
Richard M. Salter

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11EERichard M. Salter, Robert D. Cupper, Stuart Hirshfield, Alexa M. Sharp: New models for the CS1 course: a fifteen year retrospective. SIGCSE 2009: 335-336
10EERichard M. Salter, John L. Donaldson: Abstraction and extensibility in digital logic simulation software. SIGCSE 2009: 418-422
9EERichard M. Salter, John L. Donaldson: Using DLSim 3: a scalable, extensible, multi-level logic simulator. ITiCSE 2008: 315
8EEJoseph M. Kimmel, Richard M. Salter, Peter J. Thomas: An Information Theoretic Framework for Eukaryotic Gradient Sensing. NIPS 2006: 705-712
7EERhys Price Jones, Fritz Ruehr, Richard M. Salter: Web-based laboratories in the introductory curriculum enhance formal methods. SIGCSE 1996: 160-164
6EEBarbara Boucher Owens, Robert D. Cupper, Stuart Hirshfield, Walter Potter, Richard M. Salter: New models for the CS1 course: what are they and are they leading to the same place? SIGCSE 1994: 364-365
5EEArthur M. Riehl, Daniel P. Friedman, Brian Harvey, Simon M. Kaplan, Richard M. Salter, George Springer: Using Scheme in the Introductory Computer Science Curriculum (abstract). ACM Conference on Computer Science 1993: 533-534
4EEArthur M. Riehl, Daniel P. Friedman, Brian Harvey, Simon M. Kaplan, Richard M. Salter, George Springer: Using SCHEME in the introductory computer science curriculum (abstract). SIGCSE 1993: 288
3 Michael C. Rubenstein, Richard M. Salter: Computationally Extended Logic Programming. Comput. Lang. 12(1): 1-7 (1987)
2 Richard M. Salter: Concurrent Applicative Implementations of Nondeterministic Algorithms. Comput. Lang. 8(2): 61-68 (1983)
1 Richard M. Salter, Terence J. Brennan, Daniel P. Friedman: Concur: A Language for Continuous, Concurrent Processes. Comput. Lang. 5(3): 163-189 (1980)

Coauthor Index

1Terence J. Brennan [1]
2Robert D. Cupper [6] [11]
3John L. Donaldson [9] [10]
4Daniel P. Friedman [1] [4] [5]
5Brian Harvey [4] [5]
6Stuart Hirshfield [6] [11]
7Rhys Price Jones [7]
8Simon M. Kaplan [4] [5]
9Joseph M. Kimmel [8]
10Barbara Boucher Owens [6]
11Walter Potter [6]
12Arthur M. Riehl [4] [5]
13Michael C. Rubenstein [3]
14Fritz Ruehr [7]
15Alexa M. Sharp [11]
16George Springer [4] [5]
17Peter J. Thomas [8]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)