
Ashwin Gumaste

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20EENasir Ghani, Ashwin Gumaste, Mohan Gurusamy, Biswanath Mukherjee, Suresh Subramaniam: Selected papers from First International Symposium on Advanced Networks and Telecommunication Systems (ANTS 2007). Optical Switching and Networking 6(1): 1-2 (2009)
19EEYan Li, Jianping Wang, Ashwin Gumaste, Yun Xu, Yinlong Xu: Multicast Routing in Light-Trail WDM Networks. GLOBECOM 2008: 2633-2637
18EEJing Chen, Jianping Wang, Hui Yu, Ashwin Gumaste, Si-Qing Zheng: 1-Persistent Collision-Free CSMA Protocols for Opportunistic Optical Hyperchannels. ICA3PP 2008: 144-156
17EEAshwin Gumaste, Deepak Diwakar, Anuj Agrawal, Akhil Lodha, Nasir Ghani: Light-mesh - A pragmatic optical access network architecture for IP-centric service oriented communication. Optical Switching and Networking 5(2-3): 63-74 (2008)
16EEAshwin Gumaste, Janak Chandarana, Paresh Bafna, Nasir Ghani, Vishal Sharma: On Control Plane for Service Provisioning in Light-trail WDM Optical Ring Networks. ICC 2007: 2442-2449
15EEAshwin Gumaste, Nasir Ghani: LiTPiC - Light-trails and Photonic Integrated Circuits: Issues of Network Design and Performance. LCN 2007: 37-44
14EEQ. Liu, Nasir Ghani, Nageswara S. V. Rao, Ashwin Gumaste, M. L. Garcia: Distributed inter-domain lightpath provisioning in the presence of wavelength conversion. Computer Communications 30(18): 3662-3675 (2007)
13EEAshwin Gumaste, Paparao Palacharla: Heuristic and optimal techniques for light-trail assignment in optical ring WDM networks. Computer Communications 30(5): 990-998 (2007)
12EEJingxian Wu, Yahong Rosa Zheng, Ashwin Gumaste, Chengshan Xiao: Error Performance of Double Space Time Transmit Diversity System. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 6(9): 3191-3196 (2007)
11EESi-Qing Zheng, Ashwin Gumaste, Enyue Lu: A practical fast parallel routing architecture for Clos networks. ANCS 2006: 21-30
10EESi-Qing Zheng, Ashwin Gumaste: SMART: An Optical Infrastructure for Future Internet. BROADNETS 2006
9EEKumar Nagaraj, Ashish Gudhe, Ashwin Gumaste, Nasir Ghani: A Novel K-out-of-N Auction Mechanism and Strategic Scaling for Dynamic Bandwidth Allocation in GE-PON. GLOBECOM 2006
8EESi-Qing Zheng, Ashwin Gumaste, Hong Shen: A Rearrangeable Nonblocking Multi-log2N Multicast Switching Network. GLOBECOM 2006
7 Bing Yang, Ashwin Gumaste, Enyue Lu, Si-Qing Zheng: Message Scheduling on a Wormhole-Switched Linear Client-Server Network. ISCA PDCS 2006: 146-151
6EEAshwin Gumaste, Nasir Ghani, Shakesh Jain, Si-Qing Zheng: SLiT (strongly connected light-trail) for WDM rings. ISCN 2006: 152-157
5EEQ. Liu, M. A. Kok, Nasir Ghani, Ashwin Gumaste: Hierarchical routing in multi-domain optical networks. Computer Communications 30(1): 122-131 (2006)
4EESi-Qing Zheng, Ashwin Gumaste: Scalable and Practical Nonblocking Switching Networks. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 21(4): 466-475 (2006)
3 Si-Qing Zheng, Ashwin Gumaste: Virtual Nonblocking Switching Networks. IASTED PDCS 2005: 742-748
2EEImrich Chlamtac, Ashwin Gumaste: Light-Trails: A Solution to IP Centric Communication in the Optical Domain. QoS-IP 2003: 634-644
1EEImrich Chlamtac, Ashwin Gumaste: Bandwidth Management in Community Networks. IWDC 2002: 1-11

Coauthor Index

1Anuj Agrawal [17]
2Paresh Bafna [16]
3Janak Chandarana [16]
4Jing Chen [18]
5Imrich Chlamtac [1] [2]
6Deepak Diwakar [17]
7M. L. Garcia [14]
8Nasir Ghani [5] [6] [9] [14] [15] [16] [17] [20]
9Ashish Gudhe [9]
10Shakesh Jain [6]
11M. A. Kok [5]
12Yan Li [19]
13Q. Liu [5] [14]
14Akhil Lodha [17]
15Enyue Lu [7] [11]
16Gurusamy Mohan (Mohan Gurusamy, G. Mohan) [20]
17Biswanath Mukherjee [20]
18Kumar Nagaraj [9]
19Paparao Palacharla [13]
20Nageswara S. V. Rao [14]
21Vishal Sharma [16]
22Hong Shen [8]
23Suresh Subramaniam [20]
24Jianping Wang [18] [19]
25Jingxian Wu [12]
26Chengshan Xiao [12]
27Yinlong Xu [19]
28Yun Xu [19]
29Bing Yang [7]
30Hui Yu [18]
31Si-Qing Zheng (S. Q. Zheng) [3] [4] [6] [7] [8] [10] [11] [18]
32Yahong Rosa Zheng [12]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)