Volume 7,
Number 1-3,
- Robert B. Cooper, Robert D. Doverspike:
1-3 BibTeX
- Leonard Kleinrock:
Nomadic computing (keynote address).
5-15 BibTeX
- Michal Pióro, Piotr Gajowniczek:
Solving multicommodity integral flow problems by simulated allocation.
17-28 BibTeX
- Dong X. Shaw, Geon Cho, Hsuliang Chang:
A depth-first dynamic programming procedure for the extended tree knapsack problem in local access network design.
29-43 BibTeX
- Hon-Wai Chu, Danny H. K. Tsang:
Modified least loaded routing in virtual path based ATM networks.
45-57 BibTeX
- Frank Adelstein, Mukesh Singhal:
Real-time causal message ordering in multimedia systems.
59-74 BibTeX
- Theodora A. Varvarigou, Sid Ahuja:
A new model for fault and availability in complex multimedia services.
75-94 BibTeX
- Eric V. Slud:
Some applications of counting process models with partially observed covariates.
95-104 BibTeX
- Meera Balakrishnan, Antonio Puliafito, Kishor S. Trivedi, Yannis Viniotis:
Buffer losses vs. deadline violations for ABR traffic in an ATM switch: A computational approach.
105-123 BibTeX
- Zhi-Li Zhang, Zhen Liu, James F. Kurose, Donald F. Towsley:
Call admission control schemes under generalized processor sharing scheduling.
125-152 BibTeX
- Levent Gün, Theodore E. Tedijanto, Phillip F. Chimento Jr.:
Dynamic connection admission mechanisms for the Networking BroadBand Services architecture.
153-183 BibTeX
- Ivy Hsu, Jean C. Walrand:
Admission control and resource management for multi-service ATM networks.
185-207 BibTeX
- François Baccelli, Maurice Klein, Marc Lebourges, Sergei A. Zuyev:
Stochastic geometry and architecture of communication networks.
209-227 BibTeX
- Otis B. Jennings, William A. Massey:
A modified offered load approximation for nonstationary circuit switched networks.
229-251 BibTeX
- Nathaniel Grier, William A. Massey, Tyrone McKoy, Ward Whitt:
The time-dependent Erlang loss model with retrials.
253-265 BibTeX
- Nick G. Duffield:
Economies of scale for long-range dependent traffic in short buffers.
267-280 BibTeX
- Gerhard Haßlinger:
Semi-Markovian modelling and performance analysis of variable rate traffic in ATM networks.
281-298 BibTeX
- Yaakov Kogan, Yonatan Levy, Rodolfo A. Milito:
Call routing to distributed queues: Is FIFO really better than MED?
299-312 BibTeX
Volume 7,
Number 4,
- Luís Gouveia, Maria João Lopes:
Using generalized capacitated trees for designing the topology of local access networks.
315-337 BibTeX
- Enrico Del Re, Romano Fantacci, Carlo Manfucci:
A preemptive polling protocol for applications in wireless LANs.
339-353 BibTeX
- Heungsoon Felix Lee, Daniel R. Dooly:
Heuristic algorithms for the fiber optic network expansion problem.
355-378 BibTeX
- Zoran R. Petrovic, Vladimir M. Skulic, Milenko Cvetinovic:
Performance of the new ATM switch for B-ISDN.
379-390 BibTeX
- James P. Gray, Ajay D. Kshemkalyani, Stephen M. Matyas, Mohammad Peyravian, Gene Tsudik:
ATM cell encryption and key update synchronization.
391-408 BibTeX
Copyright © Sun May 17 00:25:29 2009
by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)