Volume 32,
Number 1,
January 1986
Volume 32,
Number 2,
March 1986
- Andres Buzo, Federico Kuhlmann, Carlos Rivera:
Rate-distortion bounds for quotient-based distortions with application to Itakura-Saito distortion measures.
141-147 BibTeX
- Michael J. Sabin, Robert M. Gray:
Global convergence and empirical consistency of the generalized Lloyd algorithm.
148-155 BibTeX
- Baruch Mazor, William A. Pearlman:
A tree coding theorem for stationary Gaussian sources and the squared-error distortion measure.
156-165 BibTeX
- Anader Benyamin-Seeyar, Saligram G. S. Shiva, Vijay K. Bhargava:
Capability of the error-trapping technique in decoding cyclic codes.
166-180 BibTeX
- Chin-Long Chen:
Error-correcting codes for byte-organized memory systems.
181-185 BibTeX
- G. Robert Redinbo, Kotesh K. Rao:
Expediting factor-type fast finite field transform algorithms.
186-194 BibTeX
- James W. Modestino, M. Vedat Eyuboglu:
Integrated multielement receiver structures for spatially distributed interference channels.
195-219 BibTeX
- John S. Sadowsky:
A maximum variance model for robust detection and estimation with dependent data.
220-226 BibTeX
- Rakesh K. Bansal, Panayota Papantoni-Kazakos:
An algorithm for detecting a change in a stochastic process.
227-235 BibTeX
- Patrick L. Brockett, Abraham Charnes, Kwang H. Paick:
Computation of minimum cross entropy spectral estimates: An unconstrained dual convex programming method.
236-242 BibTeX
- Gonzalo R. Arce:
Statistical threshold decomposition for recursive and nonrecursive median filters.
243-253 BibTeX
- Elias Masry:
Recursive probability density estimation for weakly dependent stationary processes.
254-267 BibTeX
- Govind Sharma, Ramalingam Chellappa:
Two-dimensional spectrum estimation using noncausal autoregressive models.
268-275 BibTeX
- D. T. Lee, Arthur K. Lin:
Computational complexity of art gallery problems.
276-282 BibTeX
- Jacobus H. van Lint, Richard M. Wilson:
Binary cyclic codes generated by mira7.
283- BibTeX
- Ron M. Roth, Gadiel Seroussi:
On cyclic MDS codes of length q over GF(q).
284- BibTeX
- Din Y. Pei, Charles C. Wang, Jim K. Omura:
Normal basis of finite field GF(2m).
285- BibTeX
- Bernard Heilweil:
Proof of Rife and Boorstyn's hypothesis on estimation of parameters of multitone signals.
288- BibTeX
- Robert J. Elliott:
Reverse-time Markov processes.
290- BibTeX
- Don R. Halverson, Gary L. Wise:
On nonlinearities in asymptotic memoryless detection.
292- BibTeX
- Boaz Porat, Yonina Rosen:
The asymptotic Cramer-Rao bound for Gaussian ARMA processes with periodically missing data.
296- BibTeX
- Wolfgang Härdle:
A note on jackknifing kernel regression function estimators.
298- BibTeX
- Peter Spreij:
An on-line parameter estimation algorithm for counting process observations.
300- BibTeX
- Mark G. Karpovsky, Lazar A. Trachtenberg:
Statistical and computational performance of a class of generalized Wiener filters.
303- BibTeX
- Bing-Hwang Juang, Stephen E. Levinson, M. Mohan Sondhi:
Maximum likelihood estimation for multivariate mixture observations of markov chains.
307- BibTeX
- Pierre Comon, J.-L. Lacoume:
Noise reduction for an estimated Wiener filter using noise references.
310- BibTeX
- João B. Bezerra, Dalton S. Arantes:
Spectral analysis of Q -ary digital signals encoded by P -ary convolutional codes.
313- BibTeX
- Gérald E. Séguin:
Optimal symbol error rate encoding.
