2008 |
37 | EE | Isamu Teranishi,
Wakaha Ogata:
Relationship between Two Approaches for Defining the Standard Model PA-ness.
ACISP 2008: 113-127 |
36 | EE | Le Trieu Phong,
Hiroto Matsuoka,
Wakaha Ogata:
Stateful identity-based encryption scheme: faster encryption and decryption.
ASIACCS 2008: 381-388 |
35 | EE | Hiroaki Kikuchi,
Kei Nagai,
Wakaha Ogata,
Masakatsu Nishigaki:
Privacy-Preserving Similarity Evaluation and Application to Remote Biometrics Authentication.
MDAI 2008: 3-14 |
34 | EE | Isamu Teranishi,
Wakaha Ogata:
Cramer-Shoup Satisfies a Stronger Plaintext Awareness under a Weaker Assumption.
SCN 2008: 109-125 |
33 | EE | Isamu Teranishi,
Wakaha Ogata:
Relationship between Standard Model Plaintext Awareness and Message Hiding.
IEICE Transactions 91-A(1): 244-261 (2008) |
32 | EE | Isamu Teranishi,
Takuro Oyama,
Wakaha Ogata:
General Conversion for Obtaining Strongly Existentially Unforgeable Signatures.
IEICE Transactions 91-A(1): 94-106 (2008) |
2007 |
31 | EE | Kei Nagai,
Hiroaki Kikuchi,
Wakaha Ogata,
Masakatsu Nishigaki:
ZeroBio - Evaluation and Development of Asymmetric Fingerprint Authentication System Using Oblivious Neural Network Evaluation Protocol.
ARES 2007: 1155-1159 |
30 | EE | Le Trieu Phong,
Wakaha Ogata:
On Some Variations of Kurosawa-Desmedt Public-Key Encryption Scheme.
IEICE Transactions 90-A(1): 226-230 (2007) |
29 | EE | Dan Yamamoto,
Wakaha Ogata:
A General Model of Structured Multisignatures with Message Flexibility.
IEICE Transactions 90-A(1): 83-90 (2007) |
28 | EE | Wakaha Ogata,
Naoya Matsumoto:
Comments on the Security Proofs of Some Signature Schemes Based on Factorization.
IEICE Transactions 90-A(2): 526-530 (2007) |
2006 |
27 | EE | Isamu Teranishi,
Wakaha Ogata:
Relationship Between Standard Model Plaintext Awareness and Message Hiding.
ASIACRYPT 2006: 226-240 |
26 | EE | Isamu Teranishi,
Takuro Oyama,
Wakaha Ogata:
General Conversion for Obtaining Strongly Existentially Unforgeable Signatures.
INDOCRYPT 2006: 191-205 |
25 | EE | Wakaha Ogata,
Kaoru Kurosawa,
Swee-Huay Heng:
The security of the FDH variant of Chaum's undeniable signature scheme.
IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 52(5): 2006-2017 (2006) |
24 | EE | Wakaha Ogata,
Kaoru Kurosawa,
Douglas R. Stinson:
Optimum Secret Sharing Scheme Secure against Cheating.
SIAM J. Discrete Math. 20(1): 79-95 (2006) |
2005 |
23 | EE | Wakaha Ogata,
Kaoru Kurosawa,
Swee-Huay Heng:
The Security of the FDH Variant of Chaum's Undeniable Signature Scheme.
Public Key Cryptography 2005: 328-345 |
22 | EE | Natsuki Ishida,
Shin'ichiro Matsuo,
Wakaha Ogata:
Efficient Divisible Voting Scheme.
IEICE Transactions 88-A(1): 230-238 (2005) |
2004 |
21 | EE | Wakaha Ogata,
Kaoru Kurosawa,
Douglas R. Stinson,
Hajime Saido:
New combinatorial designs and their applications to authentication codes and secret sharing schemes.
Discrete Mathematics 279(1-3): 383-405 (2004) |
20 | EE | Wakaha Ogata,
Ryota Sasahara:
k out of n Oblivious Transfer without Random Oracles.
