2009 |
83 | EE | Christoph Becker,
Andreas Rauber:
Requirements modelling and evaluation for digital preservation: a COTS selection method based on controlled experimentation.
SAC 2009: 401-402 |
2008 |
82 | EE | Rudolf Mayer,
Robert Neumayer,
Andreas Rauber:
Combination of audio and lyrics features for genre classification in digital audio collections.
ACM Multimedia 2008: 159-168 |
81 | EE | Jakob Frank,
Thomas Lidy,
Peter Hlavac,
Andreas Rauber:
Map-based music interfaces for mobile devices.
ACM Multimedia 2008: 981-982 |
80 | EE | Christoph Becker,
Miguel Ferreira,
Michael Kraxner,
Andreas Rauber,
Ana Alice Baptista,
José Carlos Ramalho:
Distributed Preservation Services: Integrating Planning and Actions.
ECDL 2008: 25-36 |
79 | EE | Hannes Kulovits,
Christoph Becker,
Michael Kraxner,
Florian Motlik,
Kevin Stadler,
Andreas Rauber:
Plato: A Preservation Planning Tool Integrating Preservation Action Services.
ECDL 2008: 413-414 |
78 | EE | Stephan Strodl,
Florian Motlik,
Kevin Stadler,
Andreas Rauber:
Personal & soho archiving.
JCDL 2008: 115-123 |
77 | EE | Christoph Becker,
Hannes Kulovits,
Andreas Rauber,
Hans Hofman:
Plato: a service oriented decision support system for preservation planning.
JCDL 2008: 367-370 |
76 | EE | Hannes Kulovits,
Christoph Becker,
Michael Kraxner,
Florian Motlik,
Kevin Stadler,
Andreas Rauber:
Plato: a preservation planning tool.
JCDL 2008: 428 |
75 | EE | Christoph Becker,
Andreas Rauber,
Volker Heydegger,
Jan Schnasse,
Manfred Thaller:
A generic XML language for characterising objects to support digital preservation.
SAC 2008: 402-406 |
74 | EE | Jakob Frank,
Thomas Lidy,
Ewald Peiszer,
Ronald Genswaider,
Andreas Rauber:
Ambient music experience in real and virtual worlds using audio similarity.
SAME 2008: 9-16 |
73 | | Christoph Becker,
Andreas Rauber,
Volker Heydegger,
Jan Schnasse,
Manfred Thaller:
Systematic Characterisation of Objects in Digital Preservation: The eXtensible Characterisation Languages.
J. UCS 14(18): 2936-2952 (2008) |
2007 |
72 | EE | Michael Dittenbach,
Helmut Berger,
Ronald Genswaider,
Andreas Pesenhofer,
Andreas Rauber,
Thomas Lidy,
Dieter Merkl:
Shaping 3D multimedia environments: the MediaSquare.
CIVR 2007: 85-88 |
71 | EE | Stephan Strodl,
Christoph Becker,
Robert Neumayer,
Andreas Rauber,
Eleonora Nicchiarelli Bettelli,
Max Kaiser,
Hans Hofman,
Heike Neuroth,
Stefan Strathmann,
Franca Debole,
Giuseppe Amato:
Evaluating Preservation Strategies for Electronic Theses and Dissertations.
DELOS Conference 2007: 238-247 |
70 | EE | Maristella Agosti,
Stefano Berretti,
Gert Brettlecker,
Alberto Del Bimbo,
Nicola Ferro,
Norbert Fuhr,
Daniel A. Keim,
Claus-Peter Klas,
Thomas Lidy,
Diego Milano,
Moira C. Norrie,
Paola Ranaldi,
Andreas Rauber,
Hans-Jörg Schek,
Tobias Schreck,
Heiko Schuldt,
Beat Signer,
Michael Springmann:
DelosDLMS - The Integrated DELOS Digital Library Management System.
DELOS Conference 2007: 36-45 |
69 | EE | Rudolf Mayer,
Angela Roiger,
Andreas Rauber:
Supporting Information Management in Digital Libraries with Map-Based Interfaces.
ECDL 2007: 475-480 |
68 | EE | Robert Neumayer,
Andreas Rauber:
Integration of Text and Audio Features for Genre Classification in Music Information Retrieval.
ECIR 2007: 724-727 |
67 | EE | Christoph Becker,
Günther Kolar,
Josef Küng,
Andreas Rauber:
Preserving Interactive Multimedia Art: A Case Study in Preservation Planning.
ICADL 2007: 257-266 |
66 | EE | Rudolf Mayer,
Taha Abdel Aziz,
Andreas Rauber:
Visualising Class Distribution on Self-organising Maps.
