
Paolo D'Arco

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28EEPaolo D'Arco, Alfredo De Santis: Weaknesses in a Recent Ultra-Lightweight RFID Authentication Protocol. AFRICACRYPT 2008: 27-39
27EECarlo Blundo, Paolo D'Arco, Alfredo De Santis, Douglas R. Stinson: On Unconditionally Secure Distributed Oblivious Transfer. J. Cryptology 20(3): 323-373 (2007)
26EEPaolo D'Arco, Wataru Kishimoto, Douglas R. Stinson: Properties and constraints of cheating-immune secret sharing schemes. Discrete Applied Mathematics 154(2): 219-233 (2006)
25EEAngelo Ciaramella, Paolo D'Arco, Alfredo De Santis, Clemente Galdi, Roberto Tagliaferri: Neural Network Techniques for Proactive Password Checking. IEEE Trans. Dependable Sec. Comput. 3(4): 327-339 (2006)
24EECarlo Blundo, Paolo D'Arco, Alfredo De Santis: On Self-Healing Key Distribution Schemes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 52(12): 5455-5467 (2006)
23EEStelvio Cimato, Antonella Cresti, Paolo D'Arco: A unified model for unconditionally secure key distribution. Journal of Computer Security 14(1): 45-64 (2006)
22EECarlo Blundo, Paolo D'Arco: Analysis and Design of Distributed Key Distribution Centers. J. Cryptology 18(4): 391-414 (2005)
21EECarlo Blundo, Paolo D'Arco, Alfredo De Santis: Definitions and Bounds for Self-Healing Key Distribution Schemes. ICALP 2004: 234-245
20EEPina Bergamo, Paolo D'Arco, Alfredo De Santis, Ljupco Kocarev: Security of public key cryptosystems based on Chebyshev Polynomials CoRR cs.CR/0411030: (2004)
19EECarlo Blundo, Paolo D'Arco, Alfredo De Santis, Massimiliano Listo: Design of Self-Healing Key Distribution Schemes. Des. Codes Cryptography 32(1-3): 15-44 (2004)
18EECarlo Blundo, Paolo D'Arco, Alfredo De Santis, Clemente Galdi: HYPPOCRATES: a new proactive password checker. Journal of Systems and Software 71(1-2): 163-175 (2004)
17EECarlo Blundo, Paolo D'Arco, Vanesa Daza, Carles Padró: Bounds and constructions for unconditionally secure distributed key distribution schemes for general access structures. Theor. Comput. Sci. 320(2-3): 269-291 (2004)
16EEPaolo D'Arco, Douglas R. Stinson: Fault Tolerant and DistributedBroadcast Encryption. CT-RSA 2003: 263-280
15EEStelvio Cimato, Paolo D'Arco, Ivan Visconti: Anonymous Group Communication in Mobile Networks. ICTCS 2003: 316-328
14EECarlo Blundo, Paolo D'Arco, Massimiliano Listo: A New Self-Healing Key Distribution Scheme. ISCC 2003: 803-808
13EECarlo Blundo, Paolo D'Arco, Carles Padró: A Ramp Model for Distributed Key Distribution Schemes. Discrete Applied Mathematics 128(1): 47-64 (2003)
12EECarlo Blundo, Paolo D'Arco, Alfredo De Santis, Douglas R. Stinson: Contrast Optimal Threshold Visual Cryptography Schemes. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 16(2): 224-261 (2003)
11EEPaolo D'Arco, Douglas R. Stinson: On Unconditionally Secure Robust Distributed Key Distribution Centers. ASIACRYPT 2002: 346-363
10EECarlo Blundo, Paolo D'Arco: The Key Establishment Problem. FOSAD 2002: 44-90
9EECarlo Blundo, Paolo D'Arco, Alfredo De Santis, Clemente Galdi: A Novel Approach to Proactive Password Checking. InfraSec 2002: 30-39
8EECarlo Blundo, Paolo D'Arco, Alfredo De Santis, Douglas R. Stinson: New Results on Unconditionally Secure Distributed Oblivious Transfer. Selected Areas in Cryptography 2002: 291-309
7EEPaolo D'Arco: On the Distribution of a Key Distribution Center. ICTCS 2001: 357-369
6EECarlo Blundo, Paolo D'Arco, Vanesa Daza, Carles Padró: Bounds and Constructions for Unconditionally Secure Distributed Key Distribution Schemes for General Access Structures. ISC 2001: 1-17
5EECarlo Blundo, Paolo D'Arco, Alfredo De Santis, Clemente Galdi: Hyppocrates. ISC 2001: 63-80
4EEPaolo D'Arco, Douglas R. Stinson: Generalized Zig-zag Functions and Oblivious Transfer Reductions. Selected Areas in Cryptography 2001: 87-102
3EECarlo Blundo, Paolo D'Arco, Carles Padró: A Ramp Model for Distributed Key Distribution Schemes. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 6: 45-54 (2001)
2EECarlo Blundo, Paolo D'Arco, Alfredo De Santis: A t-private k-database information retrieval scheme. Int. J. Inf. Sec. 1(1): 64-68 (2001)
1 Carlo Blundo, Paolo D'Arco, Antonio Giorgio Gaggia: A tau-Restricted Key Agreement Scheme. Comput. J. 42(1): 51-61 (1999)

Coauthor Index

1Pina Bergamo [20]
2Carlo Blundo [1] [2] [3] [5] [6] [8] [9] [10] [12] [13] [14] [17] [18] [19] [21] [22] [24] [27]
3Angelo Ciaramella [25]
4Stelvio Cimato [15] [23]
5Antonella Cresti [23]
6Vanesa Daza [6] [17]
7Antonio Giorgio Gaggia [1]
8Clemente Galdi [5] [9] [18] [25]
9Wataru Kishimoto [26]
10Ljupco Kocarev [20]
11Massimiliano Listo [14] [19]
12Carles Padró [3] [6] [13] [17]
13Alfredo De Santis [2] [5] [8] [9] [12] [18] [19] [20] [21] [24] [25] [27] [28]
14Douglas R. Stinson [4] [8] [11] [12] [16] [26] [27]
15Roberto Tagliaferri [25]
16Ivan Visconti [15]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)