
David Wagner

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101 David Wagner: Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO 2008, 28th Annual International Cryptology Conference, Santa Barbara, CA, USA, August 17-21, 2008. Proceedings Springer 2008
100EEMatthew Finifter, Adrian Mettler, Naveen Sastry, David Wagner: Verifiable functional purity in java. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2008: 161-174
99EEArel Cordero, David Wagner: Replayable Voting Machine Audit Logs. EVT 2008
98EEJ. Alex Halderman, Eric Rescorla, Hovav Shacham, David Wagner: You Go to Elections with the Voting System You Have: Stop-Gap Mitigations for Deployed Voting Systems. EVT 2008
97EEDan Tsafrir, Tomer Hertz, David Wagner, Dilma Da Silva: Portably Solving File TOCTTOU Races with Hardness Amplification. FAST 2008: 189-206
96EENicolas Courtois, Gregory V. Bard, David Wagner: Algebraic and Slide Attacks on KeeLoq. FSE 2008: 97-115
95EEDamian Dechev, Rabi N. Mahapatra, Bjarne Stroustrup, David Wagner: C++ Dynamic Cast in Autonomous Space Systems. ISORC 2008: 499-507
94EEChris Karlof, J. Doug Tygar, David Wagner: A User Study Design for Comparing the Security of Registration Protocols. UPSEC 2008
93EEDan Tsafrir, Tomer Hertz, David Wagner, Dilma Da Silva: Portably solving file races with hardness amplification. TOS 4(3): (2008)
92EEChris Karlof, Umesh Shankar, J. Doug Tygar, David Wagner: Dynamic pharming attacks and locked same-origin policies for web browsers. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2007: 58-71
91EEPhilippe Golle, David Wagner: Cryptanalysis of a Cognitive Authentication Scheme (Extended Abstract). IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2007: 66-70
90EEKarl Chen, David Wagner: Large-scale analysis of format string vulnerabilities in Debian Linux. PLAS 2007: 75-84
89EENicholas Hopper, David Molnar, David Wagner: From Weak to Strong Watermarking. TCC 2007: 362-382
88EEMatt Bishop, David Wagner: Risks of e-voting. Commun. ACM 50(11): 120 (2007)
87EEDavid Wagner: Cryptographic Protocols for Electronic Voting. CRYPTO 2006: 393
86EEYuval Ishai, Manoj Prabhakaran, Amit Sahai, David Wagner: Private Circuits II: Keeping Secrets in Tamperable Circuits. EUROCRYPT 2006: 308-327
85EEDavid Molnar, Tadayoshi Kohno, Naveen Sastry, David Wagner: Tamper-Evident, History-Independent, Subliminal-Free Data Structures on PROM Storage-or-How to Store Ballots on a Voting Machine (Extended Abstract). IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2006: 365-370
84EEDavid Wagner: Object capabilities for security. PLAS 2006: 1-2
83EEChris Crutchfield, David Molnar, David Turner, David Wagner: Generic On-Line/Off-Line Threshold Signatures. Public Key Cryptography 2006: 58-74
82EERaphael Chung-Wei Phan, David Wagner: Security considerations for incremental hash functions based on pair block chaining. Computers & Security 25(2): 131-136 (2006)
81EEBenjamin Schwarz, Hao Chen, David Wagner, Jeremy Lin, Wei Tu, Geoff Morrison, Jacob West: Model Checking An Entire Linux Distribution for Security Violations. ACSAC 2005: 13-22
80EEJason Waddle, David Wagner: Fault Attacks on Dual-Rail Encoded Systems. ACSAC 2005: 483-494
79EELillie Coney, Joseph Lorenzo Hall, Poorvi L. Vora, David Wagner: Towards a privacy measurement criterion for voting systems. DG.O 2005: 287-288