ICANN (2) 2007: 359-368 |
65 | EE | Rudolf Mayer,
Angela Roiger,
Andreas Rauber:
Supporting information management in digital libraries with map-based interfaces.
ICDIM 2007: 55-60 |
64 | EE | Robert Neumayer,
Rudolf Mayer,
Georg Pölzlbauer,
Andreas Rauber:
The Metro Visualisation of Component Planes for Self-Organising Maps.
IJCNN 2007: 2788-2793 |
63 | EE | Stephan Strodl,
Christoph Becker,
Robert Neumayer,
Andreas Rauber:
How to choose a digital preservation strategy: evaluating a preservation planning procedure.
JCDL 2007: 29-38 |
62 | | Robert Neumayer,
Andreas Rauber:
Multi-Modal Music Information Retrieval - Visualisation and Evaluation of Clusterings by Both Audio and Lyrics.
RIAO 2007 |
61 | EE | Andreas Rauber,
Birte Christensen-Dalsgaard:
Int. J. on Digital Libraries 6(4): 293-294 (2007) |
2006 |
60 | | Shigeo Sugimoto,
Jane Hunter,
Andreas Rauber,
Atsuyuki Morishima:
Digital Libraries: Achievements, Challenges and Opportunities, 9th International Conference on Asian Digital Libraries, ICADL 2006, Kyoto, Japan, November 27-30, 2006, Proceedings
Springer 2006 |
59 | EE | Rawia Awadallah,
Andreas Rauber:
Web-Based Multiple Choice Question Answering for English and Arabic Questions.
ECIR 2006: 515-518 |
58 | EE | Stephan Strodl,
Andreas Rauber,
Carl Rauch,
Hans Hofman,
Franca Debole,
Giuseppe Amato:
The DELOS Testbed for Choosing a Digital Preservation Strategy.
ICADL 2006: 323-332 |
57 | EE | Doris Baum,
Andreas Rauber:
Emotional Descriptors for Map-Based Access to Music Libraries.
ICADL 2006: 370-379 |
56 | EE | Rudolf Mayer,
Andreas Rauber:
Adding SOMLib Capabilities to the Greenstone Digital Library System.
ICADL 2006: 486-489 |
55 | EE | Andreas Pesenhofer,
Rudolf Mayer,
Andreas Rauber:
Improving Scientific Conferences by Enhancing Conference Management Systems with Information Mining Capabilities.
ICDIM 2006: 359-366 |
54 | | Thomas Lidy,
Andreas Rauber:
Visually Profiling Radio Stations.
ISMIR 2006: 186-191 |
53 | | Rudolf Mayer,
Thomas Lidy,
Andreas Rauber:
The Map of Mozart.
ISMIR 2006: 351-352 |
52 | EE | Georg Pölzlbauer,
Michael Dittenbach,
Andreas Rauber:
Advanced visualization of Self-Organizing Maps with vector fields.
Neural Networks 19(6-7): 911-922 (2006) |
2005 |
51 | | Andreas Rauber,
Stavros Christodoulakis,
A. Min Tjoa:
Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries, 9th European Conference, ECDL 2005, Vienna, Austria, September 18-23, 2005, Proceedings
Springer 2005 |
50 | EE | Andreas Pesenhofer,
Helmut Berger,
Andreas Rauber:
Supporting ECDL'05 Using TCeReview.
ECDL 2005: 535-536 |
49 | EE | Georg Pölzlbauer,
Andreas Rauber,
Michael Dittenbach:
Graph projection techniques for Self-Organizing Maps.
ESANN 2005: 533-538 |
48 | EE | Thomas Lidy,
Andreas Rauber:
Evaluation of Feature Extractors and Psycho-Acoustic Transformations for Music Genre Classification.
ISMIR 2005: 34-41 |
47 | EE | Robert Neumayer,
Michael Dittenbach,
Andreas Rauber:
PlaySOM and PocketSOMPlayer, Alternative Interfaces to Large Music Collections.
ISMIR 2005: 618-623 |
46 | EE | Georg Pölzlbauer,
Andreas Rauber,
Michael Dittenbach:
Advanced Visualization Techniques for Self-organizing Maps with Graph-Based Methods.
ISNN (2) 2005: 75-80 |
45 | EE | Georg Pölzlbauer,
Andreas Rauber,
Michael Dittenbach:
A Vector Field Visualization Technique for Self-organizing Maps.
PAKDD 2005: 399-409 |
44 | EE | Michael Dittenbach,
Dieter Merkl,
Andreas Rauber:
Serendipity in Text and Audio Information Spaces: Organizing and Exploring High-Dimensional Data with the Growing Hierarchical Self-Organizing Map.
Classification and Clustering for Knowledge Discovery 2005: 43-60 |
2004 |
43 | EE | Carl Rauch,
Andreas Rauber:
Preserving Digital Media: Towards a Preservation Solution Evaluation Metric.