IEICE Transactions 87-A(1): 147-151 (2004) |
19 | EE | Wakaha Ogata,
Kaoru Kurosawa:
Oblivious keyword search.
J. Complexity 20(2-3): 356-371 (2004) |
2003 |
18 | EE | Natsuki Ishida,
Shin'ichiro Matsuo,
Wakaha Ogata:
Divisible Voting Scheme.
ISC 2003: 137-150 |
17 | EE | Shin'ichiro Matsuo,
Wakaha Ogata:
Brief announcement: a method for exchanging valuable data: how to realize matching oblivious transfer.
PODC 2003: 201 |
2002 |
16 | EE | Wakaha Ogata,
Kaoru Kurosawa:
Bounds for Robust Metering Schemes and Their Relationship with A-code.
ASIACRYPT 2002: 64-80 |
15 | EE | Kaoru Kurosawa,
Wakaha Ogata:
Bit-Slice Auction Circuit.
ESORICS 2002: 24-38 |
14 | | Wataru Kishimoto,
Koji Okada,
Kaoru Kurosawa,
Wakaha Ogata:
On the bound for anonymous secret sharing schemes.
Discrete Applied Mathematics 121(1-3): 193-202 (2002) |
2001 |
13 | EE | Kaoru Kurosawa,
Wakaha Ogata,
Toshihiki Matsuo,
Shuichi Makishima:
IND-CCA Public Key Schemes Equivalent to Factoring n=pq.
Public Key Cryptography 2001: 36-47 |
2000 |
12 | EE | Wakaha Ogata,
Kaoru Kurosawa:
Provably Secure Metering Scheme.
ASIACRYPT 2000: 388-398 |
1999 |
11 | | Kaoru Kurosawa,
Wakaha Ogata:
Efficient Rabin-type Digital Signature Scheme.
Des. Codes Cryptography 16(1): 53-64 (1999) |
10 | EE | Carlo Blundo,
Alfredo De Santis,
Kaoru Kurosawa,
Wakaha Ogata:
On a Fallacious Bound for Authentication Codes.
J. Cryptology 12(3): 155-159 (1999) |
1998 |
9 | EE | Wakaha Ogata,
Kaoru Kurosawa:
Some Basic Properties of General Nonperfect Secret Sharing Schemes.
J. UCS 4(8): 690-704 (1998) |
1997 |
8 | | Wakaha Ogata,
Kaoru Kurosawa,
Kazue Sako,
Kazunori Takatani:
Fault tolerant anonymous channel.
ICICS 1997: 440-444 |
1996 |
7 | EE | Wakaha Ogata,
Kaoru Kurosawa:
Optimum Secret Sharing Scheme Secure against Cheating.
EUROCRYPT 1996: 200-211 |
6 | EE | Wakaha Ogata,
Keiichi Sakano,
Kaoru Kurosawa:
Multisymbol Majority Vote and Hard Core.
Inf. Process. Lett. 58(6): 285-292 (1996) |
1995 |
5 | EE | Kaoru Kurosawa,
Satoshi Obana,
Wakaha Ogata:
t-Cheater Identifiable (k, n) Threshold Secret Sharing Schemes.
CRYPTO 1995: 410-423 |
1993 |
4 | EE | Kaoru Kurosawa,
Koji Okada,
Keiichi Sakano,
Wakaha Ogata,
Shigeo Tsujii:
Nonperfect Secret Sharing Schemes and Matroids.
EUROCRYPT 1993: 126-141 |
1992 |
3 | | Wakaha Ogata,
Kaoru Kurosawa,
Shigeo Tsujii:
Nonperfect Secret Sharing Schemes.
AUSCRYPT 1992: 56-66 |
1991 |
2 | | Wakaha Ogata,
Kaoru Kurosawa:
On Claw Free Families.
ASIACRYPT 1991: 111-123 |
1990 |
1 | EE | Kaoru Kurosawa,
Yutaka Katayama,
Wakaha Ogata,
Shigeo Tsujii:
General Public Key Residue Cryptosystems and Mental Poker Protocols.
EUROCRYPT 1990: 374-388 |