2009 |
142 | EE | Haitao Cao,
Jeffrey H. Dinitz,
Donald L. Kreher,
Douglas R. Stinson,
Ruizhong Wei:
On orthogonal generalized equitable rectangles.
Des. Codes Cryptography 51(3): 225-230 (2009) |
2008 |
141 | EE | Jiayuan Sui,
Douglas R. Stinson:
A Critical Analysis and Improvement of AACS Drive-Host Authentication.
ACISP 2008: 37-52 |
140 | EE | Atefeh Mashatan,
Douglas R. Stinson:
A New Message Recognition Protocol for Ad Hoc Pervasive Networks.
CANS 2008: 378-394 |
139 | EE | Simon R. Blackburn,
Keith M. Martin,
Maura B. Paterson,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Key Refreshing in Wireless Sensor Networks.
ICITS 2008: 156-170 |
138 | EE | Jiang Wu,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Authorship Proof for Textual Document.
Information Hiding 2008: 209-223 |
137 | EE | Jiang Wu,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Minimum node degree and kappa-connectivity for key predistribution schemes and distributed sensor networks.
WISEC 2008: 119-124 |
136 | EE | Jooyoung Lee,
Douglas R. Stinson:
On the Construction of Practical Key Predistribution Schemes for Distributed Sensor Networks Using Combinatorial Designs.
ACM Trans. Inf. Syst. Secur. 11(2): (2008) |
135 | EE | Douglas R. Stinson,
Gregory M. Zaverucha:
Some Improved Bounds for Secure Frameproof Codes and Related Separating Hash Families.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54(6): 2508-2514 (2008) |
134 | EE | Douglas R. Stinson,
Ruizhong Wei,
Kejun Chen:
On generalized separating hash families.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 115(1): 105-120 (2008) |
133 | EE | Simon R. Blackburn,
Tuvi Etzion,
Douglas R. Stinson,
Gregory M. Zaverucha:
A bound on the size of separating hash families.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 115(7): 1246-1256 (2008) |
2007 |
132 | EE | Douglas R. Stinson:
Generalized mix functions and orthogonal equitable rectangles.
Des. Codes Cryptography 45(3): 347-357 (2007) |
131 | EE | D. Deng,
Douglas R. Stinson,
Pak Ching Li,
G. H. John van Rees,
Ruizhong Wei:
Constructions and bounds for (m, t)-splitting systems.
Discrete Mathematics 307(1): 18-37 (2007) |
130 | EE | Berk Sunar,
William J. Martin,
Douglas R. Stinson:
A Provably Secure True Random Number Generator with Built-In Tolerance to Active Attacks.
IEEE Trans. Computers 56(1): 109-119 (2007) |
129 | EE | Mridul Nandi,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Multicollision Attacks on Some Generalized Sequential Hash Functions.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 53(2): 759-767 (2007) |
128 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Paolo D'Arco,
Alfredo De Santis,
Douglas R. Stinson:
On Unconditionally Secure Distributed Oblivious Transfer.
J. Cryptology 20(3): 323-373 (2007) |
2006 |
127 | EE | James A. Muir,
Douglas R. Stinson:
On the low hamming weight discrete logarithm problem for nonadjacent representations.
Appl. Algebra Eng. Commun. Comput. 16(6): 461-472 (2006) |
126 | EE | Douglas R. Stinson:
Some Observations on the Theory of Cryptographic Hash Functions.
Des. Codes Cryptography 38(2): 259-277 (2006) |
125 | EE | Khoongming Khoo,
Guang Gong,
Douglas R. Stinson:
A New Characterization of Semi-bent and Bent Functions on Finite Fields*.
Des. Codes Cryptography 38(2): 279-295 (2006) |
124 | EE | Paolo D'Arco,
Wataru Kishimoto,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Properties and constraints of cheating-immune secret sharing schemes.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 154(2): 219-233 (2006) |
123 | EE | Jeffrey H. Dinitz,
Alan C. H. Ling,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Fault-tolerant routings with minimum optical index.
Networks 48(1): 47-55 (2006) |
122 | EE | Wakaha Ogata,
Kaoru Kurosawa,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Optimum Secret Sharing Scheme Secure against Cheating.
SIAM J. Discrete Math. 20(1): 79-95 (2006) |
2005 |
121 | EE | James A. Muir,
Douglas R. Stinson:
New Minimal Weight Representations for Left-to-Right Window Methods.
CT-RSA 2005: 366-383 |
120 | EE | Jooyoung Lee,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Tree-Based Key Distribution Patterns.
