Volume 68,
Number 1,
October 1994
- David A. Grable:
Almost All Linear Spaces and Partial t-Designs Have Trivial Automorphism Groups.
1-32 BibTeX
- SeungKyung Park:
P-Partitioins and q-Stirling Numbers.
33-52 BibTeX
- Franz B. Kalhoff:
Matroids with Coefficients over Projective Planes.
53-85 BibTeX
- Arthur Randrianarivony, Jiang Zeng:
Sur une extension des nombres d'Euler et les records des permutations alternantes.
86-99 BibTeX
- Dmitrii V. Pasechnik:
Geometric Characterization of the Sporadic Groups Fi22, Fi23, and Fi24.
100-114 BibTeX
- Greg Kuperberg:
Symmetries of Plane Partitions and the Permanent - Determinant Method.
115-151 BibTeX
- Ahmed M. Assaf:
An Application of Modified Group Divisible Designs.
152-168 BibTeX
- Jerrold R. Griggs:
The Channel Assigment Problem for Mutually Adjacent Sites.
169-183 BibTeX
- Ernest E. Shult, Joseph A. Thas:
m-Systems of Polar Spaces.
184-204 BibTeX
- Yair Caro:
A Complete Characterization of the Zero-Sum (mod 2) Ramsey Numbers.
205-211 BibTeX
- Roberta S. Wenocur:
A Probabilistic Proof of Gauss' 2F1 Identity.
212-214 BibTeX
- Jane Friedman, Ira M. Gessel, Doron Zeilberger:
Talmudic Lattice Path Counting.
215-217 BibTeX
- Darryn E. Bryant, Christopher A. Rodger:
The Doyen-Wilson Theorem Extended to 5-Cycles.
218-225 BibTeX
- Ron Shaw, Neil A. Gordon:
The Lines of PG(4, 2) Are the Points on a Quintic in PG(9, 2).
226-231 BibTeX
- Hunter S. Snevily:
On Generalizations of the deBruijn - Erdös Theorem.
232-238 BibTeX
- G. F. Clements:
Another Generalization of the Kruskal - Katona Theorem.
239-245 BibTeX
- David E. Daykin, T. D. Thu:
The Dual of the Ahlswede - Zhang Identity.
246-249 BibTeX
Volume 68,
Number 2,
November 1994
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:08:36 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)