ICADL 2004: 203-212 |
42 | | Mansoor Ahmed,
Hanh Huu Hoang,
Muhammad Shuaib Karim,
S. Khusro,
Monika Lanzenberger,
Khalid Latif,
Elke Michlmayr,
Khabib Mustofa,
H. T. Nguyen,
Andreas Rauber,
Alexander Schatten,
Tho Manh Nguyen,
A. Min Tjoa:
'SemanticLIFE' - A Framework for Managing Information of A Human Lifetime.
iiWAS 2004 |
2003 |
41 | | Andreas Rauber,
Dieter Merkl:
Text Mining in the SOMLib Digital Library System: The Representation of Topics and Genres.
Appl. Intell. 18(3): 271-293 (2003) |
2002 |
40 | EE | Elias Pampalk,
Andreas Rauber,
Dieter Merkl:
Content-based organization and visualization of music archives.
ACM Multimedia 2002: 570-579 |
39 | EE | Andreas Rauber,
Oliver Witvoet,
Andreas Aschenbrenner,
Robert M. Bruckner:
Putting the World Wide Web into a Data Warehouse: A DWH-Based Approach to Web Analysis.
DEXA Workshops 2002: 822-826 |
38 | EE | Andreas Rauber,
Andreas Aschenbrenner,
Oliver Witvoet:
Austrian Online Archive Processing: Analyzing Archives of the World Wide Web.
ECDL 2002: 16-31 |
37 | | Michael Dittenbach,
Dieter Merkl,
Andreas Rauber:
Organizing and Exploring High-Dimensional Data with the Growing Hierarchical Self-Organizing Map.
FSKD 2002: 626-630 |
36 | EE | Elias Pampalk,
Andreas Rauber,
Dieter Merkl:
Using Smoothed Data Histograms for Cluster Visualization in Self-Organizing Maps.
ICANN 2002: 871-876 |
35 | EE | Andreas Rauber,
Elias Pampalk,
Dieter Merkl:
Using Psycho-Acoustic Models and Self-Organizing Maps to Create a Hierarchical Structuring of Music by Musical Styles.
ISMIR 2002 |
34 | EE | Andreas Rauber,
Elias Pampalk,
Dieter Merkl:
Content-based music indexing and organization.
SIGIR 2002: 409-410 |
33 | EE | Andreas Rauber,
Robert M. Bruckner,
Andreas Aschenbrenner,
Oliver Witvoet,
Max Kaiser:
Uncovering Information Hidden in Web Archives: A Glimpse at Web Analysis Building on Data Warehouses.
D-Lib Magazine 8(12): (2002) |
32 | EE | Michael Dittenbach,
Andreas Rauber,
Dieter Merkl:
Uncovering hierarchical structure in data using the growing hierarchical self-organizing map.
Neurocomputing 48(1-4): 199-216 (2002) |
2001 |
31 | EE | Michael Dittenbach,
Andreas Rauber,
Dieter Merkl:
Business, Culture, Politics, and Sports - How to Find Your Way through a Bulk of News? On Content-Based Hierarchical Structuring and Organization of Large Document Archives.
DEXA 2001: 200-210 |
30 | | Erich Schweighofer,
Andreas Rauber,
Michael Dittenbach:
Improving the Quality of Labels for Self-Organising Maps Using Fine-Tuning.
DEXA Workshop 2001: 804-808 |
29 | EE | Andreas Rauber,
Markus Frühwirth:
Automatically Analyzing and Organizing Music Archives.
ECDL 2001: 402-414 |
28 | | Erich Schweighofer,
Andreas Rauber,
Michael Dittenbach:
Automatic text representation, classification and labeling in European law.
ICAIL 2001: 78-87 |
27 | EE | Michael Dittenbach,
Dieter Merkl,
Andreas Rauber:
Hierarchical Clustering of Document Archives with the Growing Hierarchical Self-Organizing Map.
ICANN 2001: 500-508 |
26 | EE | Andreas Rauber,
Alexander Müller-Kögler:
Integrating automatic genre analysis into digital libraries.
JCDL 2001: 1-10 |
25 | | Andreas Rauber,
A. Min Tjoa:
User Interfaces for Digital Libraries.
Mensch-Computer Interaktion im 21. Jahrhundert 2001: 73-81 |
2000 |
24 | EE | Dieter Merkl,
Andreas Rauber:
Representation of Document Archives for Interactive Exploration.
DELOS Workshop: Information Seeking, Searching and Querying in Digital Libraries 2000 |
23 | EE | Andreas Rauber,
Dieter Merkl:
Providing Topically Sorted Access to Subsequently Releases Newspaper Editions or: How to Build Your Private Digital Library.
