
Pieter M. Trouborst

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7EEXiaoling Sun, K. Ogden, H. Chan, Pieter M. Trouborst: A novel FPGA local interconnect test scheme and automatic TC derivation/generation. Journal of Systems Architecture 50(5): 267-280 (2004)
6EEXiaoling Sun, A. Alimohammad, Pieter M. Trouborst: Modeling of FPGA Local/Global Interconnect Resources and Derivation of Minimal Test Configurations. DFT 2002: 284-292
5EEXiaoling Sun, Jian Xu, Pieter M. Trouborst: Testing Xilinx XC4000 Configurable Logic Blocks with Carry Logic Modules. DFT 2001: 221-
4EEXiaoling Sun, Jian Xu, Pieter M. Trouborst: Testing Carry Logic Modules of SRAM-based FPGAs. MTDT 2001: 91-98
3EEGinette Monté, Bernard Antaki, Serge Patenaude, Yvon Savaria, Claude Thibeault, Pieter M. Trouborst: Tools for the Characterization of Bipolar CML Testability. VTS 2001: 388-395
2 Xiaoling Sun, Jian Xu, Ben Chan, Pieter M. Trouborst: Novel technique for built-in self-test of FPGA interconnects. ITC 2000: 795-803
1 Pieter M. Trouborst: LFSR Reseeding as a Component of Board Level BIST. ITC 1996: 58-67

Coauthor Index

1A. Alimohammad [6]
2Bernard Antaki [3]
3Ben Chan [2]
4H. Chan [7]
5Ginette Monté [3]
6K. Ogden [7]
7Serge Patenaude [3]
8Yvon Savaria [3]
9Xiaoling Sun [2] [4] [5] [6] [7]
10Claude Thibeault [3]
11Jian Xu [2] [4] [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)