Selected Areas in Cryptography 2005: 189-204 |
119 | EE | Jeffrey H. Dinitz,
Peter Dukes,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Sequentially Perfect and Uniform One-Factorizations of the Complete Graph.
Electr. J. Comb. 12: (2005) |
118 | EE | James A. Muir,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Alternative Digit Sets for Nonadjacent Representations.
SIAM J. Discrete Math. 19(1): 165-191 (2005) |
2004 |
117 | EE | Jooyoung Lee,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Deterministic Key Predistribution Schemes for Distributed Sensor Networks.
Selected Areas in Cryptography 2004: 294-307 |
116 | EE | D. Deng,
Douglas R. Stinson,
Ruizhong Wei:
The Lovász Local Lemma and Its Applications to some Combinatorial Arrays.
Des. Codes Cryptography 32(1-3): 121-134 (2004) |
115 | EE | Wakaha Ogata,
Kaoru Kurosawa,
Douglas R. Stinson,
Hajime Saido:
New combinatorial designs and their applications to authentication codes and secret sharing schemes.
Discrete Mathematics 279(1-3): 383-405 (2004) |
114 | EE | Douglas R. Stinson,
Ruizhong Wei:
Generalized cover-free families.
Discrete Mathematics 279(1-3): 463-477 (2004) |
113 | EE | Douglas R. Stinson:
Attack on a concast signature scheme.
Inf. Process. Lett. 91(1): 39-41 (2004) |
2003 |
112 | EE | Paolo D'Arco,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Fault Tolerant and DistributedBroadcast Encryption.
CT-RSA 2003: 263-280 |
111 | EE | James A. Muir,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Alternative Digit Sets for Nonadjacent Representations.
Selected Areas in Cryptography 2003: 306-319 |
110 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Paolo D'Arco,
Alfredo De Santis,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Contrast Optimal Threshold Visual Cryptography Schemes.
SIAM J. Discrete Math. 16(2): 224-261 (2003) |
2002 |
109 | EE | Paolo D'Arco,
Douglas R. Stinson:
On Unconditionally Secure Robust Distributed Key Distribution Centers.
ASIACRYPT 2002: 346-363 |
108 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Paolo D'Arco,
Alfredo De Santis,
Douglas R. Stinson:
New Results on Unconditionally Secure Distributed Oblivious Transfer.
Selected Areas in Cryptography 2002: 291-309 |
107 | | Philip A. Eisen,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Threshold Visual Cryptography Schemes with Specified Whiteness Levels of Reconstructed Pixels.
Des. Codes Cryptography 25(1): 15-61 (2002) |
106 | | Charles J. Colbourn,
Douglas R. Stinson,
G. H. John van Rees:
Preface: In Honour of Ronald C. Mullin.
Des. Codes Cryptography 26(1-3): 5-6 (2002) |
105 | | Carlo Blundo,
Barbara Masucci,
Douglas R. Stinson,
Ruizhong Wei:
Constructions and Bounds for Unconditionally Secure Non-Interactive Commitment Schemes.
Des. Codes Cryptography 26(1-3): 97-110 (2002) |
104 | EE | Spyros S. Magliveras,
Douglas R. Stinson,
Tran van Trung:
New Approaches to Designing Public Key Cryptosystems Using One-Way Functions and Trapdoors in Finite Groups.
J. Cryptology 15(4): 285-297 (2002) |
103 | | Douglas R. Stinson:
Some baby-step giant-step algorithms for the low hamming weight discrete logarithm problem.
Math. Comput. 71(237): 379-391 (2002) |
2001 |
102 | | Douglas R. Stinson,
Stafford E. Tavares:
Selected Areas in Cryptography, 7th Annual International Workshop, SAC 2000, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, August 14-15, 2000, Proceedings
Springer 2001 |
101 | EE | Douglas R. Stinson,
Reto Strobl:
Provably Secure Distributed Schnorr Signatures and a (t, n) Threshold Scheme for Implicit Certificates.
ACISP 2001: 417-434 |
100 | EE | Palash Sarkar,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Frameproof and IPP Codes.
INDOCRYPT 2001: 117-126 |
99 | EE | Paolo D'Arco,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Generalized Zig-zag Functions and Oblivious Transfer Reductions.
Selected Areas in Cryptography 2001: 87-102 |
98 | | Douglas R. Stinson:
Something About All or Nothing (Transforms).
