
Shashi K. Gadia

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36EESeo-Young Noh, Shashi K. Gadia: Benchmarking temporal database models with interval-based and temporal element-based timestamping. Journal of Systems and Software 81(11): 1931-1943 (2008)
35EESeo-Young Noh, Shashi K. Gadia, Shihe Ma: An XML-based methodology for parametric temporal database model implementation. Journal of Systems and Software 81(6): 929-948 (2008)
34EESeo-Young Noh, Shashi K. Gadia: User-Friendly Extendibility of Two Temporal Data Models to Spatiotemporal Data Models. MUE 2007: 241-246
33EEJia Tao, Shashi K. Gadia, Tsz S. Cheng: Concept of a Value in Multilevel Security Databases CoRR abs/cs/0703103: (2007)
32EESeo-Young Noh, Shashi K. Gadia: A comparison of two approaches to utilizing XML in parametric databases for temporal data. Information & Software Technology 48(9): 807-819 (2006)
31 Seo-Young Noh, Shashi K. Gadia: The Usability of XML in Parametric Databases for Temporal Data. IKE 2005: 113-119
30EESeo-Young Noh, Shashi K. Gadia: An XML-Based Framework for Temporal Database Implementation. TIME 2005: 180-182
29EETsz S. Cheng, Shashi K. Gadia: The Event Matching Language for Querying Temporal Data. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 14(5): 1119-1125 (2002)
28EEElisa Bertino, Tsz S. Cheng, Shashi K. Gadia, Giovanna Guerrini: A Linguistic Framework for Querying Dimensional Data. TIME 2001: 156-163
27EEIsabella Merlo, Elisa Bertino, Elena Ferrari, Shashi K. Gadia, Giovanna Guerrini: Querying Multiple Temporal Granularity Data. TIME 2000: 103-114
26EEShashi K. Gadia, Sunil S. Nair: Algebraic Identities and Query Optimization in a Parametric Model for Relational Temporal Databases. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 10(5): 793-807 (1998)
25EEShashi K. Gadia: Applicability of Temporal Data Models to Query Multilevel Security Databases: A Case Study. Temporal Databases, Dagstuhl 1997: 238-256
24EEChristian S. Jensen, Curtis E. Dyreson, Michael H. Böhlen, James Clifford, Ramez Elmasri, Shashi K. Gadia, Fabio Grandi, Patrick J. Hayes, Sushil Jajodia, Wolfgang Käfer, Nick Kline, Nikos A. Lorentzos, Yannis G. Mitsopoulos, Angelo Montanari, Daniel A. Nonen, Elisa Peressi, Barbara Pernici, John F. Roddick, Nandlal L. Sarda, Maria Rita Scalas, Arie Segev, Richard T. Snodgrass, Michael D. Soo, Abdullah Uz Tansel, Paolo Tiberio, Gio Wiederhold: The Consensus Glossary of Temporal Database Concepts - February 1998 Version. Temporal Databases, Dagstuhl 1997: 367-405
23EETsz S. Cheng, Shashi K. Gadia: A Pattern Matching Language for Spatio-Temporal Databases. CIKM 1994: 288-295
22EEChristian S. Jensen, James Clifford, Ramez Elmasri, Shashi K. Gadia, Patrick J. Hayes, Sushil Jajodia: A Consensus Glossary of Temporal Database Concepts. SIGMOD Record 23(1): 52-64 (1994)
21 Abdullah Uz Tansel, James Clifford, Shashi K. Gadia, Sushil Jajodia, Arie Segev, Richard T. Snodgrass: Temporal Databases: Theory, Design, and Implementation Benjamin/Cummings 1993
20 Shashi K. Gadia, Vimal Chopra: A Relational Model and SQL-like Query Language for Spatial Databases. Advanced Database Systems 1993: 213-225
19EETsz S. Cheng, Shashi K. Gadia, Sunil S. Nair: Object Identity and Dimension Alignment in Parametric Databases. CIKM 1993: 615-624
18 Shashi K. Gadia: Ben-Zvi's Pioneering Work in Relational Temporal Databases. Temporal Databases 1993: 202-207
17 Shashi K. Gadia, Sunil S. Nair: Temporal Databases: A Prelude to Parametric Data. Temporal Databases 1993: 28-66
16EEGautam Bhargava, Shashi K. Gadia: Relational Database Systems with Zero Information Loss. IEEE Trans. Knowl. Data Eng. 5(1): 76-87 (1993)
15EEShashi K. Gadia: Parametric Databases: Seamless Integration of Spatial, Temporal, Belief and Ordinary Data. SIGMOD Record 22(1): 15-20 (1993)
14EEShashi K. Gadia, Sunil S. Nair, Yiu-Cheong Poon: Incomplete Information in Relational Temporal Databases. VLDB 1992: 395-406
13EEChristian S. Jensen, James Clifford, Shashi K. Gadia, Arie Segev, Richard T. Snodgrass: A Glossary of Temporal Database Concepts. SIGMOD Record 21(3): 35-43 (1992)
12EEShashi K. Gadia, Chuen-Sing Yeung: Inadequacy of interval timestamps in temporal databases. Inf. Sci. 54(1-2): 1-22 (1991)
11 Sushil Jajodia, Shashi K. Gadia, Gautam Bhargava, Edgar H. Sibley: Audit Trail Organization in Relational Databases. DBSec 1989: 269-281
10EEGautam Bhargava, Shashi K. Gadia: Achieving Zero Information-Loss in a Classical Database Environment. VLDB 1989: 217-224
9EEShashi K. Gadia, Chuen-Sing Yeung: A Generalized Model for a Relational Temporal Database. SIGMOD Conference 1988: 251-259
8EEShashi K. Gadia: A Homogeneous Relational Model and Query Languages for Temporal Databases. ACM Trans. Database Syst. 13(4): 418-448 (1988)
7EEShashi K. Gadia: The Role of Temporal Elements in Temporal Databases. IEEE Data Eng. Bull. 11(4): 19-25 (1988)
6 Leslie L. Miller, Shashi K. Gadia, Suresh C. Kothari, K. C. Liu: Completeness Issues for Join Dependencies Derived from the Universal Relation Join Dependency. Inf. Process. Lett. 28(5): 269-274 (1988)
5EEShashi K. Gadia: Temporal element as a primitive for time in temporal databases and its application in query optimization (abstract). ACM Conference on Computer Science 1986: 413
4EEShashi K. Gadia: Toward a Multihomogeneous Model for a Temporal Database. ICDE 1986: 390-397
3EEShashi K. Gadia: Weak Temporal Relations. PODS 1986: 70-77
2EEShashi K. Gadia: A suitable relational model for temporal databases (abstract only). ACM Conference on Computer Science 1985: 423
1EEShashi K. Gadia, Jay H. Vaishnav: A Query Language for a Homogeneous Temporal Database. PODS 1985: 51-56

