
Brendan D. McKay

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62EEMahdieh Hasheminezhad, Brendan D. McKay, Tristan Reeves: Recursive Generation of 5-Regular Planar Graphs. WALCOM 2009: 129-140
61EEMahdieh Hasheminezhad, S. Mehdi Hashemi, Brendan D. McKay: Spherical-Rectangular Drawings. WALCOM 2009: 345-356
60EERobert E. L. Aldred, Dries Van Dyck, Gunnar Brinkmann, Veerle Fack, Brendan D. McKay: Graph structural properties of non-Yutsis graphs allowing fast recognition. Discrete Applied Mathematics 157(2): 377-386 (2009)
59EEBrendan D. McKay: Graph Isomorphism. Encyclopedia of Algorithms 2008
58EEE. Rodney Canfield, Catherine S. Greenhill, Brendan D. McKay: Asymptotic enumeration of dense 0-1 matrices with specified line sums. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 115(1): 32-66 (2008)
57EEBrendan D. McKay, Ian M. Wanless: A Census of Small Latin Hypercubes. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 22(2): 719-736 (2008)
56EEBrendan D. McKay: Computing Symmetries of Combinatorial Objects. Graph Drawing 2007: 1
55EEBrendan D. McKay, Jeanette C. McLeod, Ian M. Wanless: The number of transversals in a Latin square. Des. Codes Cryptography 40(3): 269-284 (2006)
54EESeok-Hee Hong, Brendan D. McKay, Peter Eades: A Linear Time Algorithm for Constructing Maximally Symmetric Straight Line Drawings of Triconnected Planar Graphs. Discrete & Computational Geometry 36(2): 283-311 (2006)
53EECatherine S. Greenhill, Brendan D. McKay, Xiaoji Wang: Asymptotic enumeration of sparse 0-1 matrices with irregular row and column sums. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 113(2): 291-324 (2006)
52EEDries Van Dyck, Gunnar Brinkmann, Veerle Fack, Brendan D. McKay: To be or not to be Yutsis: Algorithms for the decision problem. Computer Physics Communications 173(1-2): 61-70 (2005)
51EEGunnar Brinkmann, Brendan D. McKay: Construction of planar triangulations with minimum degree 5. Discrete Mathematics 301(2-3): 147-163 (2005)
50EEGunnar Brinkmann, Sam Greenberg, Catherine S. Greenhill, Brendan D. McKay, Robin Thomas, Paul Wollan: Generation of simple quadrangulations of the sphere. Discrete Mathematics 305(1-3): 33-54 (2005)
49EEE. Rodney Canfield, Brendan D. McKay: Asymptotic Enumeration of Dense 0-1 Matrices with Equal Row Sums and Equal Column Sums. Electr. J. Comb. 12: (2005)
48 Brendan D. McKay, Konrad Piwakowski, Stanislaw P. Radziszowski: Ramsey Numbers for Triangles versus Almost-Complete Graphs. Ars Comb. 73: (2004)
47EEBrendan D. McKay, Nicholas C. Wormald, Beata Wysocka: Short Cycles in Random Regular Graphs. Electr. J. Comb. 11(1): (2004)
46EEBrendan D. McKay, Edgar M. Palmer, Ronald C. Read, Robert W. Robinson: The asymptotic number of claw-free cubic graphs. Discrete Mathematics 272(1): 107-118 (2003)
45EESeok-Hee Hong, Brendan D. McKay, Peter Eades: Symmetric drawings of triconnected planar graphs. SODA 2002: 356-365
44 Brendan D. McKay, Ian M. Wanless, Nicholas C. Wormald: Asymptotic Enumeration Of Graphs With A Given Upper Bound On The Maximum Degree. Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 11(4): (2002)
43EEBrendan D. McKay, Jennifer Morse, Herbert S. Wilf: The Distributions of the Entries of Young Tableaux. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 97(1): 117-128 (2002)
42EEGunnar Brinkmann, Brendan D. McKay: Posets on up to 16 Points. Order 19(2): 147-179 (2002)
41 Marty J. Wolf, Simon Easteal, Margaret Kahn, Brendan D. McKay, Lars S. Jermiin: TrExML: a maximum-likelihood approach for extensive tree-space exploration. Bioinformatics 16(4): 383-394 (2000)
40EEBrendan D. McKay, Ian M. Wanless, Nicholas C. Wormald: The asymptotic number of graphs with a restriction on the maximum degree. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 5: 228-230 (2000)
