2005 | ||
72 | EE | Adrian Antipa, Daniel R. L. Brown, Robert P. Gallant, Robert J. Lambert, René Struik, Scott A. Vanstone: Accelerated Verification of ECDSA Signatures. Selected Areas in Cryptography 2005: 307-318 |
2003 | ||
71 | EE | Adrian Antipa, Daniel R. L. Brown, Alfred Menezes, René Struik, Scott A. Vanstone: Validation of Elliptic Curve Public Keys. Public Key Cryptography 2003: 211-223 |
70 | EE | Scott A. Vanstone: Next generation security for wireless: elliptic curve cryptography. Computers & Security 22(5): 412-415 (2003) |
69 | Laurie Law, Alfred Menezes, Minghua Qu, Jerome A. Solinas, Scott A. Vanstone: An Efficient Protocol for Authenticated Key Agreement. Des. Codes Cryptography 28(2): 119-134 (2003) | |
2002 | ||
68 | EE | Charles C. Y. Lam, Guang Gong, Scott A. Vanstone: Message Authentication Codes with Error Correcting Capabilities. ICICS 2002: 354-366 |
2001 | ||
67 | EE | Robert P. Gallant, Robert J. Lambert, Scott A. Vanstone: Faster Point Multiplication on Elliptic Curves with Efficient Endomorphisms. CRYPTO 2001: 190-200 |
66 | EE | Daniel R. L. Brown, Robert P. Gallant, Scott A. Vanstone: Provably Secure Implicit Certificate Schemes. Financial Cryptography 2001: 147-156 |
65 | EE | Don Johnson, Alfred Menezes, Scott A. Vanstone: The Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA). Int. J. Inf. Sec. 1(1): 36-63 (2001) |
2000 | ||
64 | EE | Leon A. Pintsov, Scott A. Vanstone: Postal Revenue Collection in the Digital Age. Financial Cryptography 2000: 105-120 |
63 | Neal Koblitz, Alfred Menezes, Scott A. Vanstone: The State of Elliptic Curve Cryptography. Des. Codes Cryptography 19(2/3): 173-193 (2000) | |
62 | Robert P. Gallant, Robert J. Lambert, Scott A. Vanstone: Improving the parallelized Pollard lambda search on anomalous binary curves. Math. Comput. 69(232): 1699-1705 (2000) | |
1999 | ||
61 | EE | Dieter Jungnickel, Scott A. Vanstone: q-ary graphical codes. Discrete Mathematics 208-209: 375-386 (1999) |
1998 | ||
60 | Volker Müller, Scott A. Vanstone, Robert J. Zuccherato: Discrete Logarithm Based Cryptosystems in Quadratic Function Fields of Characteristic 2. Des. Codes Cryptography 14(2): 159-178 (1998) | |
1997 | ||
59 | Dieter Jungnickel, Scott A. Vanstone: Graphical codes revisited. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 43(1): 136-146 (1997) | |
58 | Scott A. Vanstone, Robert J. Zuccherato: Elliptic curve cryptosystems using curves of smooth order over the ring Zn. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 43(4): 1231-1237 (1997) | |
1996 | ||
57 | Alfred Menezes, Paul C. van Oorschot, Scott A. Vanstone: Handbook of Applied Cryptography CRC Press 1996 | |
56 | Dieter Jungnickel, Marialuisa J. de Resmini, Scott A. Vanstone: Codes Based on Complete Graphs. Des. Codes Cryptography 8(1-2): 159-165 (1996) | |
1995 | ||
55 | Therese C. Y. Lee, Scott A. Vanstone: Subspaces and Polynomial Fatorizations over Finite Fields. Appl. Algebra Eng. Commun. Comput. 6: 147-157 (1995) | |
54 | Scott A. Vanstone, Robert J. Zuccherato: Short RSA Keys and Their Generation. J. Cryptology 8(2): 101-114 (1995) | |
1994 | ||
53 | Shuhong Gao, Scott A. Vanstone: On orders of optimal normal basis generators. ANTS 1994: 220 | |
52 | Minghua Qu, Scott A. Vanstone: Factorizations in the Elementary Abelian p-Group and Their Cryptographic Significance. J. Cryptology 7(4): 201-212 (1994) | |
1993 | ||
51 | EE | Esther R. Lamken, Scott A. Vanstone: Existence results for doubly near resolvable (upsilon, 3, 2)-BIBDs. Discrete Mathematics 120(1-3): 135-148 (1993) |
50 | Gordon B. Agnew, Ronald C. Mullin, Scott A. Vanstone: An Implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems Over F2155. IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 11(5): 804-813 (1993) | |
49 | Alfred Menezes, Tatsuaki Okamoto, Scott A. Vanstone: Reducing elliptic curve logarithms to logarithms in a finite field. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 39(5): 1639-1646 (1993) | |