78EEDavid Molnar, Matt Piotrowski, David Schultz, David Wagner: The Program Counter Security Model: Automatic Detection and Removal of Control-Flow Side Channel Attacks. ICISC 2005: 156-168
77EEStark C. Draper, Prakash Ishwar, David Molnar, Vinod M. Prabhakaran, Kannan Ramchandran, Daniel Schonberg, David Wagner: An Analysis of Empirical PMF Based Tests for Least Significant Bit Image Steganography. Information Hiding 2005: 327-341
76EEDavid Wagner: Pushdown Model Checking for Security. SPIN 2005: 1
75EEDavid Molnar, Andrea Soppera, David Wagner: A Scalable, Delegatable Pseudonym Protocol Enabling Ownership Transfer of RFID Tags. Selected Areas in Cryptography 2005: 276-290
74EEDavid Molnar, Andrea Soppera, David Wagner: Privacy for RFID through trusted computing. WPES 2005: 31-34
73EEZhendong Su, David Wagner: A class of polynomially solvable range constraints for interval analysis without widenings. Theor. Comput. Sci. 345(1): 122-138 (2005)
72EEDavid Molnar, David Wagner: Privacy and security in library RFID: issues, practices, and architectures. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2004: 210-219
71EEDavid Wagner: Cryptanalysis of a provably secure CRT-RSA algorithm. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2004: 92-97
70EEJason Waddle, David Wagner: Towards Efficient Second-Order Power Analysis. CHES 2004: 1-15
69EEDavid Wagner: Towards a Unifying View of Block Cipher Cryptanalysis. FSE 2004: 16-33
68EEMihir Bellare, Phillip Rogaway, David Wagner: The EAX Mode of Operation. FSE 2004: 389-407
67EEHao Chen, Drew Dean, David Wagner: Model Checking One Million Lines of C Code. NDSS 2004
66EEDavid Wagner: Resilient aggregation in sensor networks. SASN 2004: 78-87
65EEChris Karlof, Naveen Sastry, David Wagner: TinySec: a link layer security architecture for wireless sensor networks. SenSys 2004: 162-175
64EEZhendong Su, David Wagner: A Class of Polynomially Solvable Range Constraints for Interval Analysis without Widenings and Narrowings. TACAS 2004: 280-295
63EEMark Johnson, David Wagner, Kannan Ramchandran: On Compressing Encrypted Data without the Encryption Key. TCC 2004: 491-504
62EERobert Johnson, David Wagner: Finding User/Kernel Pointer Bugs with Type Inference. USENIX Security Symposium 2004: 119-134
61EENathan Good, David Molnar, Jennifer M. Urban, Deirdre K. Mulligan, Elizabeth Miles, Laura Quilter, David Wagner: Radio frequency Id and privacy with information goods. WPES 2004: 41-42
60EENaveen Sastry, David Wagner: Security considerations for IEEE 802.15.4 networks. Workshop on Wireless Security 2004: 32-42
59EEDavid Jefferson, Aviel D. Rubin, Barbara Simons, David Wagner: Analyzing internet voting security. Commun. ACM 47(10): 59-64 (2004)
58EEAdrian Perrig, John A. Stankovic, David Wagner: Security in wireless sensor networks. Commun. ACM 47(6): 53-57 (2004)
57EEChris Karlof, David Wagner: Hidden Markov Model Cryptoanalysis. CHES 2003: 17-34
56EEYuval Ishai, Amit Sahai, David Wagner: Private Circuits: Securing Hardware against Probing Attacks. CRYPTO 2003: 463-481
55EEDavid Wagner: Cryptanalysis of an Algebraic Privacy Homomorphism. ISC 2003: 234-239
54EENaveen Sastry, Umesh Shankar, David Wagner: Secure verification of location claims. Workshop on Wireless Security 2003: 1-10
