
Oliver Keller

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4 Federico Bergenti, César Cáceres, Alberto Fernández, Nadine Fröhlich, Heikki Helin, Oliver Keller, Ari Kinnunen, Matthias Klusch, Heimo Laamanen, António Lopes, Sascha Ossowski, Heiko Schuldt, Michael Schumacher: Context-aware Service Coordination for Mobile e-Health Applications. ECEH 2006: 119-130
3EEStephan Waack, Oliver Keller, Roman Asper, Thomas Brodag, Carsten Damm, Wolfgang Florian Fricke, Katharina Surovcik, Peter Meinicke, Rainer Merkl: Score-based prediction of genomic islands in prokaryotic genomes using hidden Markov models. BMC Bioinformatics 7: 142 (2006)
2EEMario Stanke, Oliver Keller, Irfan Gunduz, Alec Hayes, Stephan Waack, Burkhard Morgenstern: AUGUSTUS: ab initio prediction of alternative transcripts. Nucleic Acids Research 34(Web-Server-Issue): 435-439 (2006)
1 Klaus P. Jantke, Oliver Keller: Secure Systems Development -- The Evolving Integration of Validation and Verification. FLAIRS Conference 2001: 630-634

Coauthor Index

1Roman Asper [3]
2Federico Bergenti [4]
3Thomas Brodag [3]
4César Cáceres [4]
5Carsten Damm [3]
6Alberto Fernández [4]
7Wolfgang Florian Fricke [3]
8Nadine Fröhlich [4]
9Irfan Gunduz [2]
10Alec Hayes [2]
11Heikki Helin [4]
12Klaus P. Jantke [1]
13Ari Kinnunen [4]
14Matthias Klusch [4]
15Heimo Laamanen [4]
16António Lopes [4]
17Peter Meinicke [3]
18Rainer Merkl [3]
19Burkhard Morgenstern [2]
20Sascha Ossowski [4]
21Heiko Schuldt [4]
22Michael Schumacher [4]
23Mario Stanke [2]
24Katharina Surovcik [3]
25Stephan Waack [2] [3]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)