
Shunji Mori

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14EEHiroshi Kameya, Shunji Mori, Ryuichi Oka: A segmentation-free biometric writer verification method based on continuous dynamic programming. Pattern Recognition Letters 27(6): 567-577 (2006)
13EEChing Y. Suen, Shunji Mori, Soo-Hyung Kim, Cheung H. Leung: Analysis and Recognition of Asian Scripts - the State of the Art. ICDAR 2003: 866-
12EEHiroshi Kameya, Shunji Mori, Ryuichi Oka: Figure-Based Writer Verification by Matching between an Arbitrary Part of Registered Sequence and an Input Sequence Extracted from On-Line Handwritten Figures. ICDAR 2003: 985-989
11EEHiroshi Kameya, Shunji Mori, Ryuichi Oka: A Method of Writer Verification without Keyword Registration Using Feature Sequences extraction from On-line Handwrittern Sentences. MVA 2002: 479-483
10EEK. Tanabe, M. Yoshihara, Hiroshi Kameya, Shunji Mori, S. Omata, T. Ito: Automatic Signature Verification Based on the Dynamic Feature of Pressure. ICDAR 2001: 1045-1049
9EESatoshi Yanagihara, Mutsuo Hatakeyama, Hirokuni Itoh, Shunji Mori, Akira Takagi: Mobile robot with a self-positioning system. Advanced Robotics 15(3): 293-300 (2001)
8 Masayoshi Wada, Akira Takagi, Shunji Mori: Caster Drive Mechanisms for Holonomic and Omnidirectional Mobile Platforms with no Over Constraint. ICRA 2000: 1531-1538
7EEYu Nakajima, Shunji Mori, Shuuki Takegami, S. Sato: Global methods for stroke segmentation. IJDAR 2(1): 19-23 (1999)
6 Ching Y. Suen, Shunji Mori, Hae-Chang Rim, Patrick Shen-Pei Wang: Intriguing Aspects of Oriental Languages. IJPRAI 12(1): 5-29 (1998)
5 Hirobumi Nishida, Shunji Mori: A Model-Based Split-And-Merge Method for Character String Recognition. IJPRAI 8(5): 1205-1222 (1994)
4EEHirobumi Nishida, Shunji Mori: An Algebraic Approach to Automatic Construction of Structural Models. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 15(12): 1298-1311 (1993)
3 Toshihiro Suzuki, Shunji Mori: Structural Description of Line Images by the Cross Section Sequence Graph. IJPRAI 7(5): 1055-1076 (1993)
2EEHirobumi Nishida, Shunji Mori: Algebraic Description of Curve Structure. IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Mach. Intell. 14(5): 516-533 (1992)
1EEKazuhiko Yamamoto, Shunji Mori: Recognition of handprinted characters by an outermost point method. Pattern Recognition 12(4): 229-236 (1980)

Coauthor Index

1Mutsuo Hatakeyama [9]
2T. Ito [10]
3Hirokuni Itoh [9]
4Hiroshi Kameya [10] [11] [12] [14]
5Soo-Hyung Kim [13]
6Cheung H. Leung [13]
7Yu Nakajima [7]
8Hirobumi Nishida [2] [4] [5]
9Ryuichi Oka [11] [12] [14]
10S. Omata [10]
11Hae-Chang Rim [6]
12S. Sato [7]
13Ching Y. Suen [6] [13]
14Toshihiro Suzuki [3]
15Akira Takagi [8] [9]
16Shuuki Takegami [7]
17K. Tanabe [10]
18Masayoshi Wada [8]
19Patrick Shen-Pei Wang [6]
20Kazuhiko Yamamoto [1]
21Satoshi Yanagihara [9]
22M. Yoshihara [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)