
Sam Prentice

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5EERuijie He, Sam Prentice, Nicholas Roy: Planning in information space for a quadrotor helicopter in a GPS-denied environment. ICRA 2008: 1814-1820
4EEChristian Plagemann, Sebastian Mischke, Sam Prentice, Kristian Kersting, Nicholas Roy, Wolfram Burgard: Learning predictive terrain models for legged robot locomotion. IROS 2008: 3545-3552
3EEAbraham Bachrach, Alborz Geramifard, Daniel Gurdan, Ruijie He, Sam Prentice, Jan Stumpf, Nicholas Roy: Co-ordinated Tracking and Planning Using Air and Ground Vehicles. ISER 2008: 137-146
2EEKatie Byl, Alexander C. Shkolnik, Sam Prentice, Nick Roy, Russ Tedrake: Reliable Dynamic Motions for a Stiff Quadruped. ISER 2008: 319-328
1EEBernd Heisele, Thomas Serre, Sam Prentice, Tomaso Poggio: Hierarchical classification and feature reduction for fast face detection with support vector machines. Pattern Recognition 36(9): 2007-2017 (2003)

Coauthor Index

1Abraham Bachrach [3]
2Wolfram Burgard [4]
3Katie Byl [2]
4Alborz Geramifard [3]
5Daniel Gurdan [3]
6Ruijie He [3] [5]
7Bernd Heisele [1]
8Kristian Kersting [4]
9Sebastian Mischke [4]
10Christian Plagemann [4]
11Tomaso Poggio [1]
12Nicholas Roy [3] [4] [5]
13Nick Roy [2]
14Thomas Serre [1]
15Alexander C. Shkolnik [2]
16Jan Stumpf [3]
17Russ Tedrake [2]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)