Denk, Karl Anton Froeschl, Peter Hrastnik, Theresia Reinsperger, Roman Urro: KnoWeb: an operational knowledge organisation framework. IJEB 2(5): 493-507 (2004)
1EEMichaela Denk, Karl Anton Froeschl, Wilfried Grossmann: Statistical Composites: A Transformation-Bound Representation of Statistical Datasets. SSDBM 2002: 217-226

Coauthor Index

1Helmut Berger [5] [6]
2Michael Dittenbach [5] [6]
3Karl Anton Froeschl [1] [2] [4]
4Wilfried Grossmann [1]
5Manfred Hackl [3]
6Peter Hrastnik [2]
7Dieter Merkl [5] [6]
8Klaus Oberecker [7]
9Andreas Pesenhofer [5] [6]
10Theresia Reinsperger [2]
11Christine Strauss [7]
12Christian Stummer [7]
13Roman Urro [2]
14Michael Weber [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)