
Jérôme Gracy

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7EEJérôme Gracy, Dung Le-Nguyen, Jean-Christophe Gelly, Quentin Kaas, Annie Heitz, Laurent Chiche: KNOTTIN: the knottin or inhibitor cystine knot scaffold in 2007. Nucleic Acids Research 36(Database-Issue): 314-319 (2008)
6EEJean-Christophe Gelly, Laurent Chiche, Jérôme Gracy: EvDTree: structure-dependent substitution profiles based on decision tree classification of 3D environments. BMC Bioinformatics 6: 4 (2005)
5EEJérôme Gracy, Laurent Chiche: PAT: a protein analysis toolkit for integrated biocomputing on the web. Nucleic Acids Research 33(Web-Server-Issue): 65-71 (2005)
4 Jean-Christophe Gelly, Jérôme Gracy, Quentin Kaas, Dung Le-Nguyen, Annie Heitz, Laurent Chiche: The KNOTTIN website and database: a new information system dedicated to the knottin scaffold. Nucleic Acids Research 32(Database-Issue): 156-159 (2004)
3 Jérôme Gracy, P. Argos: Automated protein sequence database classification. I. Integration of compositional similarity search, local similarity search, and multiple sequence alignment. Bioinformatics 14(2): 164-173 (1998)
2 Jérôme Gracy, P. Argos: Automated protein sequence database classification. II. Delineation Of domain boundaries from sequence similarities. Bioinformatics 14(2): 174-187 (1998)
1 Jérôme Gracy, Laurent Chiche, Jean Sallantin: A Modular Learning Environment for Protein Modeling. ISMB 1993: 145-153

Coauthor Index

1P. Argos [2] [3]
2Laurent Chiche [1] [4] [5] [6] [7]
3Jean-Christophe Gelly [4] [6] [7]
4Annie Heitz [4] [7]
5Quentin Kaas [4] [7]
6Dung Le-Nguyen [4] [7]
7Jean Sallantin [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

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