Volume 33,
Number 1,
January 1987
- Peter Elias:
Interval and recency rank source coding: Two on-line adaptive variable-length schemes.
3-10 BibTeX
- George V. Moustakides, John B. Thomas:
Robust detection of signals in dependent noise.
11-15 BibTeX
- Neil A. Weiss, Kenneth M. Peterson:
Harmonic analysis for a class of multiplicative processes.
16-20 BibTeX
- James Ting-Ho Lo, Sze-Kui Ng:
Optimal functional expansion for estimation from counting observations.
21-35 BibTeX
- Patrick A. Kelly, William L. Root:
Stability in linear detection.
36-46 BibTeX
- Chiaw-Hock Sim:
A stochastic process associated with the EAR(l) model.
47-51 BibTeX
- John S. Sadowsky:
An asymptotically least-favorable Chernoff bound for a large class of dependent data processes.
52-61 BibTeX
- Sergio Verdú:
Maximum likelihood sequence detection for intersymbol interference channels: A new upper bound on error probability.
62-68 BibTeX
- Te Sun Han, Kingo Kobayashi:
A dichotomy of functions F(X, Y) of correlated sources (X, Y).
69-76 BibTeX
- Vassil Y. Yorgov:
A method for constructing inequivalent self-dual codes with applications to length 56.
77-82 BibTeX
- Eli Gafni, Dimitri P. Bertsekas:
Asymptotic optimality of shortest path routing algorithms.
83-90 BibTeX
- Larry A. Dunning:
Encoding and decoding for the minimization of message symbol error rates in linear block codes.
91-104 BibTeX
- Mansour Loeloeian, Jean Conan:
A transform approach to Goppa codes.
105-115 BibTeX
- Abbas A. El Gamal, Lane A. Hemachandra, Itzhak Shperling, Victor K.-W. Wei:
Using simulated annealing to design good codes.
116-123 BibTeX
- Rainer A. Rueppel, Othmar Staffelbach:
Products of linear recurring sequences with maximum complexity.
124-131 BibTeX
- Israel Cidon, Moshe Sidi:
Erasures and noise in splitting multiple access algorithms.
132-143 BibTeX
Reviews and Abstracts
- R. E. Mortensen:
Review of 'Random Processes: A Mathematical Approach for Engineers' (Gray, R.M., and Davisson, L.D.; 1986).
172- BibTeX
Volume 33,
Number 2,
March 1987
Volume 33,
Number 3,
May 1987
- Jacobus H. van Lint, T. A. Springer:
Generalized Reed - Solomon codes from algebraic geometry.
305-309 BibTeX
- Rudolf Ahlswede, Amiram H. Kaspi:
Optimal coding strategies for certain permuting channels.
310-314 BibTeX
- Baruch Awerbuch, Robert G. Gallager:
A new distributed algorithm to find breadth first search trees.
315-322 BibTeX
- Ronald L. Rivest:
Network control by Bayesian broadcast.
323-328 BibTeX
- Loren P. Clare, Izhak Rubin:
Performance boundaries for prioritized multiplexing systems.
329-340 BibTeX
- Micha Hofri, Zvi Rosberg:
Packet delay under the golden ratio weighted TDM policy in a multiple-access channel.
341-349 BibTeX
- Neil L. Gerr, Stamatis Cambanis:
Analysis of adaptive differential PCM of a stationary Gauss - Markov input.
350-359 BibTeX
- Dale H. Mugler, Wolfgang Splettstösser:
Linear prediction from samples of a function and its derivatives.
360-366 BibTeX
- Wolfgang Härdle, Rainer Nixdorf:
Nonparametric sequential estimation of zeros and extrema of regression functions.
367-372 BibTeX
- Nelson M. Blachman, Robert Machol:
Confidence intervals based on one or more observations.
373-382 BibTeX
- Soura Dasgupta, Yih-Fang Huang:
Asymptotically convergent modified recursive least-squares with data-dependent updating and forgetting factor for systems with bounded noise.
383-392 BibTeX
- Jitendra K. Tugnait:
Identification of linear stochastic systems via second- and fourth-order cumulant matching.
393-407 BibTeX
Volume 33,
Number 4,
July 1987
Volume 33,
Number 5,
September 1987
- Max H. M. Costa, Abbas A. El Gamal:
The capacity region of the discrete memoryless interference channel with strong interference.
710- BibTeX
- Joy A. Thomas:
Feedback can at most double Gaussian multiple access channel capacity.
711- BibTeX
- Kristien de Bruyn, Vyacheslav V. Prelov, Edward C. van der Meulen:
Reliable transmission of two correlated sources over an asymmetric multiple-access channel.
716- BibTeX
- Ying Cheng:
New linear codes constructed by concatenating, extending, and shortening methods.
719- BibTeX
- Thomas H. E. Ericson, Victor A. Zinoviev:
An improvement of the Gilbert bound for constant weight codes.
721- BibTeX
- Vera Pless, Vladimir D. Tonchev:
Self-dual codes over GF(7).
723- BibTeX
- Ludo M. G. M. Tolhuizen:
New binary linear block codes.
727- BibTeX
- J. Martin Borden, A. J. Han Vinck:
On coding for 'stuck-at' defects.
729- BibTeX
- Paul Kabaila:
On the probability of error for decision-feedback equalizers.
735- BibTeX
- Robert M. Gagliardi, J. Robbins, Herbert Taylor:
Acquisition sequences in PPM communications.
738- BibTeX
- Mohamed H. El-Zahar, Mahmoud K. Khairat:
On the weight distribution of the coset leaders of the first-order Reed - Muller code.
744- BibTeX
- Xuejia Lai:
Condition for the nonsingularity of a feedback shift-register over a general finite field.
747- BibTeX
- W. Cary Huffman, Vassil Y. Yorgov:
A [72, 36, 16] doubly even code does not have an automorphism of order 11.
749- BibTeX
Volume 33,
Number 6,
November 1987
- In Memorium: Yasuo Sugiyama.
757-758 BibTeX
- James A. Bucklew:
The source coding theorem via Sanov's theorem.
907- BibTeX
- Jovan Dj. Golic, Milorad M. Obradovic:
A lower bound on the redundancy of D-ary Huffman codes.
910- BibTeX
- Wil J. van Gils, Jean-Paul Boly:
On combined symbol-and-bit error-control [4, 2] codes over {0, 1}8 to be used in the (4, 2) concept fault-tolerant computer.
911- BibTeX
- Stefan M. Dodunekov, Tor Helleseth, Nickolai Manev, Øyvind Ytrehus:
New bounds on binary linear codes of dimension eight.
917- BibTeX
- W. M. C. J. van Overveld:
Multiple-burst error-correcting cyclic product codes.
919- BibTeX
- Johan P. Hansen:
Codes on the Klein quartic, ideals, and decoding.
923- BibTeX
- Anselm Blumer:
Minimax universal noiseless coding for unifilar and Markov sources.
925- BibTeX
- Mansour I. Irshid:
Gray code weighting system.
930- BibTeX
- Jean-Pierre A. Adoul:
Fast ML decoding algorithm for the Nordstrom - Robinson code.
931- BibTeX
- Ernst L. Leiss:
On testing for immutability of codes.
934- BibTeX
- Franklin S. Weinstein:
Some probabilistic properties of the line-of-sight angle error to a remote object.
938- BibTeX
- Yoram Baram:
A lower bound on the mean square error of reduced-order estimators for nonlinear processes.
942- BibTeX
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:26:13 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)