Des. Codes Cryptography 22(2): 133-138 (2001) |
97 | | Jessica Staddon,
Douglas R. Stinson,
Ruizhong Wei:
Combinatorial properties of frameproof and traceability codes.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 47(3): 1042-1049 (2001) |
96 | | Barbara Masucci,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Efficient metering schemes with pricing.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 47(7): 2835-2844 (2001) |
95 | | Charles J. Colbourn,
Jeffrey H. Dinitz,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Quorum Systems Constructed from Combinatorial Designs.
Inf. Comput. 169(2): 160-173 (2001) |
94 | EE | Kaoru Kurosawa,
Thomas Johansson,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Almost k-Wise Independent Sample Spaces and Their Cryptologic Applications.
J. Cryptology 14(4): 231-253 (2001) |
93 | EE | Giuseppe Ateniese,
Carlo Blundo,
Alfredo De Santis,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Extended capabilities for visual cryptography.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 250(1-2): 143-161 (2001) |
2000 |
92 | EE | Barbara Masucci,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Metering Schemes for General Access Structures.
ESORICS 2000: 72-87 |
91 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Annalisa De Bonis,
Barbara Masucci,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Dynamic Multi-threshold Metering Schemes.
Selected Areas in Cryptography 2000: 130-143 |
90 | EE | Douglas R. Stinson,
Ruizhong Wei,
Lie Zhu:
Some New Bounds for Cover-Free Families.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 90(1): 224-234 (2000) |
1999 |
89 | EE | Douglas R. Stinson,
Ruizhong Wei:
Unconditionally Secure Proactive Secret Sharing Scheme with Combinatorial Structures.
Selected Areas in Cryptography 1999: 200-214 |
88 | EE | Guang Gong,
Thomas A. Berson,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Elliptic Curve Pseudorandom Sequence Generators.
Selected Areas in Cryptography 1999: 34-48 |
87 | | Rolf S. Rees,
Douglas R. Stinson,
Ruizhong Wei,
G. H. John van Rees:
An application of covering designs: determining the maximum consistent set of shares in a threshold scheme.
Ars Comb. 53: (1999) |
86 | EE | Douglas R. Stinson,
Ruizhong Wei:
An Application of Ramp Schemes to Broadcast Encryption.
Inf. Process. Lett. 69(3): 131-135 (1999) |
85 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Alfredo De Santis,
Douglas R. Stinson:
On the Contrast in Visual Cryptography Schemes.
J. Cryptology 12(4): 261-289 (1999) |
1998 |
84 | EE | Douglas R. Stinson,
Ruizhong Wei:
Key Preassigned Traceability Schemes for Broadcast Encryption.
Selected Areas in Cryptography 1998: 144-156 |
83 | | Douglas R. Stinson,
Tran van Trung:
Some New Results on Key Distribution Patterns and Broadcast Encryption.
Des. Codes Cryptography 14(3): 261-279 (1998) |
82 | | Kaoru Kurosawa,
Koji Okada,
Hajime Saido,
Douglas R. Stinson:
New Combinatorial Bounds for Authentication Codes and Key Predistribution Schemes.
Des. Codes Cryptography 15(1): 87-100 (1998) |
81 | EE | Douglas R. Stinson,
Ruizhong Wei:
Combinatorial Properties and Constructions of Traceability Schemes and Frameproof Codes.
SIAM J. Discrete Math. 11(1): 41-53 (1998) |
80 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Luiz A. Frota Mattos,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Generalized Beimel-Chor Schemes for Broadcast Encryption and Interactive Key Distribution.
Theor. Comput. Sci. 200(1-2): 313-334 (1998) |
1997 |
79 | EE | Kaoru Kurosawa,
Thomas Johansson,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Almost k-wise Independent Sample Spaces and Their Cryptologic Applications.
EUROCRYPT 1997: 409-421 |
78 | | Carlo Blundo,
Antonio Giorgio Gaggia,
Douglas R. Stinson:
On the Dealer's Randomness Required in Secret Sharing Schemes.
Des. Codes Cryptography 11(3): 235-259 (1997) |
77 | | Douglas R. Stinson:
On Some Methods for Unconditionally Secure Key Distribution and Broadcast Encryption.
Des. Codes Cryptography 12(3): 215-243 (1997) |
76 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Anonymous Secret Sharing Schemes.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 77(1): 13-28 (1997) |
1996 |
75 | EE | Mustafa Atici,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Universal Hashing and Multiple Authentication.