DEXA 2000: 499-508 |
22 | EE | Erich Schweighofer,
Andreas Rauber,
Dieter Merkl:
Some Remarks on Vector Representations of Legal Documents.
DEXA Workshop 2000: 1087-1096 |
21 | EE | Andreas Rauber,
Harald Bina:
"'Andreas Rauber'? Conference Pages Are over There, German Documents on the Lower Left, .." - An "Old-Fashioned" Approach to Web Search Results Visualization.
DEXA Workshop 2000: 615-619 |
20 | EE | Philipp Tomsich,
Andreas Rauber,
Dieter Merkl:
Optimizing the parSOM Neural Network Implementation for Data Mining with Distributed Memory Systems and Cluster Computing.
DEXA Workshop 2000: 661-668 |
19 | EE | Andreas Rauber,
Michael Dittenbach,
Dieter Merkl:
Automatically Detecting and Organizing Documents into Topic Hierarchies: A Neural Network Based Approach to Bookshelf Creation and Arrangement.
ECDL 2000: 348-351 |
18 | EE | Michael Dittenbach,
Dieter Merkl,
Andreas Rauber:
Using Growing hierarchical self-organizing maps for document classification.
ESANN 2000: 7-12 |
17 | EE | Philipp Tomsich,
Andreas Rauber,
Dieter Merkl:
parSOM: Using Parallelism to Overcome Memory Latency in Self-Organizing Neural Networks.
HPCN Europe 2000: 136-145 |
16 | EE | Michael Dittenbach,
Dieter Merkl,
Andreas Rauber:
The Growing Hierarchical Self-Organizing Map.
IJCNN (6) 2000: 15-19 |
15 | EE | Andreas Rauber,
Philipp Tomsich,
Dieter Merkl:
parSOM: A Parallel Implementation of the Self-Organizing Map Exploiting Cache Effects: Making the SOM Fit for Interactive High-Performance Data Analysis.
IJCNN (6) 2000: 177-184 |
14 | | Dieter Merkl,
Andreas Rauber:
Digital Libraries - Classification and Visualization Techniques.
Kyoto International Conference on Digital Libraries 2000: 436-438 |
13 | | Dieter Merkl,
Andreas Rauber:
Uncovering the Hierarchical Structure of Text Archives by Using an Unsupervised Neural Network with Adaptive Architecture.
PAKDD 2000: 384-395 |
12 | | Andreas Rauber,
Harald Bina:
Visualizing Electronic Document Repositories: Drawing Books and Papers in a Digital Library.
VDB 2000: 95- |
11 | EE | Andreas Rauber,
Jan Paralic:
Cluster Analysis as a First Step in the Knowledge Discovery Process.
JACIII 4(4): 258-262 (2000) |
1999 |
10 | EE | Andreas Rauber,
Dieter Merkl:
SOMLib: A Digital Library System Based on Neural Networks.
ACM DL 1999: 240-241 |
9 | EE | Andreas Rauber,
Dieter Merkl:
Using Self-Organizing Maps to Organize Document Archives and to Charakterize Subject Matter: How to Make a Map Tell the News of the World.
DEXA 1999: 302-311 |
8 | EE | Andreas Rauber,
Harald Bina:
A Metaphor Graphics Based Representation of Digital Libraries on the World Wide Web: Using the libViewer to Make Metadata Visible.
DEXA Workshop 1999: 286-290 |
7 | EE | Andreas Rauber,
Philipp Tomsich:
An Architecture for Modular On-Line Analytical Processing Systems: Supporting Distributed and Parallel Query Processing Using Cooperating CORBA Objects.
DEXA Workshop 1999: 45-49 |
6 | EE | Andreas Rauber,
Dieter Merkl:
The SOMLib Digital Library System.
ECDL 1999: 323-342 |
5 | EE | Dieter Merkl,
Andreas Rauber:
Self-Organization of Distributed Document Archives.
IDEAS 1999: 128-136 |
4 | EE | Andreas Rauber,
Dieter Merkl:
Automatic Labeling of Self-Organizing Maps: Making a Treasure-Map Reveal Its Secrets.
PAKDD 1999: 228-237 |
3 | | Andreas Rauber,
Dieter Merkl:
Mining Text Archives: Creating Readable Maps to Structure and Describe Document Collections.
PKDD 1999: 524-529 |
1998 |
2 | EE | Dieter Merkl,
Andreas Rauber:
CIA's View of the World and What Neural Networks Learn from It: A Comparison of Geographical Document Space Representation Metaphors.
DEXA 1998: 816-825 |
1 | EE | Andreas Rauber,
Dieter Merkl:
Finding structure in text archives.
ESANN 1998: 179-184 |