Volume 32,
Number 1,
January 1982
Volume 32,
Number 2,
March 1982
- Richard P. Stanley:
Some Aspects of Groups Acting on Finite Posets.
132-161 BibTeX
- H. J. Ryser:
Set Intersection Matrices.
162-177 BibTeX
- Jeffrey S. Leon, Vera Pless, Neil J. A. Sloane:
Self-Dual Codes over GF(5).
178-194 BibTeX
- D. H. Lehmer:
Generalized Eulerian Numbers.
195-215 BibTeX
- Donald E. Knuth:
Huffman's Algorithm via Algebra.
216-224 BibTeX
- Walter A. Deuber, B. L. Rothschild, Bernd Voigt:
Induced Partition Theorems.
225-240 BibTeX
- Fan R. K. Chung, Paul Erdös, Ronald L. Graham:
Minimal Decompositions of Hypergraphs into Mutually Isomorphic Subhypergraphs.
241-251 BibTeX
- Peter J. Cameron, Jack H. van Lint:
On the Partial Geometry pg(6, 6, 2).
252-255 BibTeX
- R. H. Bruck:
The Automorphism Group of a Circle Geometry.
256-263 BibTeX
- W. G. Bridges, R. A. Mena:
Rational G-Matrices with Rational Eigenvalues.
264-280 BibTeX
- L. H. Harper:
Linear Programming, the Global Approach.
281-298 BibTeX
- William M. Kantor:
Translation Planes of Order q6 Admitting SL(2, q2).
299-302 BibTeX
Volume 32,
Number 3,
May 1982
- Dwight Duffus:
Matching in Modular Lattices.
303-314 BibTeX
- F. M. Dekking:
Replicating Superfigures and Endomorphisms of Free Groups.
315-320 BibTeX
- Miklós Ajtai, János Komlós, Janos Pintz, Joel Spencer, Endre Szemerédi:
Extremal Uncrowded Hypergraphs.
321-335 BibTeX
- Gábor Korchmáros:
Moufang Loops of Odd Prime Exponent p and a Class of Linear Spaces of Order p.
336-349 BibTeX
- John S. Sumner, Alton T. Butson:
Addition Sets in a Finite Group.
350-369 BibTeX
- John S. Sumner, Alton T. Butson:
Generalized Relative Difference Sets and Partially Balanced Incomplete Block Designs.
370-377 BibTeX
- Zvonimir Janko, Tran van Trung:
A Generalization of a Result of L. Baumert and M. Hall About Projective Planes of Order 12.
378-385 BibTeX
- Aeryung Moon:
An Analogue of the Erdös-Ko-Rado Theorem for the Hamming Schemes H(n, q).
386-390 BibTeX
- B. M. I. Rands:
An Extension of the Erdös, Ko, Rado Theorem to t-Designs.
391-395 BibTeX
- Ding-Zhu Du, E. Y. Yao, Frank K. Hwang:
A Short Proof of a Result of Pollak on Steiner Minimal Trees.
396-400 BibTeX
- Zvonimir Janko, Tran van Trung:
Projective Planes of Order 12 Do Not Have a Four Group as a Collineation Group.
401-404 BibTeX
- Donald Y. Goldberg, Anita E. Solow:
Codes with the Same Lee Weight Enumerator Are Isometric.
405-406 BibTeX
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:08:43 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)