
Neil J. A. Sloane

N. J. A. Sloane

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78EEN. J. A. Sloane, Vinay A. Vaishampayan: Generalizations of Schöbi's Tetrahedral Dissection. Discrete & Computational Geometry 41(2): 232-248 (2009)
77EEChao Tian, Vinay A. Vaishampayan, Neil J. A. Sloane: A Coding Algorithm for Constant Weight Vectors: A Geometric Approach Based on Dissections. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 55(3): 1051-1060 (2009)
76EENeil J. A. Sloane: The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. Calculemus/MKM 2007: 130
75EENadia Heninger, Eric M. Rains, N. J. A. Sloane: On the integrality of nth roots of generating functions. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 113(8): 1732-1745 (2006)
74EENeil J. A. Sloane, James A. Sellers: On non-squashing partitions. Discrete Mathematics 294(3): 259-274 (2005)
73EEFrédérique E. Oggier, Neil J. A. Sloane, Suhas N. Diggavi, A. Robert Calderbank: Nonintersecting subspaces based on finite alphabets. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 51(12): 4320-4325 (2005)
72EEN. J. A. Sloane, Thomas Wieder: The Number of Hierarchical Orderings. Order 21(1): 83-89 (2004)
71 A. Robert Calderbank, Neil J. A. Sloane: Correction to "The ternary golay code, the integers 9 and the Coxeter-Todd lattice". IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 49(1): 347 (2003)
70 Suhas N. Diggavi, N. J. A. Sloane, Vinay A. Vaishampayan: Asymmetric multiple description lattice vector quantizers. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 48(1): 174-191 (2002)
69 N. J. A. Sloane, Vinay A. Vaishampayan: A Zador-like formula for quantizers based on periodic tilings. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 48(12): 3138-3140 (2002)
68EEN. J. A. Sloane: Plane packing. CCCG 2001
67 Gabriele Nebe, Eric M. Rains, Neil J. A. Sloane: The Invariants of the Clifford Groups. Des. Codes Cryptography 24(1): 99-122 (2001)
66 Vinay A. Vaishampayan, N. J. A. Sloane, Sergio D. Servetto: Multiple-description vector quantization with lattice codebooks: Design and analysis. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 47(5): 1718-1734 (2001)
65EESuhas N. Diggavi, N. J. A. Sloane, Vinay A. Vaishampayan: Design of Asymmetric Multiple Description Lattice Vector Quantizers. Data Compression Conference 2000: 490-499
64 Hamid R. Sadjadpour, M. Salehi, Neil J. A. Sloane, Gabriele Nebe: Interleaver Design for Short Block Length Turbo Codes. ICC (2) 2000: 628-632
63EESergio D. Servetto, Vinay A. Vaishampayan, N. J. A. Sloane: Multiple Description Lattice Vector Quantization. Data Compression Conference 1999: 13-22
62EEYves Edel, Eric M. Rains, Neil J. A. Sloane: On Kissing Numbers in Dimensions 32 to 128. Electr. J. Comb. 5: (1998)
61 Andries E. Brouwer, Heikki O. Hämäläinen, Patric R. J. Östergård, Neil J. A. Sloane: Bounds on Mixed Binary/Ternary Codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 44(1): 140-161 (1998)
60 A. Robert Calderbank, Eric M. Rains, Peter W. Shor, Neil J. A. Sloane: Quantum Error Correction Via Codes Over GF(4). IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 44(4): 1369-1387 (1998)
59EEM. Bernstein, N. J. A. Sloane, Paul E. Wright: On sublattices of the hexagonal lattice. Discrete Mathematics 170(1-3): 29-39 (1997)
58EER. H. Hardin, Neil J. A. Sloane: McLaren's Improved Snub Cube and Other New Spherical Designs in Three Dimensions. Discrete & Computational Geometry 15(4): 429-441 (1996)
57 A. Robert Calderbank, Neil J. A. Sloane: The ternary Golay code, the integers mod 9, and the Coxeter-Todd lattice. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 42(2): 636-637 (1996)
56EEJessica Millar, N. J. A. Sloane, Neal E. Young: A New Operation on Sequences: The Boustrophedon Transform. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 76(1): 44-54 (1996)
55 A. Robert Calderbank, Neil J. A. Sloane: Modular and p-adic Cyclic Codes. Des. Codes Cryptography 6(1): 21-35 (1995)
54 John H. Conway, Neil J. A. Sloane: What are All the Best Sphere Packings n Low Dimensions?. Discrete & Computational Geometry 13: 383-403 (1995)
53 Neil J. A. Sloane, R. H. Hardin, T. D. S. Duff, John H. Conway: Minimal-Energy Clusters of Hard Spheres. Discrete & Computational Geometry 14(3): 237-259 (1995)
52 John H. Conway, Neil J. A. Sloane: Quaternary Constructions for the Binary Single-Error-Correcting Codes of Julin, Best and Others. Des. Codes Cryptography 4(1): 31-42 (1994)
51EEN. J. A. Sloane: The On-Line Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences. Electr. J. Comb. 1: (1994)