CRYPTO 1996: 16-30 |
74 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Luiz A. Frota Mattos,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Trade-offs Between Communication and Storage in Unconditionally Secure Schemes for Broadcast Encryption and Interactive Key Distribution.
CRYPTO 1996: 387-400 |
73 | | Giuseppe Ateniese,
Carlo Blundo,
Alfredo De Santis,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Constructions and Bounds for Visual Cryptography.
ICALP 1996: 416-428 |
72 | | Rolf S. Rees,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Combinatorial Characterizations of Authentication Codes II.
Des. Codes Cryptography 7(3): 239-259 (1996) |
71 | EE | Giuseppe Ateniese,
Carlo Blundo,
Alfredo De Santis,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Visual Cryptography for General Access Structures
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 3(12): (1996) |
70 | | Giuseppe Ateniese,
Carlo Blundo,
Alfredo De Santis,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Visual Cryptography for General Access Structures.
Inf. Comput. 129(2): 86-106 (1996) |
69 | EE | K. Gopalakrishnan,
Douglas R. Stinson:
A Simple Analysis of the Error Probability of Two-Point Based Sampling.
Inf. Process. Lett. 60(2): 91-96 (1996) |
68 | EE | Jürgen Bierbrauer,
K. Gopalakrishnan,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Orthogonal Arrays, Resilient Functions, Error-Correcting Codes, and Linear Programming Bounds.
SIAM J. Discrete Math. 9(3): 424-452 (1996) |
1995 |
67 | | K. Gopalakrishnan,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Three Characterizations of Non-binary Correlation-Immune and Resilient Functions.
Des. Codes Cryptography 5(3): 241-251 (1995) |
66 | EE | Douglas R. Stinson:
On the Connections Between Universal Hashing, Combinatorial Designs and Error-Correcting Codes
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 2(52): (1995) |
65 | | Carlo Blundo,
Alfredo De Santis,
Douglas R. Stinson,
Ugo Vaccaro:
Graph Decompositions and Secret Sharing Schemes.
J. Cryptology 8(1): 39-64 (1995) |
64 | | Douglas R. Stinson,
James L. Massey:
An Infinite Class of Counterexamples to a Conjecture Concerning Nonlinear Resilient Functions.
J. Cryptology 8(3): 167-173 (1995) |
63 | | Carlo Blundo,
Luiz A. Frota Mattos,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Multiple Key Distribution Maintaining User Anonymity via Broadcast Channels.
Journal of Computer Security 3(4): 309-322 (1995) |
1994 |
62 | | Douglas R. Stinson:
Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO '93, 13th Annual International Cryptology Conference, Santa Barbara, California, USA, August 22-26, 1993, Proceedings
Springer 1994 |
61 | EE | Jürgen Bierbrauer,
K. Gopalakrishnan,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Bounds for Resilient Functions and Orthogonal Arrays.
CRYPTO 1994: 247-256 |
60 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Antonio Giorgio Gaggia,
Douglas R. Stinson:
On the Dealer's Randomness Required in Secret Sharing Schemes.
EUROCRYPT 1994: 35-46 |
59 | | Douglas R. Stinson:
Universal Hashing and Authentication Codes.
Des. Codes Cryptography 4(4): 369-380 (1994) |
58 | EE | Jeffrey H. Dinitz,
Douglas R. Stinson,
Lie Zhu:
On the Spectra of Certain Classes of Room Frames.
Electr. J. Comb. 1: (1994) |
57 | | Douglas R. Stinson:
Decomposition constructions for secret-sharing schemes.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 40(1): 118-125 (1994) |
56 | | Douglas R. Stinson:
Combinatorial Techniques for Universal Hashing.
J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 48(2): 337-346 (1994) |
1993 |
55 | | K. Gopalakrishnan,
Dean G. Hoffman,
Douglas R. Stinson:
A Note on a Conjecture Concerning Symmetric Resilient Functions.
Inf. Process. Lett. 47(3): 139-143 (1993) |
54 | | Douglas R. Stinson,
Lie Zhu:
Towards the Spectrum of Room Squares with Subsquares.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 63(1): 129-142 (1993) |
1992 |
53 | EE | Douglas R. Stinson:
New General Lower Bounds on the Information Rate of Secret Sharing Schemes.
CRYPTO 1992: 168-182 |
52 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Alfredo De Santis,
Douglas R. Stinson,
Ugo Vaccaro:
Graph Decompositions and Secret Sharing Schemes.
EUROCRYPT 1992: 1-24 |
51 | | Douglas R. Stinson:
Combinatorial Characterizations of Authentication Codes.
