
Minoru Sasaki

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12EEMasami Shishibori, Satoru Tsuge, Zhang Le, Minoru Sasaki, Yoshiki Uemura, Kenji Kita: A fast retrieval algorithm for the earth mover's distance using EMD lower bounds. IRI 2008: 445-450
11 Yuka Obu, Minoru Sasaki, Tatsuhiro Yonekura: A New Concept of the Search Engine for the Web API. WEBIST (2) 2008: 343-346
10EESatoshi Ito, Shinya Amano, Minoru Sasaki, Pasan Kulvanit: A ZMP Feedback Control for Biped Balance its Application to In-Place Lateral Stepping Motion. JCP 3(8): 23-31 (2008)
9EEHiroyuki Shinnou, Minoru Sasaki: Ensemble document clustering using weighted hypergraph generated by NMF. ACL 2007
8EESatoshi Ito, Yuuki Mizukoshi, Minoru Sasaki: Numerical analysis for optimal posture of circular object grasped with frictions. IROS 2007: 1545-1550
7EESatoshi Ito, Shinya Amano, Minoru Sasaki, Pasan Kulvanit: In-place lateral stepping motion of biped robot adapting to slope change. SMC 2007: 1274-1279
6EEMinoru Sasaki, Masahiro Ishimori, JongHyeong Song, Kazuhiro Hane: Tunable Vertical Comb for Driving Micromirror Realized by Bending Device Wafer. IEICE Transactions 90-C(1): 147-148 (2007)
5EEMasahiro Ishimori, Minoru Sasaki, Kazuhiro Hane: Micromirror with Two Parallel Rotation Axes for External Cavity Diode Laser. IEICE Transactions 90-C(1): 72-77 (2007)
4EEMinoru Sasaki, Hiroyuki Yamada, Yoonsu Nam, Satoshi Ito: Two-Degree-of-Freedom Control of a Self-Sensing Micro-Actuator for HDD using Neural Networks. ICARCV 2006: 1-6
3EESatoshi Ito, Yuuki Mizukoshi, Koji Ishihara, Minoru Sasaki: Optimal Direction of Grasped Object Minimizing Contact Forces. IROS 2006: 1588-1593
2EEMinoru Sasaki, Hiroyuki Shinnou: Spam Detection Using Text Clustering. CW 2005: 316-319
1EEXiaoying Tai, Minoru Sasaki, Yasuhito Tanaka, Kenji Kita: Improvement of vector space information retrieval model based on supervised learning. IRAL 2000: 69-74

Coauthor Index

1Shinya Amano [7] [10]
2Kazuhiro Hane [5] [6]
3Koji Ishihara [3]
4Masahiro Ishimori [5] [6]
5Satoshi Ito [3] [4] [7] [8] [10]
6Kenji Kita [1] [12]
7Pasan Kulvanit [7] [10]
8Zhang Le [12]
9Yuuki Mizukoshi [3] [8]
10Yoonsu Nam [4]
11Yuka Obu [11]
12Hiroyuki Shinnou [2] [9]
13Masami Shishibori [12]
14JongHyeong Song [6]
15Xiaoying Tai [1]
16Yasuhito Tanaka [1]
17Satoru Tsuge [12]
18Yoshiki Uemura [12]
19Hiroyuki Yamada [4]
20Tatsuhiro Yonekura [11]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)