50 A. Roger Hammons Jr., P. Vijay Kumar, A. Robert Calderbank, Neil J. A. Sloane, Patrick Solé: The Z4-linearity of Kerdock, Preparata, Goethals, and related codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 40(2): 301-319 (1994)
49 R. H. Hardin, Neil J. A. Sloane: Expressing (a2 + b2 + c2 + d2)3 as a Sum of 23 Sixth Powers. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 68(2): 481-485 (1994)
48 A. Roger Hammons Jr., P. Vijay Kumar, A. Robert Calderbank, Neil J. A. Sloane, Patrick Solé: On the Apparent Duality of the Kerdock and Preparata Codes. AAECC 1993: 13-24
47 John H. Conway, Neil J. A. Sloane: Self-Dual Codes over the Integers Modulo 4. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 62(1): 30-45 (1993)
46 John H. Conway, Neil J. A. Sloane: On the Covering Multiplicity of Lattices. Discrete & Computational Geometry 8: 109-130 (1992)
45EER. H. Hardin, N. J. A. Sloane: New spherical 4-designs. Discrete Mathematics 106-107: 255-264 (1992)
44 John H. Conway, Vera Pless, Neil J. A. Sloane: The Binary Self-Dual Codes of Length up to 32: A Revised Enumeration. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 60(2): 183-195 (1992)
43 A. Robert Calderbank, Philippe Delsarte, Neil J. A. Sloane: A strengthening of the Assmus-Mattson theorem. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 37(5): 1261-1268 (1991)
42 Ronald L. Graham, Neil J. A. Sloane: Penny-Packing and Two-Dimensional Codes. Discrete & Computational Geometry 5: 1-11 (1990)
41EEYing Cheng, N. J. A. Sloane: The automorphism group of an [18, 9, 8] quaternary code. Discrete Mathematics 83(2-3): 205-212 (1990)
40EEJohn H. Conway, Samuel J. Lomonaco, N. J. A. Sloane: A [45, 13] code with minimal distance 16. Discrete Mathematics 83(2-3): 213-217 (1990)
39 John H. Conway, Neil J. A. Sloane: Orbit and coset analysis of the Golay and related codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 36(5): 1038-1050 (1990)
38 John H. Conway, Neil J. A. Sloane: A new upper bound on the minimal distance of self-dual codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 36(6): 1319-1333 (1990)
37 Andries E. Brouwer, James B. Shearer, Neil J. A. Sloane, Warren D. Smith: A new table of constant weight codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 36(6): 1334-1380 (1990)
36EEPeter C. Fishburn, N. J. A. Sloane: The solution to Berlekamp's switching game. Discrete Mathematics 74(3): 263-290 (1989)
35 Ying Cheng, N. J. A. Sloane: Codes from Symmetry Groups, and A [32, 17, 8] Code. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 2(1): 28-37 (1989)
34 A. Robert Calderbank, Neil J. A. Sloane: Inequalities for covering codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 34(5): 1276-1280 (1988)
33 M. R. Schroeder, Neil J. A. Sloane: New permutation codes using Hadamard unscrambling. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 33(1): 144- (1987)
32 A. Robert Calderbank, Neil J. A. Sloane: New trellis codes based on lattices and cosets. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 33(2): 177-195 (1987)
31 John H. Conway, Neil J. A. Sloane: Soft decoding techniques for codes and lattices, including the Golay code and the Leech lattice. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 32(1): 41-50 (1986)
30 John H. Conway, Neil J. A. Sloane: Lexicographic codes: Error-correcting codes from game theory. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 32(3): 337-348 (1986)
29 Gérard D. Cohen, Antoine Lobstein, Neil J. A. Sloane: Further results on the covering radius of codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 32(5): 680-694 (1986)
28EENeil J. A. Sloane: A new approach to the covering radius of codes. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 42(1): 61-86 (1986)
27 John H. Conway, Neil J. A. Sloane: A lower bound on the average error of vector quantizers. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 31(1): 106- (1985)
26 Ronald L. Graham, Neil J. A. Sloane: On the covering radius of codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 31(3): 385-401 (1985)
25 D. E. Downie, Neil J. A. Sloane: The covering radius of cyclic codes of length up to 31. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 31(3): 446- (1985)
24 James A. Reeds, N. J. A. Sloane: Shift-Register Synthesis (Modulo m). SIAM J. Comput. 14(3): 505-513 (1985)
23 Gérard D. Cohen, Antoine Lobstein, Neil J. A. Sloane: On a conjecture concerning coverings of Hamming space. AAECC 1984: 79-89
22 Neil J. A. Sloane: Review of 'Secure Communications and Asymmetric Cryptosystems' (Simmons, G.J., Ed.; 1982). IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 30(4): 694- (1984)