Des. Codes Cryptography 2(2): 175-187 (1992) |
50 | | Douglas R. Stinson:
An Explication of Secret Sharing Schemes.
Des. Codes Cryptography 2(4): 357-390 (1992) |
49 | EE | Douglas R. Stinson,
Y. J. Wei:
Some results on quadrilaterals in Steiner triple systems.
Discrete Mathematics 105(1-3): 207-219 (1992) |
48 | EE | D. Chen,
Charles C. Lindner,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Further results on large sets of disjoint group-divisible designs.
Discrete Mathematics 110(1-3): 35-42 (1992) |
47 | | Charles J. Colbourn,
Douglas R. Stinson,
Luc Teirlinck:
A Parallelization of Miller's n^log n Isomorphism Technique.
Inf. Process. Lett. 42(4): 223-228 (1992) |
46 | | Ernest F. Brickell,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Some Improved Bounds on the Information Rate of Perfect Secret Sharing Schemes.
J. Cryptology 5(3): 153-166 (1992) |
1991 |
45 | EE | Douglas R. Stinson:
Combinatorial Characterizations of Authentication Codes.
CRYPTO 1991: 62-73 |
44 | EE | Douglas R. Stinson:
Universal Hashing and Authentication Codes.
CRYPTO 1991: 74-85 |
43 | EE | Douglas R. Stinson:
A survey of Kirkman triple systems and related designs.
Discrete Mathematics 92(1-3): 371-393 (1991) |
42 | EE | Douglas R. Stinson:
Designs constructed from maximal arcs.
Discrete Mathematics 97(1-3): 387-393 (1991) |
41 | | Douglas R. Stinson:
On bit-serial multiplication and dual bases in GF(2m).
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 37(6): 1733- (1991) |
40 | EE | Charles J. Colbourn,
Jeffrey H. Dinitz,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Spanning sets and scattering sets in Steiner triple systems.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 57(1): 46-59 (1991) |
39 | | Ernest F. Brickell,
Douglas R. Stinson:
The Detection of Cheaters in Threshold Schemes.
SIAM J. Discrete Math. 4(4): 502-510 (1991) |
1990 |
38 | EE | Ernest F. Brickell,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Some Improved Bounds on the Information Rate of Perfect Secret Sharing Schemes.
CRYPTO 1990: 242-252 |
37 | EE | Charles C. Lindner,
Christopher A. Rodger,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Small embeddings for partial cycle systems of odd length.
Discrete Mathematics 80(3): 273-280 (1990) |
36 | EE | Rolf S. Rees,
Douglas R. Stinson:
On the number of blocks in a perfect covering of upsilon points.
Discrete Mathematics 83(1): 81-93 (1990) |
35 | EE | Ronald C. Mullin,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Pairwise balanced designs with odd block sizes exceeding five.
Discrete Mathematics 84(1): 47-62 (1990) |
34 | | Douglas R. Stinson:
The Combinatorics of Authentication and Secrecy Codes.
J. Cryptology 2(1): 23-49 (1990) |
33 | | Douglas R. Stinson:
Some Observations on Parallel Algorithms for Fast Exponentiation in GF(2^n).
SIAM J. Comput. 19(4): 711-717 (1990) |
1989 |
32 | EE | Charles C. Lindner,
Christopher A. Rodger,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Nesting of cycle systems of odd length.
Discrete Mathematics 77(1-3): 191-203 (1989) |
31 | EE | Kevin T. Phelps,
Douglas R. Stinson,
Scott A. Vanstone:
The existence of simple S3(3, 4, v).
Discrete Mathematics 77(1-3): 255-258 (1989) |
30 | EE | Rolf S. Rees,
Douglas R. Stinson:
On combinatorial designs with subdesigns.
Discrete Mathematics 77(1-3): 259-279 (1989) |
29 | EE | Brian Alspach,
Paul J. Schellenberg,
Douglas R. Stinson,
David Wagner:
The Oberwolfach problem and factors of uniform odd length cycles.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 52(1): 20-43 (1989) |
1988 |
28 | EE | Ernest F. Brickell,
Douglas R. Stinson:
The Detection of Cheaters in Threshold Schemes.
CRYPTO 1988: 564-577 |
27 | EE | Ernest F. Brickell,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Authentication Codes with Multiple Arbiters (Extended Abstract).
EUROCRYPT 1988: 51-55 |
26 | EE | E. Seah,
Douglas R. Stinson:
A perfect one-factorization for K36.
