
Teruo Matsuzawa

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15EEMasahiro Watanabe, Motoi Okuda, Yukihiro Karube, Ryuichi Matsukura, Teruo Matsuzawa: Collaborative Environment with Visualizing Medical Volume Data by Virtual Reality. PDCAT 2007: 347-352
14EEHui Tian, Hong Shen, Teruo Matsuzawa: Random Walk Routing in WSNs with Regular Topologies. J. Comput. Sci. Technol. 21(4): 496-502 (2006)
13EEMotoi Okuda, Masahiro Watanabe, Teruo Matsuzawa: Construction of a diagnostic support system for circulatory disease in a volume communications environment. CCGRID 2005: 1087-1092
12EEHui Tian, Hong Shen, Teruo Matsuzawa: Developing Energy-Efficient Topologies and Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks. NPC 2005: 461-469
11EEMasahiro Watanabe, Motoi Okuda, Teruo Matsuzawa: Construction of a Prototype of a Volume Communications Environment. PDCAT 2005: 158-162
10EEHui Tian, Hong Shen, Teruo Matsuzawa: RandomWalk Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks. PDCAT 2005: 196-200
9EEHiroshi Oiwa, Hiroyuki Matsumoto, Teruo Matsuzawa, Yoshinobu Asano: Development of the real-time visualization system on network. PDCAT 2005: 784-786
8EEFeng Gao, Masahiro Watanabe, Teruo Matsuzawa: Fluid-structure Interaction Within 3-layered Aortic Arch Model under Pulsatile Blood Flow. PDCAT 2005: 989-992
7EEMasahiro Watanabe, Motoi Okuda, Teruo Matsuzawa: Developing a Prototype of Teleimmersive Collaboration Environment and its Application of a Diagnostic Support System for Circulatory Disease. SKG 2005: 75
6 Sho-ichi Furuyama, Teruo Matsuzawa: A Suitable Domain Decomposition for the Adaptive Mesh Refinement Method. ISHPC 1999: 363-372
5EEHirosuke Horii, Susumu Kunifuji, Teruo Matsuzawa: Asynchronous Island Parallel GA Using Multiform Subpopulations. SEAL 1998: 122-129
4 Koutaro Torii, Takasi Kitsukawa, Susumu Kunifuji, Teruo Matsuzawa: Study on Synaptic Model of Temporal Pattern Stimulation. BCEC 1997: 251-260
3EES. Yamamoto, T. Kure, M. Ohgo, Teruo Matsuzawa, S. Tachi, H. Sunami: A Two-Dimensional Etching Profile Simulator: ESPRIT. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 6(3): 417-422 (1987)
2EEA. Moniwa, Teruo Matsuzawa, T. Ito, H. Sunami: A Three-Dimensional Photoresist Imaging Process Simulator for Strong Standing-Wave Effect Environment. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 6(3): 431-438 (1987)
1EETeruo Matsuzawa, A. Moniwa, N. Hasegawa, H. Sunami: Two-Dimensional Simulation of Photolithography on Reflective Stepped Substrate. IEEE Trans. on CAD of Integrated Circuits and Systems 6(3): 446-451 (1987)

Coauthor Index

1Yoshinobu Asano [9]
2Sho-ichi Furuyama [6]
3Feng Gao [8]
4N. Hasegawa [1]
5Hirosuke Horii [5]
6T. Ito [2]
7Yukihiro Karube [15]
8Takasi Kitsukawa [4]
9Susumu Kunifuji [4] [5]
10T. Kure [3]
11Ryuichi Matsukura [15]
12Hiroyuki Matsumoto [9]
13A. Moniwa [1] [2]
14M. Ohgo [3]
15Hiroshi Oiwa [9]
16Motoi Okuda [7] [11] [13] [15]
17Hong Shen [10] [12] [14]
18H. Sunami [1] [2] [3]
19S. Tachi [3]
20Hui Tian [10] [12] [14]
21Koutaro Torii [4]
22Masahiro Watanabe [7] [8] [11] [13] [15]
23S. Yamamoto [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)