21 James A. Reeds, N. J. A. Sloane: Shift-Register Synthesis (Modula m). CRYPTO 1983: 249
20 Neil J. A. Sloane: Review of 'New Concepts in Multi-User Communication' (Skwirzynski, J.K., Ed.; 1982). IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 29(2): 321 (1983)
19 Neil J. A. Sloane: Papers in honor of F. Jessie MacWilliams. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 29(3): 329 (1983)
18 Neil J. A. Sloane, John G. Thompson: Cyclic self-dual codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 29(3): 364-366 (1983)
17 John H. Conway, Neil J. A. Sloane: A fast encoding method for lattice codes and quantizers. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 29(6): 820-824 (1983)
16EEN. J. A. Sloane: Encrypting by Random Rotations. EUROCRYPT 1982: 71-128
15 John H. Conway, Neil J. A. Sloane: Voronoi regions of lattices, second moments of polytopes, and quantization. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 28(2): 211-226 (1982)
14 John H. Conway, Neil J. A. Sloane: Fast quantizing and decoding and algorithms for lattice quantizers and codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 28(2): 227-231 (1982)
13 Neil J. A. Sloane: Review of 'Advances in Computer System Security' (Turn, R.; 1981). IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 28(3): 557 (1982)
12 Jeffrey S. Leon, Vera Pless, Neil J. A. Sloane: Self-Dual Codes over GF(5). J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 32(2): 178-194 (1982)
11 Jeffrey S. Leon, Vera Pless, Neil J. A. Sloane: On ternary self-dual codes of length 24. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 27(2): 176-180 (1981)
10 Neil J. A. Sloane: Tables of sphere packings and spherical codes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 27(3): 327-338 (1981)
9 Neil J. A. Sloane: Review of 'Projective Geometries over Finite Fields' (J. W. P. Hirschfeld, 1979). IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 27(3): 385- (1981)
8 N. J. A. Sloane, John G. Thompson: The Nonexistence of a Certain Steiner System. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 30(3): 209-236 (1981)
7 N. J. A. Sloane: A Note on the Leech Lattice as a Code for the Gaussian Channel Information and Control 46(3): 270-272 (1980)
6 Andrew M. Odlyzko, N. J. A. Sloane: New Bounds on the Number of Unit Spheres That Can Touch a Unit Sphere in n Dimensions. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 26(2): 210-214 (1979)
5 F. J. MacWilliams, Andrew M. Odlyzko, N. J. A. Sloane, Harold N. Ward: Self-Dual Codes over GF(4). J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 25(3): 288-318 (1978)
4 C. L. Mallows, N. J. A. Sloane: An Upper Bound for Self-Dual Codes Information and Control 22(2): 188-200 (1973)
3 F. J. MacWilliams, N. J. A. Sloane, John G. Thompson: On the Existence of a Projective Plane of Order 10. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 14(1): 66-78 (1973)
2 Robert P. Kurshan, N. J. A. Sloane: Coset Analysis of Reed Muller Codes Via Translates of Finite Vector Spaces Information and Control 20(5): 410-414 (1972)
1 Elwyn R. Berlekamp, N. J. A. Sloane: Restrictions on Weight Distribution of Reed-Muller Codes Information and Control 14(5): 442-456 (1969)

Coauthor Index

1Elwyn R. Berlekamp [1]
2M. Bernstein [59]
3Andries E. Brouwer [37] [61]
4A. Robert Calderbank [32] [34] [43] [48] [50] [55] [57] [60] [71] [73]
5Ying Cheng [35] [41]
6Gérard D. Cohen [23] [29]
7John H. Conway [14] [15] [17] [27] [30] [31] [38] [39] [40] [44] [46] [47] [52] [53] [54]
8Philippe Delsarte [43]
9Suhas N. Diggavi [65] [70] [73]
10D. E. Downie [25]
11T. D. S. Duff [53]
12Yves Edel [62]
13Peter C. Fishburn [36]
14Ronald L. Graham [26] [42]
15Heikki O. Hämäläinen [61]
16A. Roger Hammons Jr. [48] [50]
17R. H. Hardin [45] [49] [53] [58]
18Nadia Heninger [75]
19P. Vijay Kumar [48] [50]
20Robert P. Kurshan [2]
21Jeffrey S. Leon [11] [12]
22Antoine Lobstein [23] [29]
23Samuel J. Lomonaco [40]
24F. J. MacWilliams [3] [5]
25C. L. Mallows [4]
26Jessica Millar [56]
27Gabriele Nebe [64] [67]
28Andrew M. Odlyzko [5] [6]
29Frédérique E. Oggier [73]
30Patric R. J. Östergård [61]
31Vera Pless [11] [12] [44]
32Eric M. Rains [60] [62] [67] [75]
33James A. Reeds [21] [24]
34Hamid R. Sadjadpour [64]
35M. Salehi [64]
36M. R. Schroeder [33]
37James A. Sellers [74]
38Sergio D. Servetto [63] [66]
39James B. Shearer [37]
40Peter W. Shor [60]
41Warren D. Smith [37]
42Patrick Solé [48] [50]
43John G. Thompson [3] [8] [18]
44Chao Tian [77]
45Vinay A. Vaishampayan [63] [65] [66] [69] [70] [77] [78]
46Harold N. Ward [5]
47Thomas Wieder [72]
48Paul E. Wright [59]
49Neal E. Young [56]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)