39 Zhicheng Gao, Brendan D. McKay, Xiaoji Wang: Asymptotic enumeration of tournaments with a given score sequence containing a specified digraph. Random Struct. Algorithms 16(1): 47-57 (2000)
38EERobert E. L. Aldred, S. Bau, Derek A. Holton, Brendan D. McKay: Nonhamiltonian 3-Connected Cubic Planar Graphs. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 13(1): 25-32 (2000)
37EEWeifa Liang, Brendan D. McKay: An NC Approximation Algorithm for Optimal k -Edge Connectivity Augmentation. ISPAN 1999: 290-295
36EEGunnar Brinkmann, Brendan D. McKay: Fast generation of some classes of planar graphs. Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics 3: 28-31 (1999)
35EEBrendan D. McKay, Ian M. Wanless: Most Latin Squares Have Many Subsquares. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 86(2): 323-347 (1999)
34 Brendan D. McKay, Wendy J. Myrvold, Jacqueline Nadon: Fast Backtracking Principles Applied to Find New Cages. SODA 1998: 188-191
33 Brendan D. McKay, Robert W. Robinson: Asymptotic Enumeration of Eulerian Circuits in the Complete Graph. Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 7(4): 437-449 (1998)
32EEBrendan D. McKay, Ian M. Wanless: Maximising the Permanent of (0, 1)-Matrices and the Number of Extensions of Latin Rectangles. Electr. J. Comb. 5: (1998)
31 Brendan D. McKay: Isomorph-Free Exhaustive Generation. J. Algorithms 26(2): 306-324 (1998)
30EEBrendan D. McKay, Mirka Miller, Jozef Sirán: A Note on Large Graphs of Diameter Two and Given Maximum Degree, . J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 74(1): 110-118 (1998)
29EEEdward A. Bender, E. Rodney Canfield, Brendan D. McKay: The Asymptotic Number of Labeled Graphs withnVertices, qEdges, and No Isolated Vertices. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 80(1): 124-150 (1997)
28EEBrendan D. McKay, Stanislaw P. Radziszowski: Subgraph Counting Identities and Ramsey Numbers. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 69(2): 193-209 (1997)
27 Brendan D. McKay, Nicholas C. Wormald: The degree sequence of a random graph. I. The models. Random Struct. Algorithms 11(2): 97-117 (1997)
26EEWeifa Liang, Brendan D. McKay, Hong Shen: NC Algorithms for Dynamically Solving the all Pairs Shortest Paths Problem and Related Problems. Inf. Process. Lett. 58(3): 149-155 (1996)
25EEBrendan D. McKay, Xiaoji Wang: Asymptotic Enumeration of Tournaments with a Given Score Sequence. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 73(1): 77-90 (1996)
24 Gunnar Brinkmann, Brendan D. McKay, Carsten Saager: The Smallest Cubic Graphs of Girth Nine. Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 4: 317-329 (1995)
23EEBrendan D. McKay, Eric Rogoyski: Latin Squares of Order 10. Electr. J. Comb. 2: (1995)
22EEBrendan D. McKay, Stanislaw P. Radziszowski: Linear Programming in Some Ramsey Problems. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 61(1): 125-132 (1994)
21 Alan M. Frieze, Brendan D. McKay: Multicolored Trees in Random Graphs. Random Struct. Algorithms 5(1): 45-56 (1994)
20 Neil J. Calkin, Alan M. Frieze, Brendan D. McKay: On Subgraph Sizes in Random Graphs. Combinatorics, Probability & Computing 1: 123-134 (1992)
19 Edward A. Bender, E. Rodney Canfield, Brendan D. McKay: Asymptotic Properties of Labeled Connected Graphs. Random Struct. Algorithms 3(2): 183-202 (1992)
18 Brendan D. McKay, Stanislaw P. Radziszowski: The First Classical Ramsey Number for Hypergraphs is Computed. SODA 1991: 304-308
17 Brendan D. McKay, Nicholas C. Wormald: Asymptotic enumeration by degree sequence of graphs with degress o(n1/2). Combinatorica 11(4): 369-382 (1991)
16 Brendan D. McKay, Jennifer Seberry, Scott A. Vanstone: Ralph Gordon Stanton. Discrete Mathematics 92(1-3): 1-8 (1991)
15 Brendan D. McKay: The asymptotic numbers of regular tournaments, Eulerian digraphs and Eulerian oriented graphs. Combinatorica 10(4): 367-377 (1990)