319- BibTeX
- Robert J. McEliece, Eugene R. Rodemich, Laif Swanson:
An entropy maximization problem related to optical communication.
322- BibTeX
- Neil Judell, Louis L. Scharf:
A simple derivation of Lloyd's classical result for the optimum scalar quantizer.
326- BibTeX
- Marc J. Bage:
Lattice quantizers: Entropy reduction by proper tie-handling.
328- BibTeX
- Peter F. Swaszek, Tsu W. Ku:
Asymptotic performance of unrestricted polar quantizers.
330- BibTeX
Volume 32,
Number 3,
May 1986
Volume 32,
Number 4,
July 1986
Volume 32,
Number 5,
September 1986
- L. Flatto:
On optimal codes for binary asymmetric channels.
695- BibTeX
- Gérard D. Cohen, Philippe Godlewski, Frans Merkx:
Linear binary code for write-once memories.
697- BibTeX
- Michael J. Adams:
Subcodes and covering radius.
700- BibTeX
- Robert J. McEliece, Laif Swanson:
On the decoder error probability for Reed-Solomon codes.
701- BibTeX
- Donald W. Newhart:
Inequivalent cyclic codes of prime length.
703- BibTeX
- Simon Litsyn, Michael A. Tsfasman:
A note on lower bounds.
705- BibTeX
- Toru Fujiwara, Toyoo Takata, Tadao Kasami, Shu Lin:
An approximation to the weight distribution of binary primitive BCH codes with designed distances 9 and 11.
706- BibTeX
- Martin Bossert, Ferdinand Hergert:
Hard- and soft-decision decoding beyond the half minimum distance---An algorithm for linear codes.
709- BibTeX
- Abraham Lempel:
On multiset decipherable codes.
714- BibTeX
- Linus M. Blaesser:
Walsh power spectrum for wide-sense stationary stochastic processes.
716- BibTeX
- Iwao Sasase, Masanori Shinriki, Shinsaku Mori:
Signal-to-noise ratio of arbitrary power-series envelope detector.
724- BibTeX
- Bennett Eisenberg:
The equivalence-singularity problem for Gaussian signals in Gaussian noise.
728- BibTeX
Volume 32,
Number 6,
November 1986
- Peter L. Antonelli, Robert J. Elliott:
The Zakai forms of the prediction and smoothing equations.
816- BibTeX
- Pierce E. Cantrell:
On the calculation of the generalized Q -function via Parl's method.
817- BibTeX
- A. G. Munford:
Moments of a filtered binary process.
824- BibTeX
- Philippe Delsarte, Philippe Piret:
Do most binary linear codes achieve the Goblick bound on the covering radius?
826- BibTeX
- A. Robert Calderbank:
Nonexistence of a uniformly packed [70, 58, 5] code.
828- BibTeX
- W. Cary Huffman:
Decomposing and shortening codes using automorphisms.
833- BibTeX
- Mario Blaum, Henk C. A. van Tilborg, Patrick G. Farrell:
A class of burst error-correcting array codes.
836- BibTeX
- Nariman Farvardin, James W. Modestino:
On overflow and underflow problems in buffer-instrumented variable-length coding of fixed-rate memoryless sources.
839- BibTeX
- René C. Peralta:
A simple and fast probabilistic algorithm for computing square roots modulo a prime number.
846- BibTeX
- Meir Feder:
Maximum entropy as a special case of the minimum description length criterion.
847- BibTeX
- Bruce L. Montgomery, Julia Abrahams:
Synchronization of binary source codes.
849- BibTeX
- Renato M. Capocelli, Raffaele Giancarlo, Indeer Jet Taneja:
Bounds on the redundancy of Huffman codes.
854- BibTeX
- Glen G. Langdon Jr.:
Comments on 'A universal data compression system' by J. Rissanen.
857- BibTeX
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:26:12 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)