53EEChris Karlof, David Wagner: Secure routing in wireless sensor networks: attacks and countermeasures. Ad Hoc Networks 1(2-3): 293-315 (2003)
52EENancy Cam-Winget, Russell Housley, David Wagner, Jesse Walker: Security flaws in 802.11 data link protocols. Commun. ACM 46(5): 35-39 (2003)
51EEHao Chen, David Wagner: MOPS: an infrastructure for examining security properties of software. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2002: 235-244
50EEDavid Wagner, Paolo Soto: Mimicry attacks on host-based intrusion detection systems. ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2002: 255-264
49EEDavid Wagner: A Generalized Birthday Problem. CRYPTO 2002: 288-303
48EEMoses Liskov, Ronald L. Rivest, David Wagner: Tweakable Block Ciphers. CRYPTO 2002: 31-46
47EERobert Johnson, David Molnar, Dawn Xiaodong Song, David Wagner: Homomorphic Signature Schemes. CT-RSA 2002: 244-262
46EELars R. Knudsen, David Wagner: Integral Cryptanalysis. FSE 2002: 112-127
45EENikita Borisov, Monica Chew, Robert Johnson, David Wagner: Multiplicative Differentials. FSE 2002: 17-33
44 Will Ivancic, David Wagner, Aviel D. Rubin, Paul Ratazzi, James P. G. Sterbenz: Securing Wireless and Mobile Networks - Is It Possible? INFOCOM 2002
43EEDawson R. Engler, Cynthia E. Irvine, Trent Jaeger, David Wagner: Cool security trends. SACMAT 2002: 53
42EEBen Reichardt, David Wagner: Markov Truncated Differential Cryptanalysis of Skipjack. Selected Areas in Cryptography 2002: 110-128
41EEHao Chen, David Wagner, Drew Dean: Setuid Demystified. USENIX Security Symposium 2002: 171-190
40EEAndre Scedrov, Ran Canetti, Joshua D. Guttman, David Wagner, Michael Waidner: Relating Cryptography and Cryptographic Protocols. CSFW 2001: 111-114
39EEScott Crosby, Ian Goldberg, Robert Johnson, Dawn Xiaodong Song, David Wagner: A Cryptanalysis of the High-Bandwidth Digital Content Protection System. Digital Rights Management Workshop 2001: 192-200
38EEDavid Wagner, Drew Dean: Intrusion Detection via Static Analysis. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2001: 156-
37EENikita Borisov, Ian Goldberg, David Wagner: Intercepting mobile communications: the insecurity of 802.11. MOBICOM 2001: 180-189
36EEDavid Wagner: Static Analysis and Software Assurance. SAS 2001: 431
35 Lars R. Knudsen, David Wagner: On the structure of Skipjack. Discrete Applied Mathematics 111(1-2): 103-116 (2001)
34 Niels Ferguson, Bruce Schneier, David Wagner: Security Weaknesses in a Randomized Stream Cipher. ACISP 2000: 234-241
33 Bruce Schneier, John Kelsey, Doug Whiting, David Wagner, Niels Ferguson: Comments on Twofish as an AES Candidate. AES Candidate Conference 2000: 355-356
32EEDavid Wagner: Cryptanalysis of the Yi-Lam Hash. ASIACRYPT 2000: 483-488
31EEDavid Wagner, Ian Goldberg: Proofs of Security for the Unix Password Hashing Algorithm. ASIACRYPT 2000: 560-572
30EEAlex Biryukov, David Wagner: Advanced Slide Attacks. EUROCRYPT 2000: 589-606
29EEAlex Biryukov, Adi Shamir, David Wagner: Real Time Cryptanalysis of A5/1 on a PC. FSE 2000: 1-18
28EENiels Ferguson, John Kelsey, Stefan Lucks, Bruce Schneier, Michael Stay, David Wagner, Doug Whiting: Improved Cryptanalysis of Rijndael. FSE 2000: 213-230
