
Michael Springmann

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6EEMichael Springmann, Andreas Dander, Heiko Schuldt: Improving efficiency and effectiveness of the image distortion model. Pattern Recognition Letters 29(15): 2018-2024 (2008)
5EEMichael Springmann, Heiko Schuldt: Speeding Up IDM without Degradation of Retrieval Quality. CLEF 2007: 607-614
4EEMichael Springmann, Ludger Bischofs, Peter M. Fischer, Hans-Jörg Schek, Heiko Schuldt, Ulrike Steffens, R. Vogl: Management of and Access to Virtual Electronic Health Records. DELOS Conference 2007: 338-347
3EEMaristella Agosti, Stefano Berretti, Gert Brettlecker, Alberto Del Bimbo, Nicola Ferro, Norbert Fuhr, Daniel A. Keim, Claus-Peter Klas, Thomas Lidy, Diego Milano, Moira C. Norrie, Paola Ranaldi, Andreas Rauber, Hans-Jörg Schek, Tobias Schreck, Heiko Schuldt, Beat Signer, Michael Springmann: DelosDLMS - The Integrated DELOS Digital Library Management System. DELOS Conference 2007: 36-45
2EEGert Brettlecker, Diego Milano, Paola Ranaldi, Hans-Jörg Schek, Heiko Schuldt, Michael Springmann: ISIS and OSIRIS: A Process-Based Digital Library Application on Top of a Distributed Process Support Middleware. DELOS Conference 2007: 46-55
1EELeonardo Candela, Fuat Akal, Henri Avancini, Donatella Castelli, Luigi Fusco, Veronica Guidetti, Christoph Langguth, Andrea Manzi, Pasquale Pagano, Heiko Schuldt, Manuele Simi, Michael Springmann, Laura Voicu: DILIGENT: integrating digital library and Grid technologies for a new Earth observation research infrastructure. Int. J. on Digital Libraries 7(1-2): 59-80 (2007)

Coauthor Index

1Maristella Agosti [3]
2Fuat Akal [1]
3Henri Avancini [1]
4Stefano Berretti [3]
5Alberto Del Bimbo [3]
6Ludger Bischofs [4]
7Gert Brettlecker [2] [3]
8Leonardo Candela [1]
9Donatella Castelli [1]
10Andreas Dander [6]
11Nicola Ferro [3]
12Peter M. Fischer [4]
13Norbert Fuhr [3]
14Luigi Fusco [1]
15Veronica Guidetti [1]
16Daniel A. Keim [3]
17Claus-Peter Klas [3]
18Christoph Langguth [1]
19Thomas Lidy [3]
20Andrea Manzi [1]
21Diego Milano [2] [3]
22Moira C. Norrie [3]
23Pasquale Pagano [1]
24Paola Ranaldi [2] [3]
25Andreas Rauber [3]
26Hans-Jörg Schek [2] [3] [4]
27Tobias Schreck [3]
28Heiko Schuldt [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]
29Beat Signer [3]
30Manuele Simi [1]
31Ulrike Steffens [4]
32R. Vogl [4]
33Laura Voicu [1]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)