14 Brendan D. McKay, Nicholas C. Wormald: Uniform Generation of Random Regular Graphs of Moderate Degree. J. Algorithms 11(1): 52-67 (1990)
13EEChris D. Godsil, Brendan D. McKay: Asymptotic enumeration of Latin rectangles. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 48(1): 19-44 (1990)
12 Edward A. Bender, E. Rodney Canfield, Brendan D. McKay: The Asymptotic Number of Labeled Connected Graphs with a Given Number of Vertices and Edges. Random Struct. Algorithms 1(2): 127-170 (1990)
11EEDerek A. Holton, Brendan D. McKay: The smallest non-hamiltonian 3-connected cubic planar graphs have 38 vertices. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 45(3): 305-319 (1988)
10EERichard P. Brent, Brendan D. McKay: Determinants and ranks of random matrices over Zm. Discrete Mathematics 66(1-2): 35-49 (1987)
9EEBéla Bollobás, Brendan D. McKay: The number of matchings in random regular graphs and bipartite graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 41(1): 80-91 (1986)
8 Robert Alan Wright, L. Bruce Richmond, Andrew M. Odlyzko, Brendan D. McKay: Constant Time Generation of Free Trees. SIAM J. Comput. 15(2): 540-548 (1986)
7EERobert L. Hemminger, Brendan D. McKay: Integer sequences with proscribed differences and bounded growth rate. Discrete Mathematics 55(3): 255-265 (1985)
6EEDerek A. Holton, Bennet Manvel, Brendan D. McKay: Hamiltonian cycles in cubic 3-connected bipartite planar graphs. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 38(3): 279-297 (1985)
5 Brendan D. McKay, Nicholas C. Wormald: Automorphisms of random graphs with specified vertices. Combinatorica 4(4): 325-338 (1984)
4 Peter Eades, Brendan D. McKay: An Algorithm for Generating Subsets of Fixed Size With a Strong Minimal Change Property. Inf. Process. Lett. 19(3): 131-133 (1984)
3 Derek A. Holton, Brendan D. McKay, Michael D. Plummer, Carsten Thomassen: A nine point theorem for 3-connected graphs. Combinatorica 2(1): 53-62 (1982)
2EEChris D. Godsil, Brendan D. McKay: Spectral conditions for the reconstructibility of a graph. J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 30(3): 285-289 (1981)
1 Charles J. Colbourn, Brendan D. McKay: A Correction to Colbourn's Paper on the Complexity of Matrix Symmetrizability. Inf. Process. Lett. 11(2): 96-97 (1980)

Coauthor Index

1Robert E. L. Aldred [38] [60]
2S. Bau [38]
3Edward A. Bender [12] [19] [29]
4Béla Bollobás [9]
5Richard P. Brent [10]
6Gunnar Brinkmann [24] [36] [42] [50] [51] [52] [60]
7Neil J. Calkin [20]
8E. Rodney Canfield [12] [19] [29] [49] [58]
9Charles J. Colbourn [1]
10Dries Van Dyck [52] [60]
11Peter Eades [4] [45] [54]
12Simon Easteal [41]
13Veerle Fack [52] [60]
14Alan M. Frieze [20] [21]
15Zhicheng Gao [39]
16Chris D. Godsil (C. D. Godsil) [2] [13]
17Sam Greenberg [50]
18Catherine S. Greenhill [50] [53] [58]
19S. Mehdi Hashemi [61]
20Mahdieh Hasheminezhad [61] [62]
21Robert L. Hemminger [7]
22Derek A. Holton [3] [6] [11] [38]
23Seok-Hee Hong [45] [54]
24Lars S. Jermiin [41]
25Margaret Kahn [41]
26Weifa Liang [26] [37]
27Bennet Manvel [6]
28Jeanette C. McLeod [55]
29Mirka Miller [30]
30Jennifer Morse [43]
31Wendy J. Myrvold [34]
32Jacqueline Nadon [34]
33Andrew M. Odlyzko [8]
34Edgar M. Palmer [46]
35Konrad Piwakowski [48]
36Michael D. Plummer [3]
37Stanislaw P. Radziszowski [18] [22] [28] [48]
38Ronald C. Read [46]
39Tristan Reeves [62]
40L. Bruce Richmond [8]
41Robert W. Robinson [33] [46]
42Eric Rogoyski [23]
43Carsten Saager [24]
44Jennifer Seberry (Jennifer Seberry Wallis) [16]
45Hong Shen [26]
46Jozef Sirán [30]
47Robin Thomas [50]
48Carsten Thomassen [3]
49Scott A. Vanstone [16]
50Xiaoji Wang [25] [39] [53]
51Ian M. Wanless [32] [35] [40] [44] [55] [57]
52Herbert S. Wilf [43]
53Marty J. Wolf [41]
54Paul Wollan [50]
55Nicholas C. Wormald [5] [14] [17] [27] [40] [44] [47]
56Robert Alan Wright [8]
57Beata Wysocka [47]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)