Discrete Mathematics 70(2): 199-202 (1988) |
25 | | Douglas R. Stinson:
Some Constructions and Bounds for Authentication Codes.
J. Cryptology 1(1): 37-52 (1988) |
24 | | Douglas R. Stinson:
A Construction for Authentication/Secrecy Codes from Certain Combinatorial Designs.
J. Cryptology 1(2): 119-127 (1988) |
23 | | Douglas R. Stinson,
Scott A. Vanstone:
A Combinatorial Approach to Threshold Schemes.
SIAM J. Discrete Math. 1(2): 230-236 (1988) |
1987 |
22 | EE | Douglas R. Stinson,
Scott A. Vanstone:
A Combinatorial Approach to Threshold Schemes.
CRYPTO 1987: 330-339 |
21 | EE | Douglas R. Stinson:
A Construction for Authentication/Secrecy Codes from Certain Combinatorial Designs.
CRYPTO 1987: 355-366 |
20 | EE | Douglas R. Stinson:
Frames for Kirkman triple systems.
Discrete Mathematics 65(3): 289-300 (1987) |
1986 |
19 | EE | Douglas R. Stinson:
Some Constructions and Bounds for authentication Codes.
CRYPTO 1986: 418-425 |
18 | EE | Douglas R. Stinson:
Concerning the spectrum of perpendicular arrays of triple systems.
Discrete Mathematics 61(2-3): 305-310 (1986) |
1985 |
17 | EE | Douglas R. Stinson,
L. Zhu:
On sets of three mols with holes.
Discrete Mathematics 54(3): 321-328 (1985) |
16 | EE | Douglas R. Stinson,
Scott A. Vanstone:
A Kirkman square of order 51 and block size 3.
Discrete Mathematics 55(1): 107-111 (1985) |
15 | EE | W. L. Kocay,
Douglas R. Stinson,
Scott A. Vanstone:
On strong starters in cyclic groups.
Discrete Mathematics 56(1): 45-60 (1985) |
1984 |
14 | | Douglas R. Stinson,
G. H. John van Rees:
The equivalence of certain equidistant binary codes and symmetric BIBDs.
Combinatorica 4(4): 357-362 (1984) |
13 | EE | Charles C. Lindner,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Steiner pentagon systems.
Discrete Mathematics 52(1): 67-74 (1984) |
12 | | B. A. Anderson,
Paul J. Schellenberg,
Douglas R. Stinson:
The Existence of Howell Designs of Even Side.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 36(1): 23-55 (1984) |
11 | | Douglas R. Stinson:
A Short Proof of the Nonexistence of a Pair of Orthogonal Latin Squares of Order Six.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 36(3): 373-376 (1984) |
1983 |
10 | EE | Jeffrey H. Dinitz,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Mols with holes.
Discrete Mathematics 44(2): 145-154 (1983) |
9 | EE | Douglas R. Stinson,
W. D. Wallis:
Two-fold triple systems without repeated blocks.
Discrete Mathematics 47: 125-128 (1983) |
8 | EE | Jeffrey H. Dinitz,
Douglas R. Stinson,
W. D. Wallis:
Room squares with holes of sides 3, 5, and 7.
Discrete Mathematics 47: 221-228 (1983) |
7 | EE | Paul Erdös,
Ronald C. Mullin,
Vera T. Sós,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Finite linear spaces and projective planes.
Discrete Mathematics 47: 49-62 (1983) |
1982 |
6 | | Douglas R. Stinson:
Problem 26.
Discrete Mathematics 41(3): 332 (1982) |
5 | | Douglas R. Stinson:
The Existence of Howell Designs of Odd Side.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 32(1): 53-65 (1982) |
1981 |
4 | | Paul J. Schellenberg,
Douglas R. Stinson,
Scott A. Vanstone,
J. W. Yates:
The existence of Howell designs of side n+1 and order 2n.
Combinatorica 1(3): 289-301 (1981) |
3 | EE | Douglas R. Stinson:
A general construction for group-divisible designs.
Discrete Mathematics 33(1): 89-94 (1981) |
1980 |
2 | EE | Douglas R. Stinson:
A skew room square of order 129.
Discrete Mathematics 31(3): 333-335 (1980) |
1 | | Dan Archdeacon,
Jeffrey H. Dinitz,
Douglas R. Stinson,
Timothy W. Tillson:
Some New Row-Complete Latin Squares.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 29(3): 395-398 (1980) |