48 | Gordon B. Agnew, Thomas Beth, Ronald C. Mullin, Scott A. Vanstone: Arithmetic Operations in GF(2m). J. Cryptology 6(1): 3-13 (1993) | |
47 | Alfred Menezes, Scott A. Vanstone: Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems and Their Implementations. J. Cryptology 6(4): 209-224 (1993) | |
1992 | ||
46 | EE | Greg Harper, Alfred Menezes, Scott A. Vanstone: Public-Key Cryptosystems with Very Small Key Length. EUROCRYPT 1992: 163-173 |
45 | EE | Gordon B. Agnew, Ronald C. Mullin, Scott A. Vanstone: On the Development of a Fast Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem. EUROCRYPT 1992: 482-487 |
44 | Alfred Menezes, Scott A. Vanstone: A Note on Cycloc Groups, Finite Fields, and the Discrete Logarithm Problem. Appl. Algebra Eng. Commun. Comput. 3: 67-74 (1992) | |
43 | EE | Vladimir D. Tonchev, Scott A. Vanstone: On Kirkman triple systems of order 33. Discrete Mathematics 106-107: 493-496 (1992) |
42 | Alfred Menezes, Paul C. van Oorschot, Scott A. Vanstone: Subgroup Refinement Algorithms for Root Finding in GF(q). SIAM J. Comput. 21(2): 228-239 (1992) | |
41 | Albrecht Beutelspacher, Dieter Jungnickel, Paul C. van Oorschot, Scott A. Vanstone: Pair-Splitting Sets in AG(m, q). SIAM J. Discrete Math. 5(4): 451-459 (1992) | |
1991 | ||
40 | Alfred Menezes, Scott A. Vanstone: Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO '90, 10th Annual International Cryptology Conference, Santa Barbara, California, USA, August 11-15, 1990, Proceedings Springer 1991 | |
39 | EE | Kenji Koyama, Ueli M. Maurer, Tatsuaki Okamoto, Scott A. Vanstone: New Public-Key Schemes Based on Elliptic Curves over the Ring Zn. CRYPTO 1991: 252-266 |
38 | Alfred Menezes, Scott A. Vanstone, Tatsuaki Okamoto: Reducing Elliptic Curve Logarithms to Logarithms in a Finite Field STOC 1991: 80-89 | |
37 | Endre Boros, Dieter Jungnickel, Scott A. Vanstone: The existence of non-trivial hyperfactorization of K2n. Combinatorica 11(1): 9-15 (1991) | |
36 | Brendan D. McKay, Jennifer Seberry, Scott A. Vanstone: Ralph Gordon Stanton. Discrete Mathematics 92(1-3): 1-8 (1991) | |
35 | EE | Dieter Jungnickel, Scott A. Vanstone: Triple systems in PG(2, q). Discrete Mathematics 92(1-3): 131-135 (1991) |
34 | EE | Esther R. Lamken, Rolf S. Rees, Scott A. Vanstone: Class-uniformly resolvable pairwise balanced designs with block sizes two and three. Discrete Mathematics 92(1-3): 197-209 (1991) |
33 | EE | Dieter Jungnickel, Ronald C. Mullin, Scott A. Vanstone: The spectrum of alpha-resolvable block designs with block size 3. Discrete Mathematics 97(1-3): 269-277 (1991) |
32 | EE | Kevin T. Phelps, Scott A. Vanstone: Isomorphism of strong starters in cyclic groups. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 57(2): 287-293 (1991) |
31 | Gordon B. Agnew, Ronald C. Mullin, I. M. Onyszchuk, Scott A. Vanstone: An Implementation for a Fast Public-Key Cryptosystem. J. Cryptology 3(2): 63-79 (1991) | |
1990 | ||
30 | Alfred Menezes, Scott A. Vanstone: The Implementation of Elliptic Curve Cryptosystems. AUSCRYPT 1990: 2-13 | |
29 | EE | Esther R. Lamken, Scott A. Vanstone: Balanced tournament designs and resolvable (upsilon, 3, 2)-bibds. Discrete Mathematics 83(1): 37-47 (1990) |
28 | EE | Paul C. van Oorschot, Scott A. Vanstone: On splitting sets in block designs and finding roots of polynomials. Discrete Mathematics 84(1): 71-85 (1990) |
27 | EE | Esther R. Lamken, Scott A. Vanstone: The existence of skew Howell designs of side 2n and order 2n + 2. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 54(1): 20-40 (1990) |
1989 | ||
26 | EE | Gordon B. Agnew, Ronald C. Mullin, Scott A. Vanstone: A Fast Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem. EUROCRYPT 1989: 706-708 |
