
Cristiano Pereira

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8EECristiano Pereira, Harish Patil, Brad Calder: Reproducible simulation of multi-threaded workloads for architecture design exploration. IISWC 2008: 173-182
7EENuno Gomes, Carlos Ramos, Cristiano Pereira, Francisco Nunes: Ubiquitous Ambient Intelligence in a Flight Decision Assistance System. EPIA Workshops 2007: 296-308
6EESatish Narayanasamy, Cristiano Pereira, Brad Calder: Recording shared memory dependencies using strata. ASPLOS 2006: 229-240
5EESatish Narayanasamy, Cristiano Pereira, Harish Patil, Robert Cohn, Brad Calder: Automatic logging of operating system effects to guide application-level architecture simulation. SIGMETRICS/Performance 2006: 216-227
4 Satish Narayanasamy, Cristiano Pereira, Brad Calder: Software Profiling for Deterministic Replay Debugging of User Code. SoMeT 2006: 211-230
3EECristiano Pereira, Jeremy Lau, Brad Calder, Rajesh K. Gupta: Dynamic phase analysis for cycle-close trace generation. CODES+ISSS 2005: 321-326
2EERavindra Jejurikar, Cristiano Pereira, Rajesh K. Gupta: Leakage aware dynamic voltage scaling for real-time embedded systems. DAC 2004: 275-280
1EEHans Van Antwerpen, Nikil D. Dutt, Rajesh K. Gupta, Shivajit Mohapatra, Cristiano Pereira, Nalini Venkatasubramanian, Ralph von Vignau: Energy-Aware System Design for Wireless Multimedia. DATE 2004: 1124-1131

Coauthor Index

1Hans Van Antwerpen [1]
2Brad Calder [3] [4] [5] [6] [8]
3Robert S. Cohn (Robert Cohn) [5]
4Nikil D. Dutt (Nikil Dutt) [1]
5Nuno Gomes [7]
6Rajesh K. Gupta (Rajesh Gupta) [1] [2] [3]
7Ravindra Jejurikar [2]
8Jeremy Lau [3]
9Shivajit Mohapatra [1]
10Satish Narayanasamy [4] [5] [6]
11Francisco Nunes [7]
12Harish Patil [5] [8]
13Carlos Ramos [7]
14Nalini Venkatasubramanian [1]
15Ralph von Vignau [1]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)