
Victor V. Solovyev

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16EELeo Gordon, Alexey Ya. Chervonenkis, Alex J. Gammerman, Ilham A. Shahmuradov, Victor V. Solovyev: Genome-Wide Prokaryotic Promoter Recognition Based on Sequence Alignment Kernel. IDA 2003: 386-396
15EELiping Wei, Inna Dubchak, Victor V. Solovyev: Genome-wide Analysis and Comparative Genomics - Session Introduction. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing 2003: 276-278
14 Leo Gordon, Alexey Ya. Chervonenkis, Alex J. Gammerman, Ilham A. Shahmuradov, Victor V. Solovyev: Sequence alignment kernel for recognition of promoter regions. Bioinformatics 19(15): 1964-1971 (2003)
13 Ilham A. Shahmuradov, Alex J. Gammerman, John M. Hancock, Peter M. Bramley, Victor V. Solovyev: PlantProm: a database of plant promoter sequences. Nucleic Acids Research 31(1): 114-117 (2003)
12 Victor V. Solovyev, Ilham A. Shahmuradov: PromH: promoters identification using orthologous genomic sequences. Nucleic Acids Research 31(13): 3540-3545 (2003)
11 M. Burset, I. A. Seledtsov, Victor V. Solovyev: SpliceDB: database of canonical and non-canonical mammalian splice sites. Nucleic Acids Research 29(1): 255-259 (2001)
10 Nikolay A. Kolchanov, Mikhail P. Ponomarenko, Anatoly S. Frolov, Elena A. Ananko, F. A. Kolpakov, Elena V. Ignatieva, Olga A. Podkolodnaya, T. N. Goryachkovskaya, Irina L. Stepanenko, Tatyana I. Merkulova, V. V. Babenko, Y. V. Ponomarenko, Alexey V. Kochetov, Nikolay L. Podkolodny, Denis G. Vorobiev, Sergey V. Lavryushev, Dmitry A. Grigorovich, Y. V. Kondrakhin, Luciano Milanesi, Edgar Wingender, Victor V. Solovyev, G. Christian Overton: Integrated databases and computer systems for studying eukaryotic gene expression. Bioinformatics 15(7): 669-686 (1999)
9 Victor V. Solovyev, Asaf A. Salamov: INFOGENE: a database of known gene structures and predicted genes and proteins in sequences of genome sequencing projects. Nucleic Acids Research 27(1): 248-250 (1999)
8 Nikolay A. Kolchanov, Mikhail P. Ponomarenko, Alexander E. Kel, Y. V. Kondrakhin, Anatoly S. Frolov, F. A. Kolpakov, T. N. Goryachkovskaya, O. V. Kel, Elena A. Ananko, Elena V. Ignatieva, Olga A. Podkolodnaya, Vladimir N. Babenko, Irina L. Stepanenko, Aida G. Romashchenko, Tatyana I. Merkulova, Denis G. Vorobiev, Sergey V. Lavryushev, Y. V. Ponomarenko, Alexey V. Kochetov, G. B. Kolesov, Victor V. Solovyev, Luciano Milanesi, Nikolay L. Podkolodny, Edgar Wingender, T. Heinemeyer: GenExpress: A Computer System for Description, Analysis and Recognition of Regulatory Sequences in Eukaryotic Genome. ISMB 1998: 95-104
7 Victor V. Solovyev, Asaf A. Salamov: The Gene-Finder Computer Tools for Analysis of Human and Model Organisms Genome Sequences. ISMB 1997: 294-302
6 Asaf A. Salamov, Victor V. Solovyev: Recognition of 3'-processing sites of human mRNA precursors. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 13(1): 23-28 (1997)
5 Victor V. Solovyev, Asaf A. Salamov, Charles B. Lawrence: Identification of Human Gene Structure Using Linear Discriminant Functions and Dynamic Programming. ISMB 1995: 367-375
4 Victor V. Solovyev, Asaf A. Salamov, Charles B. Lawrence: The Prediction of Human Exons By Oligonucleotide Composition and Disriminant Analysis of Spliceable Open Reading Frames. ISMB 1994: 354-362
3 Victor V. Solovyev, Asaf A. Salamov: Predicting alpha-helix and beta-strand segments of globular proteins. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 10(6): 661-669 (1994)
2 Victor V. Solovyev, Charles B. Lawrence: Identification of Human Gene Functional Regions Based on Oligonucleotide Composition. ISMB 1993: 371-379
1 Victor V. Solovyev, Kira S. Makarova: A novel method of protein sequence classification based on oligopeptide frequency analysis and its application to search for functional sites and to domain localization. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 9(1): 17-24 (1993)

Coauthor Index

1Elena A. Ananko [8] [10]
2V. V. Babenko [10]
3Vladimir N. Babenko [8]
4Peter M. Bramley [13]
5M. Burset [11]
6Alexey Ya. Chervonenkis [14] [16]
7Inna Dubchak [15]
8Anatoly S. Frolov [8] [10]
9Alexander Gammerman (Alex J. Gammerman) [13] [14] [16]
10Leo Gordon [14] [16]
11T. N. Goryachkovskaya [8] [10]
12Dmitry A. Grigorovich [10]
13John M. Hancock [13]
14T. Heinemeyer [8]
15Elena V. Ignatieva [8] [10]
16Alexander E. Kel [8]
17O. V. Kel [8]
18Alexey V. Kochetov [8] [10]
19Nikolay A. Kolchanov [8] [10]
20G. B. Kolesov [8]
21F. A. Kolpakov [8] [10]
22Y. V. Kondrakhin [8] [10]
23Sergey V. Lavryushev [8] [10]
24Charles B. Lawrence [2] [4] [5]
25Kira S. Makarova [1]
26Tatyana I. Merkulova [8] [10]
27Luciano Milanesi [8] [10]
28G. Christian Overton [10]
29Olga A. Podkolodnaya [8] [10]
30Nikolay L. Podkolodny [8] [10]
31Mikhail P. Ponomarenko [8] [10]
32Y. V. Ponomarenko [8] [10]
33Aida G. Romashchenko [8]
34Asaf A. Salamov [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [9]
35I. A. Seledtsov [11]
36Ilham A. Shahmuradov [12] [13] [14] [16]
37Irina L. Stepanenko [8] [10]
38Denis G. Vorobiev [8] [10]
39Liping Wei [15]
40Edgar Wingender [8] [10]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)