
Ulrich Fiedler

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7EERainer Baumann, Ulrich Fiedler: Why QoS Will Be Needed in Metro Ethernets. IWQoS 2005: 379-381
6EEUlrich Fiedler, Bernhard Plattner: Using Latency Quantiles to Engineer QoS Guarantees for Web Services. IWQoS 2003: 345-362
5EEUlrich Fiedler, Polly Huang, Bernhard Plattner: Towards Provisioning Diffserv Intra-Nets. IWQoS 2001: 27-43
4 Marcel Dasen, Jonas Greutert, Ulrich Fiedler, Bernhard Plattner: IPTalk: IP-Telefonie mit DSS1 Dienstmerkmalen. Praxis der Informationsverarbeitung und Kommunikation 24(1): (2001)
3EEGustavo Alonso, Ulrich Fiedler, Amaia Lazcano, Heiko Schuldt, Christoph Schuler, N. Weiler: WISE: An Infrastructure for E-Commerce. Enterprise-wide and Cross-enterprise Workflow Management 1999: 2-9
2EEGustavo Alonso, Ulrich Fiedler, Claus Hagen, Amaia Lazcano, Heiko Schuldt, N. Weiler: WISE: Business to Business E-Commerce. RIDE 1999: 132-139
1EEUlrich Fiedler, Bernhard Plattner, Gustavo Alonso: Quality of Service in Business-to-Business E-Commerce Applications. SRDS 1999: 342-347

Coauthor Index

1Gustavo Alonso [1] [2] [3]
2Rainer Baumann [7]
3Marcel Dasen [4]
4Jonas Greutert [4]
5Claus Hagen [2]
6Polly Huang [5]
7Amaia Lazcano [2] [3]
8Bernhard Plattner [1] [4] [5] [6]
9Heiko Schuldt [2] [3]
10Christoph Schuler [3]
11N. Weiler [2] [3]

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)