27EEDawn Xiaodong Song, David Wagner, Adrian Perrig: Practical Techniques for Searches on Encrypted Data. IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2000: 44-55
26EEDavid Wagner, Jeffrey S. Foster, Eric A. Brewer, Alexander Aiken: A First Step Towards Automated Detection of Buffer Overrun Vulnerabilities. NDSS 2000
25 John Kelsey, Bruce Schneier, David Wagner, Chris Hall: Side Channel Cryptanalysis of Product Ciphers. Journal of Computer Security 8(2/3): (2000)
24EEBruce Schneier, Mudge, David Wagner: Cryptanalysis of Microsoft's PPTP Authentication Extensions (MS-CHAPv2). CQRE 1999: 192-203
23EELars R. Knudsen, Matthew J. B. Robshaw, David Wagner: Truncated Differentials and Skipjack. CRYPTO 1999: 165-180
22EEJohn Kelsey, Bruce Schneier, David Wagner: Mod n Cryptanalysis, with Applications Against RC5P and M6. FSE 1999: 139-155
21EEDavid Wagner: The Boomerang Attack. FSE 1999: 156-170
20EEAlex Biryukov, David Wagner: Slide Attacks. FSE 1999: 245-259
19EEIan Goldberg, Steven D. Gribble, David Wagner, Eric A. Brewer: The Ninja Jukebox. USENIX Symposium on Internet Technologies and Systems 1999
18EEChris Hall, David Wagner, John Kelsey, Bruce Schneier: Building PRFs from PRPs. CRYPTO 1998: 370-389
17EEJohn Kelsey, Bruce Schneier, David Wagner, Chris Hall: Side Channel Cryptanalysis of Product Ciphers. ESORICS 1998: 97-110
16EEJohn Kelsey, Bruce Schneier, David Wagner, Chris Hall: Cryptanalytic Attacks on Pseudorandom Number Generators. FSE 1998: 168-188
15EEDavid Wagner: Cryptanalysis of Some Recently-Proposed Multiple Modes of Operation. FSE 1998: 254-269
14EEDavid Wagner: Differential Cryptanalysis of KHF. FSE 1998: 293-296
13EEDon Coppersmith, David Wagner, Bruce Schneier, John Kelsey: Cryptanalysis of TWOPRIME. FSE 1998: 32-48
12EEChris Hall, John Kelsey, Bruce Schneier, David Wagner: Cryptanalysis of SPEED. Financial Cryptography 1998: 309-310
11EEBruce Schneier, John Kelsey, Doug Whiting, David Wagner, Chris Hall: On the Twofish Key Schedule. Selected Areas in Cryptography 1998: 27-42
10EEDavid Wagner, Leone Simpson, Ed Dawson, John Kelsey, William Millan, Bruce Schneier: Cryptanalysis of ORYX. Selected Areas in Cryptography 1998: 296-305
9EEChris Hall, John Kelsey, Vincent Rijmen, Bruce Schneier, David Wagner: Cryptanalysis of SPEED. Selected Areas in Cryptography 1998: 319-338
8EEIan Goldberg, David Wagner: TAZ Servers and the Rewebber Network: Enabling Anonymous Publishing on the World Wide Web. First Monday 3(4): (1998)
7EEDavid Wagner, Bruce Schneier, John Kelsey: Cryptoanalysis of the Cellular Encryption Algorithm. CRYPTO 1997: 526-537
6 John Kelsey, Bruce Schneier, David Wagner: Related-key cryptanalysis of 3-WAY, Biham-DES, CAST, DES-X, NewDES, RC2, and TEA. ICICS 1997: 233-246
5 John Kelsey, Bruce Schneier, Chris Hall, David Wagner: Secure Applications of Low-Entropy Keys. ISW 1997: 121-134
4 John Kelsey, Bruce Schneier, David Wagner: Protocol Interactions and the Chosen Protocol Attack. Security Protocols Workshop 1997: 91-104
3EEJohn Kelsey, Bruce Schneier, David Wagner: Key-Schedule Cryptoanalysis of IDEA, G-DES, GOST, SAFER, and Triple-DES. CRYPTO 1996: 237-251
2 Dirk Grunwald, Gary J. Nutt, Anthony M. Sloane, David Wagner, Benjamin G. Zorn: A Testbed for Studying Parallel Programs and Parallel Execution Architectures. MASCOTS 1993: 95-106