25 | EE | Ronald C. Mullin, I. M. Onyszchuk, Scott A. Vanstone, R. M. Wilson: Optimal normal bases in GF(pn). Discrete Applied Mathematics 22(2): 149-161 (1989) |
24 | EE | David W. Ash, Ian F. Blake, Scott A. Vanstone: Low complexity normal bases. Discrete Applied Mathematics 25(3): 191-210 (1989) |
23 | EE | D. J. Curran, Scott A. Vanstone: Doubly resolvable designs from generalized Bhaskar Rao designs. Discrete Mathematics 73(1-2): 49-63 (1989) |
22 | EE | Esther R. Lamken, Scott A. Vanstone: Balanced tournament designs and related topics. Discrete Mathematics 77(1-3): 159-176 (1989) |
21 | EE | Kevin T. Phelps, Douglas R. Stinson, Scott A. Vanstone: The existence of simple S3(3, 4, v). Discrete Mathematics 77(1-3): 255-258 (1989) |
20 | Paul C. van Oorschot, Scott A. Vanstone: A geometric approach to root finding in GF(qm). IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 35(2): 444-453 (1989) | |
1988 | ||
19 | EE | Gordon B. Agnew, Ronald C. Mullin, Scott A. Vanstone: An Interactive Data Exchange Protocol Based on Discrete Exponentiation. EUROCRYPT 1988: 159-166 |
18 | EE | Gordon B. Agnew, Ronald C. Mullin, Scott A. Vanstone: Fast Exponentiation in GF(2n). EUROCRYPT 1988: 251-255 |
17 | Alfred Menezes, Paul C. van Oorschot, Scott A. Vanstone: Some Computational Aspects of Root Finding in GF(qm). ISSAC 1988: 259-270 | |
16 | EE | Ryoh Fuji-Hara, Scott A. Vanstone: Hyperplane skew resolutions and their applications. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 47(1): 134-144 (1988) |
15 | EE | Marshall Hall Jr., Robert Roth, G. H. John van Rees, Scott A. Vanstone: On designs (22, 33, 12, 8, 4). J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 47(2): 157-175 (1988) |
14 | Douglas R. Stinson, Scott A. Vanstone: A Combinatorial Approach to Threshold Schemes. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 1(2): 230-236 (1988) | |
1987 | ||
13 | EE | Douglas R. Stinson, Scott A. Vanstone: A Combinatorial Approach to Threshold Schemes. CRYPTO 1987: 330-339 |
12 | EE | Esther R. Lamken, W. H. Mills, Ronald C. Mullin, Scott A. Vanstone: Coverings of Pairs by Quintuples. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 44(1): 49-68 (1987) |
11 | EE | Ryoh Fuji-Hara, Scott A. Vanstone: The existence of orthogonal resolutions of lines in AG(n, q). J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 45(1): 139-147 (1987) |
1986 | ||
10 | EE | Esther R. Lamken, Scott A. Vanstone: Existence results for KS3(v; 2, 4)s. Discrete Mathematics 62(2): 197-210 (1986) |
9 | EE | Dieter Jungnickel, Scott A. Vanstone: On resolvable designs S3(3; 4, v). J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 43(2): 334-337 (1986) |
1985 | ||
8 | EE | Douglas R. Stinson, Scott A. Vanstone: A Kirkman square of order 51 and block size 3. Discrete Mathematics 55(1): 107-111 (1985) |
7 | EE | W. L. Kocay, Douglas R. Stinson, Scott A. Vanstone: On strong starters in cyclic groups. Discrete Mathematics 56(1): 45-60 (1985) |
1984 | ||
6 | EE | Ian F. Blake, Ronald C. Mullin, Scott A. Vanstone: Computing Logarithms in GF(2n). CRYPTO 1984: 73-82 |
1982 | ||
5 | EE | Ryoh Fuji-Hara, Scott A. Vanstone: Orthogonal resolutions of lines in AG(n, q). Discrete Mathematics 41(1): 17-28 (1982) |
1981 | ||
4 | Paul J. Schellenberg, Douglas R. Stinson, Scott A. Vanstone, J. W. Yates: The existence of Howell designs of side n+1 and order 2n. Combinatorica 1(3): 289-301 (1981) | |
3 | EE | Ronald C. Mullin, Paul J. Schellenberg, Scott A. Vanstone, W. D. Wallis: On the existence of frames. Discrete Mathematics 37(1): 79-104 (1981) |
1978 | ||
2 | Scott A. Vanstone: Pairwise "Orthogonal Generalized Room Squares" and Equidistant Permutation Arrays. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 25(1): 84-89 (1978) | |
1977 | ||
1 | Scott A. Vanstone, Paul J. Schellenberg: A Construction for Equidistant Permutation Arrays of Index One. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 23(2): 180-186 (1977) |