
H. Kazerooni

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9EEH. Kazerooni: The Berkeley Lower Extremity Exoskeleton. FSR 2005: 9-15
8EEH. Kazerooni, Dylan Fairbanks, Albert Chen, Gene Shin: The magic glove. ICRA 2004: 757-763
7EEH. Kazerooni: The Berkeley Lower Extremity Exoskeleton Project. ISER 2004: 291-301
6 J. M. Tressler, T. Clement, H. Kazerooni, M. Lim: Dynamic Behavior of Pneumatic Systems for Lower Extremity Extenders. ICRA 2002: 3248-3253
5 Peter Neuhaus, H. Kazerooni: Design and Control of Human Assisted Walking Robot. ICRA 2000: 563-569
4EEH. Kazerooni: The human power amplifier technology at the University of California, Berkeley. Robotics and Autonomous Systems 19(2): 179-187 (1996)
3 Satinder Pannu, Greg Becker, H. Kazerooni: Stability of a One Legged Robot Using mi-Synthesis. ICRA 1995: 685-690
2 H. Kazerooni: The Extender Technology: An Example of Human-Machine Interation via the Transfer of Power and Information Signals. ISER 1995: 170-180
1 H. Kazerooni, M. G. Her: A Virtual Exercise Machine. ICRA (1) 1993: 232-238

Coauthor Index

1Greg Becker [3]
2Albert Chen [8]
3T. Clement [6]
4Dylan Fairbanks [8]
5M. G. Her [1]
6M. Lim [6]
7Peter Neuhaus [5]
8Satinder Pannu [3]
9Gene Shin [8]
10J. M. Tressler [6]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)