
Jianbo Su

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31EEJianbo Su, Yanjun Zhang: Integration of a plug-and-play desktop robotic system. Robotica 27(3): 403-409 (2009)
30EELizhong Gu, Jianbo Su: Natural hand posture recognition based on Zernike moments and hierarchical classifier. ICRA 2008: 3088-3093
29EEChenggang Liu, Jianbo Su: Basic behavior acquisition based on multisensor integration of a robot head. ICRA 2008: 3094-3099
28EEJianbo Su: Camera calibration based on receptive fields. Pattern Recognition 40(10): 2837-2845 (2007)
27EEJianbo Su, Ronald Chung, Liang Jin: Homography-based partitioning of curved surface for stereo correspondence establishment. Pattern Recognition Letters 28(12): 1459-1471 (2007)
26EEJianbo Su: Motion Compression for Telepresence Locomotion. Presence 16(4): 385-398 (2007)
25EELizhong Gu, Jianbo Su: Humanoid Robot Behavior Learning Based on ART Neural Network and Cross-Modality Learning. ICNC (1) 2006: 447-450
24EEJianbo Su, Wendong Peng: Incremental Learning Method for Unified Camera Calibration. ICONIP (2) 2006: 622-631
23EEFuzhen Huang, Jianbo Su: Moment-based Shape Priors for Geometric Active Contours. ICPR (2) 2006: 56-59
22EEZhendong Gao, Jianbo Su: Switch Images Based on Fusion in Uncalibrated Visual Servoing. IROS 2006: 3803-3808
21EEXusheng Lei, Jianbo Su: Feedback Control of Humanoid Robot Locomotion. FSKD (1) 2005: 890-899
20 Kejun Zhang, Jianbo Su: On Sensor Management of Calligraphic Robot. ICRA 2005: 3570-3575
19 Jianbo Su, Zhiwei Luo: Incremental Motion Compression for Telepresent Walking Subject to Spatial Constraints. ICRA 2005: 69-74
18EEJinsi Tian, Jianbo Su: Feature Point Matching of Affine Model Images Using Hopfield Network. ISNN (2) 2005: 405-410
17EEJianbo Su, Fang Liu, Zhiwei Luo: Evolving Optimal Feature Set by Interactive Reinforcement Learning for Image Retrieval. ISNN (2) 2005: 813-818
16EEJianbo Su: Performance Analysis of Neural Network-Based Uncalibrated Hand-Eye Coordination. ISNN (3) 2005: 222-227
15EEFuzhen Huang, Jianbo Su: Multiple Face Contour Detection Based on Geometric Active Contours. FGR 2004: 385-390
14EEFang Liu, Jianbo Su: Reinforcement Learning-Based Feature Learning for Object Tracking. ICPR (2) 2004: 748-751
13EEJin Liang, Jianbo Su: Homography-based Correspondence in Weakly Calibrated Curved Surface Environment and its Error Analysis. ICRA 2004: 1203-1208
12EEJianbo Su: Optimal Incremental Approach to the Motion Compression for Telepresent Locomotion. ICRA 2004: 1664-1669
11EEXueqiao Hou, Jianbo Su: A Distributed Architecture for Internet Robot. ICRA 2004: 3357-3362
10 Xueqiao Hou, Jianbo Su: New Approaches to Internet based Intelligent Robotic System. ICRA 2004: 3363-3368
9EEFang Liu, Jianbo Su: An Online Feature Learning Algorithm Using HCI-Based Reinforcement Learning. ISNN (1) 2004: 293-298
8EEXusheng Lei, Jianbo Su: Application of RBFNN for Humanoid Robot Real Time Optimal Trajectory Generation in Running. ISNN (2) 2004: 1-6
7EEJianbo Su, Qielu Pan, Zhiwei Luo: Full-DOF Calibration-Free Robotic Hand-Eye Coordination Based on Fuzzy Neural Network. ISNN (2) 2004: 7-12
6EEKejun Zhang, Jianbo Su: A New Method for Asynchronous Multisensor Information Fusion. KI 2004: 410-423
5EEFuzhen Huang, Jianbo Su: Multiple Face Contour Detection Using Adaptive Flows. SINOBIOMETRICS 2004: 137-143
4EEFuzhen Huang, Jianbo Su: Deformable Pedal Curves with Application to Face Contour Extraction. CVPR (1) 2003: 328-333
3 Hongyu Ma, Jianbo Su: Uncalibrated robotic 3-D hand-eye coordination based on the extended state observer. ICRA 2003: 3327-3332
2 Jiang Qian, Jianbo Su: Online Estimation of Image Jacobian Matrix by Kalman-Bucy Filter for Uncalibrated Stereo Vision Feedback. ICRA 2002: 562-567
1EEJun Wang, Jianbo Su, Yugeng Xi: COM-based software architecture for multisensor fusion system. Information Fusion 2(4): 261-270 (2001)

Coauthor Index

1Ronald Chung [27]
2Zhendong Gao [22]
3Lizhong Gu [25] [30]
4Xueqiao Hou [10] [11]
5Fuzhen Huang [4] [5] [15] [23]
6Liang Jin [27]
7Xusheng Lei [8] [21]
8Jin Liang [13]
9Chenggang Liu [29]
10Fang Liu [9] [14] [17]
11Zhiwei Luo [7] [17] [19]
12Hongyu Ma [3]
13Qielu Pan [7]
14Wendong Peng [24]
15Jiang Qian [2]
16Jinsi Tian [18]
17Jun Wang [1]
18Yugeng Xi [1]
19Kejun Zhang [6] [20]
20Yanjun Zhang [31]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)