
Andrea Lockerd Thomaz

Andrea Lockerd

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14EEAndrea Lockerd Thomaz, Maya Cakmak: Learning about objects with human teachers. HRI 2009: 15-22
13EECynthia Breazeal, Andrea Lockerd Thomaz: Learning from human teachers with Socially Guided Exploration. ICRA 2008: 3539-3544
12EEAndrea Lockerd Thomaz, Cynthia Breazeal: Teachable robots: Understanding human teaching behavior to build more effective robot learners. Artif. Intell. 172(6-7): 716-737 (2008)
11EEAndrea Lockerd Thomaz, Cynthia Breazeal: Experiments in socially guided exploration: lessons learned in building robots that learn with and without human teachers. Connect. Sci. 20(2&3): 91-110 (2008)
10 Matt Berlin, Jesse Gray, Andrea Lockerd Thomaz, Cynthia Breazeal: Perspective Taking: An Organizing Principle for Learning in Human-Robot Interaction. AAAI 2006
9 Andrea Lockerd Thomaz, Cynthia Breazeal: Reinforcement Learning with Human Teachers: Evidence of Feedback and Guidance with Implications for Learning Performance. AAAI 2006
8EEAndrea Lockerd Thomaz, Guy Hoffman, Cynthia Breazeal: Experiments in socially guided machine learning: understanding how humans geach. HRI 2006: 359-360
7EEAndrea Lockerd Thomaz, Cynthia Breazeal: Teachable Characters: User Studies, Design Principles, and Learning Performance. IVA 2006: 395-406
6EECynthia Breazeal, Matt Berlin, Andrew G. Brooks, Jesse Gray, Andrea Lockerd Thomaz: Using perspective taking to learn from ambiguous demonstrations. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 54(5): 385-393 (2006)
5EECynthia Breazeal, Guy Hoffman, Andrea Lockerd: Teaching and Working with Robots as a Collaboration. AAMAS 2004: 1030-1037
4EEAndrew G. Brooks, Jesse Gray, Guy Hoffman, Andrea Lockerd, Hans Lee, Cynthia Breazeal: Robot's play: interactive games with sociable machines. Computers in Entertainment 2(3): 10 (2004)
3EEAndrea Lockerd, Huy Pham, Taly Sharon, Ted Selker: Mr.Web: an automated interactive webmaster. CHI Extended Abstracts 2003: 812-813
2 Andrea Lockerd, Ted Selker: DriftCatcher: The Implicit Social Context of Email. INTERACT 2003
1EEAndrea Lockerd, Florian Mueller: LAFCam: Leveraging affective feedback camcorder. CHI Extended Abstracts 2002: 574-575

Coauthor Index

1Matt Berlin [6] [10]
2Cynthia Breazeal [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13]
3Andrew G. Brooks [4] [6]
4Maya Cakmak [14]
5Jesse Gray [4] [6] [10]
6Guy Hoffman [4] [5] [8]
7Hans Lee [4]
8Florian Mueller [1]
9Huy Pham [3]
10Ted Selker [2] [3]
11Taly Sharon [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)