
Michael Schumacher

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17EEDanny Weyns, Alexander Helleboogh, Tom Holvoet, Michael Schumacher: The agent environment in multi-agent systems: A middleware perspective. Multiagent and Grid Systems 5(1): 93-108 (2009)
16EEAlain Mowat, Roman Schmidt, Michael Schumacher, Ion Constantinescu: Extending peer-to-peer networks for approximate search. SAC 2008: 455-459
15EEMichael Schumacher, Laurent Grangier, Radu Jurca: Governing Environments for Agent-Based Traffic Simulations. CEEMAS 2007: 163-172
14EEMichael Schumacher, Laurent Grangier, Radu Jurca: Modeling and Design of an Agent-Based Micro-simulation of the Swiss Highway Network. EEMMAS 2007: 187-203
13 Michael Schumacher, Tim Van Pelt, Ion Constantinescu, Alexandre de Oliveira e Sousa, Boi Faltings: Discovering Semantic Web Services in Federated Directories. ICEIS (4) 2007: 283-286
12EEMichael Schumacher, Tim Van Pelt, Ion Constantinescu, Alexandre de Oliveira e Sousa, Boi Faltings: Federated directories of Semantic web services. SAC 2007: 368-369
11EEMichael Schumacher, Tim Van Pelt, Ion Constantinescu, Boi Faltings: WSDir: A Federated Directory System of Semantic Web Services. WETICE 2007: 98-103
10 Henrik Stormer, Andreas Meier, Michael Schumacher: European Conference on eHealth 2006, Proceedings of the ECEH'06, Fribourg, Switzerland, October 12-13, 2006 GI 2006
9 Federico Bergenti, César Cáceres, Alberto Fernández, Nadine Fröhlich, Heikki Helin, Oliver Keller, Ari Kinnunen, Matthias Klusch, Heimo Laamanen, António Lopes, Sascha Ossowski, Heiko Schuldt, Michael Schumacher: Context-aware Service Coordination for Mobile e-Health Applications. ECEH 2006: 119-130
8 Heikki Helin, Tim Van Pelt, Michael Schumacher, Ahti Syreeni: Efficient Networking for Pervasive eHealth Applications. ECEH 2006: 167-178
7EEMichael Schumacher, Sascha Ossowski: The Governing Environment. E4MAS 2005: 88-104
6EEHeikki Helin, Matthias Klusch, António Lopes, Alberto Fernández, Michael Schumacher, Heiko Schuldt, Federico Bergenti, Ari Kinnunen: CASCOM: Context-Aware Service Co-ordination in Mobile P2P Environments. MATES 2005: 242-243
5EEDanny Weyns, Michael Schumacher, Alessandro Ricci, Mirko Viroli, Tom Holvoet: Environments in multiagent systems. Knowledge Eng. Review 20(2): 127-141 (2005)
4 Michael Schumacher: Objective Coordination in Multi-Agent System Engineering - Design and Implementation Springer 2001
3EEMichael Schumacher, Fabrice Chantemargue, Béat Hirsbrunner: The STL++ Coordination Language: A Base for Implementing Distributed Multi-agent Applications. COORDINATION 1999: 399-414
2 Michael Schumacher, Fabrice Chantemargue, Simon Schubiger, Béat Hirsbrunner, Oliver Krone: The STL++ Coordination Language: Application to Simulating the Automation of a Trading System. ICEIS 1999: 292-299
1EEOliver Krone, Fabrice Chantemargue, Thierry Dagaeff, Michael Schumacher, Béat Hirsbrunner: Coordinating autonomous entities. SAC 1998: 149-158

Coauthor Index

1Federico Bergenti [6] [9]
2César Cáceres [9]
3Fabrice Chantemargue [1] [2] [3]
4Ion Constantinescu [11] [12] [13] [16]
5Thierry Dagaeff [1]
6Boi Faltings [11] [12] [13]
7Alberto Fernández [6] [9]
8Nadine Fröhlich [9]
9Laurent Grangier [14] [15]
10Heikki Helin [6] [8] [9]
11Alexander Helleboogh [17]
12Béat Hirsbrunner [1] [2] [3]
13Tom Holvoet [5] [17]
14Radu Jurca [14] [15]
15Oliver Keller [9]
16Ari Kinnunen [6] [9]
17Matthias Klusch [6] [9]
18Oliver Krone [1] [2]
19Heimo Laamanen [9]
20António Lopes [6] [9]
21Andreas Meier [10]
22Alain Mowat [16]
23Sascha Ossowski [7] [9]
24Tim Van Pelt [8] [11] [12] [13]
25Alessandro Ricci [5]
26Roman Schmidt [16]
27Simon Schubiger [2]
28Heiko Schuldt [6] [9]
29Alexandre de Oliveira e Sousa [12] [13]
30Henrik Stormer [10]
31Ahti Syreeni [8]
32Mirko Viroli [5]
33Danny Weyns [5] [17]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)