
Michael D. Naish

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6EENicholas D. Jankovic, Michael D. Naish: A Centralized Omnidirectional Multi-Camera System with Peripherally-Guided Active Vision and Depth Perception. ICNSC 2007: 662-667
5EEGreig L. McCreery, Ana Luisa Trejos, Rajni V. Patel, Michael D. Naish, Richard Malthaner: Evaluation of force feedback requirements for minimally invasive lung tumour localization. IROS 2007: 883-888
4EEAndrew C. Lyle, Michael D. Naish: A software architecture for adaptive modular sensing systems. SMC 2007: 177-183
3EEAnita Jain, Michael D. Naish: Building blocks for adaptive modular sensing systems. SMC 2007: 184-189
2 Nicholas D. Jankovic, Michael D. Naish: Developing a Modular Active Spherical Vision System. ICRA 2005: 1234-1239
1EEMichael D. Naish, Elizabeth A. Croft, Beno Benhabib: Object Surveillance using Reinforcement Learning Based Sensor Dispatching. ICRA 2004: 71-76

Coauthor Index

1Beno Benhabib [1]
2Elizabeth A. Croft [1]
3Anita Jain [3]
4Nicholas D. Jankovic [2] [6]
5Andrew C. Lyle [4]
6Richard Malthaner [5]
7Greig L. McCreery [5]
8Rajnikant V. Patel (Rajni V. Patel) [5]
9Ana Luisa Trejos [5]

Colors in the list of coauthors

Copyright © Sun May 17 03:24:02 2009 by Michael Ley (ley@uni-trier.de)