Coauthor Index

1Elisa Bertino [27] [28]
2Gautam Bhargava [10] [11] [16]
3Michael H. Böhlen [24]
4Tsz S. Cheng [19] [23] [28] [29] [33]
5Vimal Chopra [20]
6James Clifford [13] [21] [22] [24]
7Curtis E. Dyreson [24]
8Ramez Elmasri [22] [24]
9Elena Ferrari [27]
10Fabio Grandi [24]
11Giovanna Guerrini [27] [28]
12Patrick J. Hayes [22] [24]
13Sushil Jajodia [11] [21] [22] [24]
14Christian S. Jensen [13] [22] [24]
15Wolfgang Käfer [24]
16Nick Kline [24]
17Suresh C. Kothari [6]
18K. C. Liu [6]
19Nikos A. Lorentzos [24]
20Shihe Ma [35]
21Isabella Merlo [27]
22Leslie L. Miller (Les L. Miller, Les Miller) [6]
23Yannis G. Mitsopoulos [24]
24Angelo Montanari [24]
25Sunil S. Nair [14] [17] [19] [26]
26Seo-Young Noh [30] [31] [32] [34] [35] [36]
27Daniel A. Nonen [24]
28Elisa Peressi [24]
29Barbara Pernici [24]
30Yiu-Cheong Poon [14]
31John F. Roddick [24]
32Nandlal L. Sarda [24]
33Maria Rita Scalas [24]
34Arie Segev [13] [21] [24]
35Edgar H. Sibley [11]
36Richard T. Snodgrass [13] [21] [24]
37Michael D. Soo [24]
38Abdullah Uz Tansel [21] [24]
39Jia Tao [33]
40Paolo Tiberio [24]
41Jay H. Vaishnav [1]
42Gio Wiederhold [24]
43Chuen-Sing Yeung [9] [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)