TSQL2 Temporal Query Language
Richard T. Snodgrass
republished from the http://www.cs.arizona.edu/people/rts/tsql2.html
TSQL2 is a temporal extension to the SQL-92 language standard. The TSQL2
committee was formed in July, 1993 after a general invitation sent to the
community. This committee consisted of
Richard T. Snodgrass,
Ilsoo Ahn,
Gad Ariav,
Don S. Batory,
James Clifford,
Curtis E. Dyreson,
Christian S. Jensen,
Ramez Elmasri,
Fabio Grandi,
Wolfgang Käfer,
Nick Kline,
Krishna G. Kulkarni,
T. Y. Cliff Leung,
Nikos A. Lorentzos,
John F. Roddick,
Arie Segev,
Michael D. Soo, and
Suryanarayana M. Sripada.
The committee produced a
preliminary language specification the following January, which appeared in
the March 1994 ACM SIGMOD Record:
- Richard T. Snodgrass, Ilsoo Ahn, Gad Ariav, Don S. Batory, James Clifford, Curtis E. Dyreson, Ramez Elmasri, Fabio Grandi, Christian S. Jensen, Wolfgang Käfer, Nick Kline, Krishna G. Kulkarni, T. Y. Cliff Leung, Nikos A. Lorentzos, John F. Roddick, Arie Segev, Michael D. Soo, Suryanarayana M. Sripada:
TSQL2 Language Specification.
SIGMOD Record 23(1): 65-86(1994)
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
Based on responses to that specification,
changes were made to the language, and the definitive version of the TSQL2
Language Specification was published in September, 1994 [dvi, ps, pdf].
The affiliations and e-mail addresses of the
TSQL2 Language Design Committee members may be found in a separate
section at the end of the language specification.
A tutorial of this language appeared in the September 1994 ACM
SIGMOD Record:
- Richard T. Snodgrass, Ilsoo Ahn, Gad Ariav, Don S. Batory, James Clifford, Curtis E. Dyreson, Ramez Elmasri, Fabio Grandi, Christian S. Jensen, Wolfgang Käfer, Nick Kline, Krishna G. Kulkarni, T. Y. Cliff Leung, Nikos A. Lorentzos, John F. Roddick, Arie Segev, Michael D. Soo, Suryanarayana M. Sripada:
A TSQL2 Tutorial.
SIGMOD Record 23(3): 27-33(1994)
Electronic Edition (ACM DL) BibTeX
Associated with the language specification is a collection of commentaries
which discuss design decisions, provide examples, and consider how the
language may be implemented. These commentaries were originally proposals to
the TSQL2 Language Design Committee. They now serve a different purpose: to
provide examples of the constructs, motivate the many decisions made during
the language design, and compare TSQL2 with the many other language
proposals that have been made over the last fifteen years. It should be
emphasized that these commentaries are not part of the TSQL2 language
specification per se, but rather supplement and elaborate upon it. The
language specification proper is the final word on TSQL2.
The commentaries, along with the language specification, several
indexes, and other supporting material, has been published as a book:
The TSQL2 Language Specification as it appears in the TSQL2 book is
also available
The .pdf files are Adobe PDF; they can be read via the 3.0 reader,
accessible at http://www.adobe.com/prodindex/acrobat/readstep.html.
The .ps files are postscript files.
The evaluation commentary appears in the book in an abbreviated form; the
full commentary is available here [ps,
The file tl2tsql2.pl is a Prolog program that translates allowed temporal
logic to TSQL2. This program was written by Michael Boehlen
<boehlen@cs.auc.dk>. He may be
contacted for a paper that describes this
translation. This is a rather dated version of that program. Newer versions
are available at the TimeCenter
software page (specifically the TimeDB and Tiger systems).
The constructs and insights of TSQL2 are being incorporated into the
SQL3 language.
Correspondence may be directed to the chair of the TSQL2 Language
Design Committee, Richard T.Snodgrass, Department of Computer
Science, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721,
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TSQL2 Web Page: Copyright © by Richard T. Snodgrass, ACM SIGMOD Anthology: Copyright © by ACM (info@acm.org), Corrections: anthology@acm.org
DBLP: Copyright © by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de), last change: Sat May 16 22:55:23 2009