
G. H. John van Rees

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14EED. Deng, Douglas R. Stinson, Pak Ching Li, G. H. John van Rees, Ruizhong Wei: Constructions and bounds for (m, t)-splitting systems. Discrete Mathematics 307(1): 18-37 (2007)
13EEAlan C. H. Ling, Pak Ching Li, G. H. John van Rees: Splitting systems and separating systems. Discrete Mathematics 279(1-3): 355-368 (2004)
12 Charles J. Colbourn, Douglas R. Stinson, G. H. John van Rees: Preface: In Honour of Ronald C. Mullin. Des. Codes Cryptography 26(1-3): 5-6 (2002)
11 R. T. Bilous, G. H. John van Rees: An Enumeration of Binary Self-Dual Codes of Length 32. Des. Codes Cryptography 26(1-3): 61-86 (2002)
10 Rolf S. Rees, Douglas R. Stinson, Ruizhong Wei, G. H. John van Rees: An application of covering designs: determining the maximum consistent set of shares in a threshold scheme. Ars Comb. 53: (1999)
9 John A. Bate, G. H. John van Rees: The Size of the Smallest Strong Critical Set in a Latin Square. Ars Comb. 53: (1999)
8EEDavid A. Drake, G. H. John van Rees, W. D. Wallis: Maximal sets of mutually orthogonal Latin squares. Discrete Mathematics 194(1-3): 87-94 (1999)
7 Gerhard W. Dueck, G. H. John van Rees: On the Maximum Number of Implicants Needed to Cover a Multiple-Valued Logic Function Using Window Literals. ISMVL 1991: 280-286
6EEWilliam Kocay, G. H. John van Rees: Some non-isomorphic (4t + 4, 8t + 6, 4t + 3, 2t + 2, 2t + 1)- BIBD's. Discrete Mathematics 92(1-3): 159-172 (1991)
5EEG. H. John van Rees: A new family of BIBDs and non-embeddable (16, 24, 9, 6, 3)-designs. Discrete Mathematics 77(1-3): 357-365 (1989)
4EEMarshall Hall Jr., Robert Roth, G. H. John van Rees, Scott A. Vanstone: On designs (22, 33, 12, 8, 4). J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 47(2): 157-175 (1988)
3 Douglas R. Stinson, G. H. John van Rees: The equivalence of certain equidistant binary codes and symmetric BIBDs. Combinatorica 4(4): 357-362 (1984)
2EEAndries E. Brouwer, G. H. John van Rees: More mutually orthogonal latin squares. Discrete Mathematics 39(3): 263-281 (1982)
1 D. M. Jackson, G. H. John van Rees: The Enumeration of Generalized Double Stochastic Nonnegative Integer Square Matrices. SIAM J. Comput. 4(4): 474-477 (1975)

Coauthor Index

1John A. Bate [9]
2R. T. Bilous [11]
3Andries E. Brouwer [2]
4Charles J. Colbourn [12]
5D. Deng [14]
6David A. Drake [8]
7Gerhard W. Dueck [7]
8Marshall Hall Jr. [4]
9D. M. Jackson [1]
10William Kocay [6]
11Pak Ching Li (Ben Li) [13] [14]
12Alan C. H. Ling [13]
13Rolf S. Rees [10]
14Robert Roth [4]
15Douglas R. Stinson [3] [10] [12] [14]
16Scott A. Vanstone [4]
17Walter D. Wallis (W. D. Wallis) [8]
18Ruizhong Wei [10] [14]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)