
Trey Smith

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8EEDavid R. Thompson, Trey Smith, David Wettergreen: Information-optimal selective data return for autonomous rover traverse science and survey. ICRA 2008: 968-973
7 Trey Smith, David R. Thompson, David Wettergreen: Generating Exponentially Smaller POMDP Models Using Conditionally Irrelevant Variable Abstraction. ICAPS 2007: 304-311
6 Trey Smith, Reid G. Simmons: Focused Real-Time Dynamic Programming for MDPs: Squeezing More Out of a Heuristic. AAAI 2006
5 Trey Smith: Rover Science Autonomy: Probabilistic Planning for Science-Aware Exploration. AAAI 2005: 1660-1661
4EETrey Smith, Reid G. Simmons: Point-Based POMDP Algorithms: Improved Analysis and Implementation. UAI 2005: 542-547
3EETrey Smith, Reid G. Simmons: Heuristic Search Value Iteration for POMDPs. UAI 2004: 520-527
2 Sanjiv Singh, Reid G. Simmons, Trey Smith, Anthony Stentz, Vandi Verma, Alex Yahja, Kurt Schwehr: Recent Progress in Local and Global Traversability for Planetary Rovers. ICRA 2000: 1194-1200
1EEReid G. Simmons, Sanjiv Singh, David Hershberger, Josué Ramos, Trey Smith: First Results in the Coordination of Heterogeneous Robots for Large-Scale Assembly. ISER 2000: 323-332

Coauthor Index

1David Hershberger [1]
2Josué Ramos [1]
3Kurt Schwehr [2]
4Reid G. Simmons [1] [2] [3] [4] [6]
5Sanjiv Singh [1] [2]
6Anthony Stentz [2]
7David R. Thompson [7] [8]
8Vandi Verma [2]
9David Wettergreen [7] [8]
10Alex Yahja [2]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)