
Kei Suzuki

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13EEYuuki Hashimoto, Yusuke Matsuki, Tatsuya Nakanishi, Kazunori Umeda, Kei Suzuki, Kazunori Takashio: Detection of Pedestrians Using Subtraction Stereo. SAINT 2008: 165-168
12EERyo Ohsawa, Kei Suzuki, Takuya Imaeda, Masayuki Iwai, Kazunori Takashio, Hideyuki Tokuda: Smart Furoshiki: A Context Sensitive Cloth for Supporting Everyday Activities. HCI (2) 2007: 1193-1199
11EEMasayuki Iwai, Ryo Ohsawa, Takuya Imaeda, Kei Suzuki, Hideyuki Tokuda: Smart-Furoshiki: RFID-embedded Cloth enabling Multiple Area Detection. ICDCS Workshops 2007: 53
10EEMasayuki Iwai, Ryo Ohsawa, Kei Suzuki, Takuya Imaeda, Hideyuki Tokuda: Physical/Cyber Objects Management Framework for Multiple-Area Detectable RFID. SEUS 2007: 11-19
9EEAkira Maeki, Masayuki Miyazaki, Minoru Ohgushi, Masaru Kokubo, Kei Suzuki: Intermittent Wireless Communication System for Low-Power Sensor Networks. IEICE Transactions 89-B(12): 3438-3441 (2006)
8EEKoji Ara, Kei Suzuki: Fine-grained transaction-level verification: using a variable transactor for improved coverage at the signal level. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 24(8): 1234-1240 (2005)
7EEKei Suzuki: Ubiquitous Services and Networking: Monitoring the Real World. SAINT 2004: 11
6EEKoji Ara, Kei Suzuki: A Proposal for Transaction-Level Verification with Component Wrapper Language. DATE 2003: 20082-20087
5EEFelice Balarin, Massimiliano Chiodo, Paolo Giusto, Harry Hsieh, Attila Jurecska, Luciano Lavagno, Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Ellen Sentovich, Kei Suzuki: Synthesis of software programs for embedded control applications. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 18(6): 834-849 (1999)
4EEKei Suzuki, Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli: Efficient Software Performance Estimation Methods for Hardware/Software Codesign. DAC 1996: 605-610
3EEMassimiliano Chiodo, Paolo Giusto, Attila Jurecska, Luciano Lavagno, Harry Hsieh, Kei Suzuki, Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Ellen Sentovich: Synthesis of Software Programs for Embedded Control Applications. DAC 1995: 587-592
2EELuciano Lavagno, Massimiliano Chiodo, Paolo Giusto, Attila Jurecska, Harry Hsieh, S. Yee, Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli, Kei Suzuki: A case study in computer-aided codesign of embedded controllers. CODES 1994: 220-224
1EEKei Suzuki, Yusuke Matsunaga, Masayoshi Tachibana, Tatsuo Ohtsuki: A Hardware Maze Router with Application to Interactive Rip-Up and Reroute. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 5(4): 466-476 (1986)

Coauthor Index

1Koji Ara [6] [8]
2Felice Balarin [5]
3Massimiliano Chiodo [2] [3] [5]
4Paolo Giusto [2] [3] [5]
5Yuuki Hashimoto [13]
6Harry Hsieh [2] [3] [5]
7Takuya Imaeda [10] [11] [12]
8Masayuki Iwai [10] [11] [12]
9Attila Jurecska [2] [3] [5]
10Masaru Kokubo [9]
11Luciano Lavagno [2] [3] [5]
12Akira Maeki [9]
13Yusuke Matsuki [13]
14Yusuke Matsunaga [1]
15Masayuki Miyazaki [9]
16Tatsuya Nakanishi [13]
17Minoru Ohgushi [9]
18Ryo Ohsawa [10] [11] [12]
19Tatsuo Ohtsuki [1]
20Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli [2] [3] [4] [5]
21Ellen Sentovich (Ellen M. Sentovich) [3] [5]
22Masayoshi Tachibana [1]
23Kazunori Takashio [12] [13]
24Hideyuki Tokuda [10] [11] [12]
25Kazunori Umeda [13]
26S. Yee [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)