
Andrea Calvagna

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11EEAndrea Calvagna, Angelo Gargantini: A Logic-Based Approach to Combinatorial Testing with Constraints. TAP 2008: 66-83
10EEAndrea Calvagna, Aurelio La Corte, Sabrina Sicari: Mobility and quality of service across heterogeneous wireless networks. Computer Networks 47(2): 203-217 (2005)
9EEAndrea Calvagna, Giuseppe Di Modica: A cost-based approach to vertical handover policies between WiFi and GPRS. Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing 5: 603-617 (2005)
8EEAndrea Calvagna, Giuseppe Di Modica: Effects of the Vertical Handover Policy on the Performance of Internet Applications. ECUMN 2004: 358-366
7 Mario Bisignano, Andrea Calvagna, Giuseppe Di Modica, Orazio Tomarchio: Design and development of a JXTA middleware for mobile ad-hoc networks. Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks 2004: 177-182
6EEAndrea Calvagna, Giuseppe Di Modica: A user-centric analysis of vertical handovers. WMASH 2004: 137-146
5EEAndrea Calvagna: Design of a multimedia content-delivery service architecture for 3rd generation networks. Comput. Sci. Inf. Syst. 1(1): (2004)
4EEMario Bisignano, Andrea Calvagna, Giuseppe Di Modica, Orazio Tomarchio: Expeerience: A Jxta Middleware for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks. Peer-to-Peer Computing 2003: 214-215
3EEAndrea Calvagna, Giacomo Morabito, Aurelio La Corte: WiFi Bridge: Wireless Mobility Framework Supporting Session Continuity. PerCom 2003: 79-86
2EEOrazio Tomarchio, Andrea Calvagna, Giuseppe Di Modica: Virtual Home Environment for Multimedia Services in 3rd Generation Networks. NETWORKING 2002: 1221-1226
1EEAndrea Calvagna, Antonio Puliafito, Orazio Tomarchio: Design of a Media Service Provider Architecture for the Internet. ISCC 2000: 20-25

Coauthor Index

1Mario Bisignano [4] [7]
2Aurelio La Corte [3] [10]
3Angelo Gargantini [11]
4Giuseppe Di Modica [2] [4] [6] [7] [8] [9]
5Giacomo Morabito [3]
6Antonio Puliafito [1]
7Sabrina Sicari [10]
8Orazio Tomarchio [1] [2] [4] [7]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)