ECEH 2006:
Henrik Stormer, Andreas Meier, Michael Schumacher (Eds.):
European Conference on eHealth 2006, Proceedings of the ECEH'06, Fribourg, Switzerland, October 12-13, 2006.
LNI 91 GI 2006, ISBN 978-3-88579-185-0 BibTeX
- Hans-Jörg Schek, Gert Brettlecker:
Research Issues in Pervasive Information Mangement for Health Monitoring and e-Inclusion.
11-12 BibTeX
- Peter Haas, J. Sembritzki:
The European eHealth Initiative - Objectives and Solutions.
13-24 BibTeX
- Stefan Hüsemann, Michael Schäfer:
Building Flexible eHealth Processes using Business Rules.
25-36 BibTeX
- Günter Schicker, Freimut Bodendorf:
Process-based E-Service-Logistics for Healthcare Networks.
37-46 BibTeX
- Surya Nepal, John Zic, Gregoire Kraehenbuehl, Frederic Jaccard:
Secure Sharing of Electronic Patient Records.
47-58 BibTeX
- Dieter Hutter, Matthias Klusch, Melanie Volkamer:
Information Flow Analysis Based Security Checking of Health Service Composition Plans.
59-70 BibTeX
- Sigurd Eskeland, Vladimir A. Oleshchuk:
Anonymity Preserving Authorization Granting in Medical Information Networks.
71-82 BibTeX
- Konrad Walser, Thomas Myrach:
Intermediation in the Healthcare System: The Example of Switzerland.
83-94 BibTeX
- Anja Zöller, Christof Denz, Andre S. Baumgart, Hans-Joachim Bender, Essameddin Badreddin, Armin Heinzl:
Information Need and IT Demands for Business Process Reengineering in Operation Room Management.
95-106 BibTeX
- Stefan Jablonski:
Process Based Data Logistics: Data Integration for Healthcare Applications.
107-118 BibTeX
- Federico Bergenti, César Cáceres, Alberto Fernández, Nadine Fröhlich, Heikki Helin, Oliver Keller, Ari Kinnunen, Matthias Klusch, Heimo Laamanen, António Lopes, Sascha Ossowski, Heiko Schuldt, Michael Schumacher:
Context-aware Service Coordination for Mobile e-Health Applications.
119-130 BibTeX
- Patrik Fuhrer, Dominique Guinard:
Building a Smart Hospital using RFID Technologies.
131-142 BibTeX
- Dario Cerizza, Emanuele Della Valle, Doug Foxvog, Reto Krummenacher, Martin Murth:
Towards European Patient Summaries based on Triple Space Computing.
143-154 BibTeX
- Dimitri Konstantas, Richard Bults, Aart van Halteren, Katarzyna Wac, Val Jones, Ing Widya, Rainer Herzog, Barbara Streimelweger:
Mobile Health Care: Towards a Commercialization of Research Results.
155-166 BibTeX
- Heikki Helin, Tim Van Pelt, Michael Schumacher, Ahti Syreeni:
Efficient Networking for Pervasive eHealth Applications.
167-178 BibTeX
- António Lopes, Paulo Costa, Federico Bergenti, Matthias Klusch, Bastian Blankenburg, Thorsten Möller, Heiko Schuldt:
Context-aware Secure Service Composition Planning and Execution on E-Health Environments.
179-190 BibTeX
- Andreas Hein, Oliver Nee, Detlev Willemsen, Thomas Scheffold, Asuman Dogac, Gokce Laleci:
SAPHIRE - Intelligent Healthcare Monitoring based on Semantic Interoperability Platform - The Homecare Scenario.
191-202 BibTeX
- Sietse Dijkstra, Erik van Essen, Robert Westers:
Next Generation Network Infrastructure Enabling Telemonitoring Services.
203-214 BibTeX
- Kerry L. Taylor, Christine M. O'Keefe, John Colton, Rohan A. Baxter, Ross Sparks, Mark A. Cameron, Laurent Lefort, Uma Srinivasan:
A Data Network for Health e-Research.
215-226 BibTeX
- Anke Gericke, Robert Winter:
Situational Change Engineering in Healthcare.
227-238 BibTeX
- Kerstin Heuwinkel:
"Nursing ICT" Methodological Approach to Analyse Patients' Needs and Expectations.
239-250 BibTeX
- Juha Puustjärvi, Leena Puustjärvi:
The Challenges of Electronic Prescription Systems Based on Semantic Web Technologies.
251-261 BibTeX
- Katharina Wirtz, Martin Tauscher, Maria Zwerenz, Axel Munte:
Data Warehousing for Bavarian Out-Patient Public Health Care.
263-274 BibTeX
- Jerzy Blaszczynski, Michal Kosiedowski, Cezary Mazurek, Szymon Wilk:
Ontologies for Knowledge Modeling and Creating User Interface in the Framework of Telemedical Portal.
275-286 BibTeX
- Andreea Ionas, Andreas Meier, Ciprian Pop, Marco Savini, Henrik Stormer:
Using a Data Warehouse Approach for Mobile Patients.
287-297 BibTeX
Copyright © Sat May 16 23:08:00 2009
by Michael Ley (