1EEBrian Alspach, Paul J. Schellenberg, Douglas R. Stinson, David Wagner: The Oberwolfach problem and factors of uniform odd length cycles. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 52(1): 20-43 (1989)

Coauthor Index

1Alexander Aiken (Alex Aiken) [26]
2Brian Alspach [1]
3Gregory V. Bard [96]
4Mihir Bellare [68]
5Alex Biryukov [20] [29] [30]
6Matt Bishop [88]
7Nikita Borisov [37] [45]
8Eric A. Brewer [19] [26]
9Nancy Cam-Winget [52]
10Ran Canetti [40]
11Hao Chen [41] [51] [67] [81]
12Karl Chen [90]
13Monica Chew [45]
14Lillie Coney [79]
15Don Coppersmith [13]
16Arel Cordero [99]
17Nicolas Courtois [96]
18Scott Crosby [39]
19Chris Crutchfield [83]
20Ed Dawson [10]
21Drew Dean [38] [41] [67]
22Damian Dechev [95]
23Stark C. Draper [77]
24Dawson R. Engler [43]
25Niels Ferguson [28] [33] [34]
26Matthew Finifter [100]
27Jeffrey S. Foster [26]
28Ian Goldberg [8] [19] [31] [37] [39]
29Philippe Golle [91]
30Nathaniel Good (Nathan Good) [61]
31Steven D. Gribble [19]
32Dirk Grunwald [2]
33Joshua D. Guttman [40]
34J. Alex Halderman (John A. Halderman) [98]
35Chris Hall [5] [9] [11] [12] [16] [17] [18] [25]
36Joseph Lorenzo Hall [79]
37Tomer Hertz [93] [97]
38Nicholas Hopper [89]
39Russell Housley [52]
40Cynthia E. Irvine [43]
41Yuval Ishai [56] [86]
42Prakash Ishwar [77]
43Will Ivancic [44]
44Trent Jaeger [43]
45David Jefferson [59]
46Mark Johnson [63]
47Robert Johnson [39] [45] [47] [62]
48Chris Karlof [53] [57] [65] [92] [94]
49John Kelsey [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [16] [17] [18] [22] [25] [28] [33]
50Lars R. Knudsen [23] [35] [46]
51Tadayoshi Kohno [85]
52Jeremy Lin [81]
53Moses Liskov [48]
54Stefan Lucks [28]
55Rabi N. Mahapatra [95]
56Adrian Mettler [100]
57Elizabeth Miles [61]
58William Millan [10]
59David Molnar [47] [61] [72] [74] [75] [77] [78] [83] [85] [89]
60Geoff Morrison [81]
61 Mudge [24]
62Deirdre K. Mulligan [61]
63Gary J. Nutt [2]
64Adrian Perrig [27] [58]
65Raphael Chung-Wei Phan (Raphael C.-W. Phan) [82]
66Matt Piotrowski [78]
67Manoj Prabhakaran [86]
68Vinod M. Prabhakaran [77]
69Laura Quilter [61]
70Kannan Ramchandran [63] [77]
71Paul Ratazzi [44]
72Ben Reichardt [42]
73Eric Rescorla [98]
74Vincent Rijmen [9]
75Ronald L. Rivest [48]
76Matthew J. B. Robshaw [23]
77Phillip Rogaway [68]
78Aviel D. Rubin [44] [59]
79Amit Sahai [56] [86]
80Naveen Sastry [54] [60] [65] [85] [100]
81Andre Scedrov [40]
82Paul J. Schellenberg [1]
83Bruce Schneier [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [16] [17] [18] [22] [24] [25] [28] [33] [34]
84Daniel Schonberg [77]
85David Schultz [78]
86Benjamin Schwarz [81]
87Hovav Shacham [98]
88Adi Shamir [29]
89Umesh Shankar [54] [92]
90Dilma Da Silva [93] [97]
91Barbara B. Simons (Barbara Simons) [59]
92Leone Simpson [10]
93Anthony M. Sloane [2]
94Dawn Xiaodong Song [27] [39] [47]
95Andrea Soppera [74] [75]
96Paolo Soto [50]
97John A. Stankovic [58]
98Michael Stay [28]
99James P. G. Sterbenz [44]
100Douglas R. Stinson [1]
101Bjarne Stroustrup [95]
102Zhendong Su [64] [73]
103Dan Tsafrir [93] [97]
104Wei Tu [81]
105David Turner [83]
106J. Doug Tygar (J. D. Tygar) [92] [94]
107Jennifer M. Urban [61]
108Poorvi L. Vora [79]
109Jason Waddle [70] [80]
110Michael Waidner [40]
111Jesse Walker [52]
112Jacob West [81]
113Doug Whiting [11] [28] [33]
114Benjamin G. Zorn [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)